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Miroslav Klempár: The value of a Romani life versus social norms

27.10.2016 9:52 What is the value of a human life? What is the life of a drug addict, a homosexual, a prostitute, a thief - or of a corrupt politician - worth?  full story

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Czech Republic: ROMEA journalist interviewed by Radio Wave about death of young Romani man

27.10.2016 9:15 The death of a young man last week was the culmination of a conflict between customers at a pizzeria in the Czech town of Žatec which local police officers intervened in. reporter Jitka Votavová has recapitulated what is known about the case in an interview for Radio Wave.  full story

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Twelve assemblies announced internationally to mourn the death of young Romani man in Czech Republic

27.10.2016 8:51 In response to the death of a young Romani man at a pizzeria in Žatec last week there have been and will continue to be several commemorative assemblies throughout the Czech Republic and England. News server is publishing a list here and will update it as new events are announced.  full story

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Czech Republic: Romani high school students receive scholarships at ceremony, sponsors are convinced education is an investment

27.10.2016 6:16 "The fact that we are here today, and that the hall is full to the last seat, is a testament to the fact that the allegations that Romani people are not interested in education are a myth. By coming here today, you are aiding in dispelling that myth. We thank you for doing that," said Jitka Votavová, who coordinates ROMEA's Scholarship Program for Romani Students of High Schools and Higher Vocational Schools on Monday, 24 October at the opening of the celebratory gathering of scholarship recipients at the Kaiserstein Palace in Prague.
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Czech actors and theater producers say political elites are failing the country

26.10.2016 16:18 The Association of Professional Theaters and the Actors' Association in the Czech Republic have issued a joint declaration called "We Cannot Stay Silent" in which they sharply criticize the behavior of the country's political elites. Czech President Miloš Zeman is the main target of their criticism.  full story

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UK: Romani family from Czech Republic convicted of human trafficking and slavery

26.10.2016 6:15 News server reports that the BBC has reported that five members of a Romani family from the Czech Republic have been convicted of human trafficking and slavery. The gang of two men and three women, all between the ages of 28 to 37, lured Czech citizens to the UK and then forced them to work and live in shocking conditions through various threats.  full story

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Czech report on extremism: Regional elections behind significant growth in extreme-right activity

25.10.2016 17:48 During the period from July to September this year, the Department of Security Policy of the Czech Interior Ministry noted a total of 79 events directly organized by politically-motivated extremist groups or attended by the members of such groups in large numbers. Of those, 46 were organized by extreme-right groups and just 22 by extreme-left groups and initiatives.  full story

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Patrik Banga: We Roma must not lower ourselves to the racists' level! Racism and threats are what we criticize

25.10.2016 15:26 Journalist Patrik Banga has posted to the Facebook page of the ROMEA organization calling on his fellow Romani comunity members not to lower themselves to the level of racists and to stop writing their own racist posts and calling for revenge in connection with the death of a Romani man in the town of Žatec last week. "Romale ... I am reading your posts on all of the discussion forums and on Facebook and I am sad. Many of us are calling for revenge, but you must remember that violence just breeds more violence. All of us want the same thing, and that is for there to be a proper investigation of what happened in Žatec. However, if we insult people, if we make threats, if we say racist things, if we use vulgar language, then we are just doing what we criticize others for doing. Please, let's not lower ourselves to the level of the racists," his message says.  full story

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Czech Education Ministry tracking Romani and socially disadvantaged pupils to prevent segregation

25.10.2016 13:58 As of November, the Czech Education Ministry will be researching how many Romani and socially disadvantaged children are studying in what kind of programs in both the mainstream primary and practical primary schools. The decision is in response to a judgment from the European Court of Human Rights in 2007 which found that the Czech Republic had discriminated against Romani children in education.  full story

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Czech Republic: ROMEA awards scholarships to Romani secondary school students

25.10.2016 10:27 More than 50 Roma students at higher vocational schools and high schools in the Czech Republic received scholarships yesterday in Prague from the ROMEA organization. The stipends aid those whose studies are endangered by their families' bad financial situations.  full story

