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September 24, 2024



Czech Republic

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Survey on Czech Romani Inclusion Strategy: Does affirmative action make sense?

Prague, 24.2.2015 19:42, (ROMEA) On Monday, 23 February, the Czech Government approved two key documents, the Romani Integration Strategy to 2020 and a report on the fulfillment of the Strategy to Combat Social Exclusion. News server has contacted several figures with a survey of questions about these documents  full story

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Czech Republic: From anti-Romani demos to lack of social housing law, social inclusion is slow

Prague, 24.2.2015 18:48, (ROMEA) Is the fight against social exclusion succeeding in the Czech Republic? Do the most impoverished ghetto occupants have a chance at a normal life, at moving away from hopelessness and toward decent employment, education, and a life free of fear?  full story

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Czech Republic: From anti-Romani demos to lack of social housing law, social inclusion is slow

Prague, 24.2.2015 18:48, (ROMEA) Is the fight against social exclusion succeeding in the Czech Republic? Do the most impoverished ghetto occupants have a chance at a normal life, at moving away from hopelessness and toward decent employment, education, and a life free of fear?  full story

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Czech cabinet adopts Romani Integration Strategy to 2020

Prague, 24.2.2015 0:57, (ROMEA) On Monday 23 February the Czech Government approved its Romani Integration Strategy to 2020. The material includes measures in education, employment, housing and security policy that are intended to help reverse the adverse developments and deterioration in the situation of Romani people and compare conditions for them to those enjoyed by other members of the population.  full story

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Commentary: Boorishness triumphs at Czech Lion ceremony

Prague, 23.2.2015 20:50, (ROMEA) It might seem that this year's Czech Lion awards are a sign of greater maturity, openness, and self-criticism by this country about its culture, film criticism, and society in general. "The Way Out" (Cesta ven), an authentic, challenging drama about impoverished Romani people from a ghetto that viewers might find hard to watch was not only awarded best film, but won in the most categories overall.  full story

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Interview with Czech education reformer on legislative progress

Prague, 23.2.2015 19:29, (ROMEA) "The system has not yet facilitated an education for some children corresponding to their actual educational potential, which has a direct impact on their options for future professions. I believe the situation will finally begin to change now," says Klára Šimáčková Laurenčíková, who worked on reforming the schools in the direction of inclusive education at the Czech Education Ministry back when Ondřej Liška was minister. Today she is involved in the discussion of this issue as the chair of the Czech Professional Society for Inclusive Education (ČOSIV).  full story

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Film about Roma wins seven Czech Lion awards, but director doubts it means society cares

Prague, 23.2.2015 0:09, (ROMEA) This year's awards from the Czech Film and Television Academy, the Czech Lion, were dominated by "The Way Out" (Cesta ven), a film by Petr Václav. The most prestigious categories, such as best film, best director and best screenplay, all went to "The Way Out".
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Czech Republic: Even other Islamophobes reject the DSSS

Prague, 22.2.2015 22:26, (ROMEA) Even the current wave of anti-Islamic sentiment in the Czech Republic failed to attract a larger amount of people to an assembly convened by the Workers Social Justice Party (DSSS) against immigration and Islam yesterday. About 40 people turned out to listen to a speech by DSSS leader Tomáš Vandas on the Old Town Square in Prague.  full story

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Czech Republic: Demonstration in favor of receiving refugees

Prague, 22.2.2015 0:16, (ROMEA) Approximately 150 demonstrators gathered in Prague on 20 February for an event called "Refugees, welcome". The protest against racism and xenophobia aimed to support the reception of refugees by the Czech Republic, particularly those from war-torn Syria.  full story

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Romani actresses from "The Way Out" nominated for Czech Lion prize

Prague, 21.2.2015 20:32, (ROMEA) Petr Václav's film "The Way Out" (Cesta ven) has been nominated in six categories for the Czech Lion film prize, which will be awarded today, Saturday 21 February, at 20:00 in the Rudolfinum in Prague and broadcast live by Czech Television. Claudia Dudová has been nominated for best performance by an actress in a leading role, while Mária Ferencová-Zajacová has been nominated for best performance by an actress in a supporting role.  full story

