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September 24, 2024



Czech Republic

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Amnesty International condemns Czech EdMin's response to its report on discrimination of Roma

25.4.2015 0:18 On 24 April, Amnesty International (AI) sharply criticized the reaction of Czech Education Minister Marcel Chládek (Czech Social Democratic Party - ČSSD) to its recent report on discrimination against Roma in the Czech education system. AI says the minister's remarks that the report is not based on the true facts were counterproductive and prejudiced.  full story

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Czech EdMin says Amnesty International report is not based on true facts

24.4.2015 23:45 A recent report by Amnesty International (AI) criticizing the discrimination of Romani people in the Czech education system is not based on true facts, according to Czech Education Minister Marcel Chládek (Czech Social Democratic Party - ČSSD). The minister alleges that AI staffers learned from the Czech School Inspectorate that one of their suspicions was not confirmed but failed to inform Secretary-General Salil Shetty of that fact.  full story

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Renata Berkyová: Should the Czech Gov't Agency for Social Inclusion have been more "Romani"?

24.4.2015 21:33 Over the last few days, Martin Šimáček has become a popular face in the media in connection with his dismissal from the post of director of the Agency for Social Inclusion. The entire Agency staff and a noticeable portion of the public have protested the decision of Czech Human Rights Minister Jiří Dienstbier to remove him.  full story

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Czech Republic: OSF Prague agrees with ombud that "preparatory classes" are not the same as nursery schools

Czech Republic, 24.4.2015 6:05 The Open Society Fund Prague, which focuses on inclusive education, among other things, does not agree with the option of allowing children to complete their mandatory final year of preschool education by attending "preparatory classes". Like the Czech Public Defender of Rights (the ombud), Anna Šabatová, the foundation sees the threat that socially disadvantaged children will be segregated into such classes, according to the spokesperson for the foundation, Jitka Rabitsch Adamčíková.  full story

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Czech Republic: Hundreds protest anti-Semitism in Prague

24.4.2015 4:07 On Sunday, 19 April, hundreds of people participated in the 12th annual Good Will March (Pochod dobré vůle) in Prague. The event took place under the slogan of "Culture against Anti-Semitism" in the center of the capital.  full story

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Karel Holomek: Why might the director of the Czech Agency for Social Inclusion have been dismissed?

Brno, 24.4.2015 2:36 Czech Human Rights Minister Dienstbier has completely unexpectedly dismissed the director of the Czech Government Agency for Social Inclusion, Bc. Martin Šimáček. While he did not initially state the reasons for the dismissal on 17 April, he did so in a follow-up on 22 April.  full story

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Czech Republic: Theater as a victory over bullying and racism

24.4.2015 1:01 Bullying, manipulation and racism are the subjects of three plays that were presented last week by the Theater of the Oppressed (Divadlo utlačovaných) in Prague. This is a special form of theater in which actors create a situation of oppression on the basis of their own experiences and audience members get the opportunity to join the action and try to change the fates of the protagonists for the better  full story

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Commentary: Czech Human Rights Minister fights with social inclusion head while the "Nazis" laugh

23.4.2015 1:24 Czech Human Rights Minister Jiří Dienstbier has removed Martin Šimáček from his position as head of the Agency for Social Inclusion and both men have engaged in mutual recriminations in a public clash. The only people who are hugely enjoying this are probably the antigypsyists and the "Nazis", so what are we to make of what seems at first glance to be an absurd situation?  full story

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Czech town says it will block housing benefits for residential hotel dwellers

21.4.2015 23:39 The leadership of the Bohumín town council is threatening to block the housing benefits awarded to those living in residential hotels. As of May, applicants for this welfare benefit will need the consent of their local municipality to receive it.  full story

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Czech Human Rights Minister says Agency director removed over public tender errors