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Czech Police in Ústecký Region seek eyewitnesses in the case of the Romani man who died in Žatec

24.10.2016 19:19 The Regional Directorate of the Police of the Czech Republic in the Ústecký Region published a call online today in connection with the recent case of the still-unsolved death of a young Romani man in the Czech town of Žatec. Police are asking that any eyewitnesses to the tragic incident provide them with testimony or any recordings from the scene.  full story

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Former Czech Human Rights Minister Michael Kocáb calls on Gejza Horváth to attend the Roma Spirit ceremony

24.10.2016 18:47 Michael Kocáb, the former Czech Human Rights Minister and head of the Roma Spirit project in the Czech Republic responded yesterday to the open letter published by Gejza Horváth, who has renounced his nomination for the Roma Spirit Award in the category of Romani Culture. Horváth published the letter two days ago through his Facebook profile in response to the death of a 27-year-old Romani man in a pizzeria in the Czech town of Žatec.  full story

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Pavel Botoš: After the events in Žatec I will never return to the Czech Republic

24.10.2016 17:52 Not long ago I decided not to comment about some of the events that have been taking place in the Czech Republic anymore. I decided this because I have been living with my family abroad for a long time and some of the information that reaches me can be significantly biased.  full story

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Jan Horvát: Romani people must unite over the death in Žatec. We can't ignore it!

24.10.2016 16:42 I, too, am following the situation around the death of our Romani brother - it is cruel and horrible. I haven't written anything for a long time, but like the rest of you, I cannot remain calm after this incident.  full story

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Five assemblies scheduled internationally to mark the death of a young Romani man in Žatec

24.10.2016 7:41 In response to the death of a young Romani man at a pizzeria in Žatec there will be several commemorative assemblies throughout the Czech Republic and abroad. News server is publishing a list here and will update it as new events are announced.  full story

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videoAnonymous eyewitness describes Romani man falling silent after punch to head

24.10.2016 7:17 According to an anonymous eyewitness who filmed the course of the incident in the pizzeria in Žatec on 18 October, one of the customers involved in assaulting the young Romani man who died there punched him in the head as he was prone, after which the victim stopped moaning. The eyewitness also claims that after the ambulance took the deceased away, the restaurant continued to do business and the customers present kept drinking.  full story

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Denisa Havrľová: We must all protest together, nobody has the right to take somebody else's life!

23.10.2016 22:07 Life is the most valuable thing our parents ever give us, and every parent loves his or her children selflessly and unconditionally. Not being a mother myself, I don't know to what degree I can really understand the feelings and sorrow of the parents of Miroslov Demeter, who has died so young.  full story

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Czech Republic: Memorial assembly this Thursday in Ostrava over Romani man's death in Žatec

23.10.2016 21:26 Romani residents of Ostrava have decided to hold a memorial assembly on Thursday, 27 October 2016 in solidarity with another such event in Žatec. The gatherings are being held because of the death of a young Romani man at a pizzeria in Žatec last Tuesday.  full story

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Czech Republic: Memorial assembly and march this Thursday in Žatec over Romani man's death

23.10.2016 19:49 In the Czech town of Žatec a memorial assembly and march will be held on Thursday, 27 October in connection with the death of a Romani man at a local pizzeria. Jan Čonka and Mikuláš Vymětal announced the gathering, called "Justice for the Romani Victims of Violence" (Spravedlnost pro romské oběti násilí), and have also informed news server of the bank account number to which people can send financial support for the family of the deceased young man.
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Miroslav Kováč on the death of a Romani man in Žatec: Latent institutional racism, lack of respect for human life

23.10.2016 18:29 In recent days I have been swamped by the various reactions that have contributed different perspectives on the death of the 27-year-old Romani father of two that occurred as a result of the incident at the pizzeria in Žatec under circumstances that have yet to be explained. On that fateful Tuesday evening, Miroslav entered the local pizzeria and caused a stir.  full story

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