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Czech Republic: Ultra-right demonstration against "Islamization" to be counter-protested

Prague, 20.2.2015 23:32, (ROMEA) On Saturday 21 February yet another demonstration against immigration and "Islamization", this time organized by ultra-right extremists from the Workers Social Justice Party (DSSS) will take place on the Old Town Square in Prague. A half an hour prior to the DSS event, a religious assembly "For peace and tolerance among people" has been announced at the same location, organized by the Christian initiative "To Live Together in Peace" and the Konexe association.  full story

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Czech Republic: Both sides appeal verdict over racist discussion posts

Prague, 20.2.2015 21:42, (ROMEA) News server was the first to report several days ago on the groundbreaking verdict handed down by the Municipal Court in Prague sentencing the publisher of the Parlamentní listy online tabloid, the OUR MEDIA company, to payment of a fine of CZK 150 000 (EUR 5 447) for failing to remove racist content posted to its online discussion board beneath two articles. Jan Holoubek, chair of the board of OUR MEDIA, has confirmed to news server that OUR MEDIA has now appealed.  full story

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Czech Republic: Did Romani people traffic in votes in Brno?

20.2.2015 1:55, (ROMEA) The question of whether a racketeering operation was involved in vote-buying during last fall's municipal elections in Brno depends on how racketeering is defined. On 17 February the Czech Constitutional Court overturned a decision that had invalidated the results of that poll in the Brno-sever municipal department.
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Czech court rules Romani NGO must return money to Regional Authority

Liberec, 20.2.2015 0:57, (ROMEA) The Liberec Romani Association (Liberecké romské sdružení - LRS) must return CZK 2.6 million (EUR 95 000) to the Liberec Regional Authority plus 8.05 % interest, according to a recent court verdict. The NGO will also have to pay CZK 133 000 (EUR 4 860) in court fees.  full story

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Czech Republic: "Counter-petition" asks for Romani inclusion in schools

Czech Republic, 19.2.2015 23:40, (ROMEA) Several years ago, the "white" parents of first-graders sent the following message to the director of a primary school in Brno: "We are asking that the first grade cohorts in the school be created such that the non-Romani children will be together in one and the Romani children in the other. We are warning you that if there are more than three Romani children in the class, we will enroll our children in a different school."  full story

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Czech poll finds more optimism, but also more fear of immigrants

Prague, 19.2.2015 21:27, (ROMEA) Last year the optimism of Czechs grew significantly in many areas of public life. According to most people, however, the situation with respect to immigration has deteriorated in the Czech Republic, as has the security situation.  full story

Drahomír Radek Horváth (photo: Saša Uhlová)

Drahomír R. Horváth: Czech Romani Integration Strategy is pure discrimination

19.2.2015 20:37, (ROMEA) From time to time I receive first drafts of Government materials to comment on before they make their way, as bills proposed by the Government, to the lower house. These materials are various concepts, strategies, strategic plans - even strategic "wars".  full story

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Concert against segregation this Saturday in Prague

Prague, 19.2.2015 16:30, (ROMEA) This Saturday, right beneath the statue of St. Václav on Wenceslas Square in Prague, brilliant music by many different bands will be played in response to the recent remarks by the Czech President stating that disabled pupils should be segregated in the schools. The concert will take place on 21 February at 15:00 and is free.  full story

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Do Romani media make sense?

Prague, 19.2.2015 15:13, (ROMEA) Do "Romani media" make sense? Are such media outlets just components of "ethno-business"?  full story

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Fifth anniversary of Czech court dissolving the neo-Nazi Workers Party

Prague, 17.2.2015 21:46, (ROMEA) Five years ago, on 17 February 2010, the Czech Supreme Administrative Court agreed with a Government motion to dissolve the ultra-right Workers' Party (DS). The court ruled in favor of the Government on its second attempt.  full story

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