21.4.2015 17:03 Czech Minister for Human Rights, Equal Opportunities and Legislation Jiří Dienstbier held a special press conference today at which he said that Martin Šimáček has been removed from his post as director of the Czech Government Agency for Social Inclusion because he made administrative errors in public tenders and the concluding of contracts. Dienstbier said another reason for the removal was that Šimáček had refused to discuss the reorganization of the Human Rights Section at the Office of the Government, where the Agency is located, with his superior, Deputy Minister Martina Štěpánková.  full story

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Czech Human Rights Minister meets with Janov residents, few of them Romani

20.4.2015 18:26 Residents of the Janov housing estate in the Czech town of Litvínov (Most district) are calling the situation in the locality unmanageable. During a meeting today with Czech Human Rights Minister Jiří Dienstbier (Czech Social Democratic Party - ČSSD) the residents asked for concrete aid.  full story

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Czech ombud warns Education Ministry against perpetuating segregation

20.4.2015 16:17 The Czech Public Defender of Rights (the ombud) Anna Šabatová disagrees with the Czech Education's proposal that children be permitted to spend their mandatory final year of preschool in what are called preparatory classes. She is concerned that this could lead to such children being segregated from others from the very start of their educational careers.  full story

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Czech children's theater director to leave at year's end over allegedly racist remarks

20.4.2015 7:34 Speculation around the choice of Vlastimil Peška to direct the Divadlo Radost children's theater in Brno and the allegedly racist remarks he made during the job interview is continuing. Deputy Mayor of Brno Matěj Hollan, who is responsible for cultural and social issues, has announced that Peška should remain as director only until the end of the year, when he will evidently be replaced by Tomáš Pavčík, who was the hiring commission's second choice.  full story

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Czech Gov't Agency for Social Inclusion renews work in 10 locations

19.4.2015 1:03 At the start of April the Czech Government Agency for Social Inclusion renewed its collaboration with 10 cities, municipalities and a Regional Authority. The renewed collaboration focuses primarily on coordinating the drawing of social inclusion funds during the current European Union funding period.  full story

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Czech Deputy Human Rights Minister says changes will make Agency even stronger

18.4.2015 0:20 The Czech Government Agency for Social Inclusion, which falls within the purview of Czech Human Rights Minister Jiří Dienstbier (Czech Social Democratic Party - ČSSD), has organizational changes ahead of it. The Agency will soon stop working in its current form and should split into two sections.  full story

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Czech Gov't Agency for Social Inclusion staff protest removal of director

17.4.2015 21:35 Staff members of the Czech Government Agency for Social Inclusion have sent an open letter to Czech Human Rights Minister Dienstbier protesting his removal of the Agency's director. News server brings you their letter in full translation below.  full story

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Will the Czech Gov't Agency for Social Inclusion survive its director's departure?

17.4.2015 20:40 On Thursday, 16 April, Czech Human Rights Minister Jiří Dienstbier removed Martin Šimáček from his post as director of the Czech Government Agency for Social Inclusion. Šimáček said in an interview for news server that what lies behind the change is a law on state service that is about to take effect.  full story

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Czech Republic: Romani figures respond to removal of director of Agency for Social Inclusion

17.4.2015 19:10 News server has contacted Romani activists, experts and politicians for their reactions to the removal of Martin Šimáček from the post of director of the Czech Government Agency for Social Inclusion. We asked them 1) what they think of his removal and 2) whether they know what the reasons for it are.  full story

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Former director of Czech Gov't Agency for Social Inclusion says its future is uncertain

17.4.2015 18:13 The Czech Human Rights Minister has removed Martin Šimáček from his post as director of the Czech Government Agency for Social Inclusion. News server interviewed him about the impact of his removal and the reasons for it.  full story

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Czech Human Rights Minister removes director of Agency for Social Inclusion

17.4.2015 17:29 Yesterday the Czech Minister for Human Rights, Equal Opportunities and Legislation, Jiří Dienstbier, removed Martin Šimáček as the director of the Czech Government Agency for Social Inclusion. News server was the first to break the news today in the Czech Republic.  full story

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