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September 24, 2024



Czech Republic

Czech competition for "Twentieth Century Stories" announces winners

Prague, 16.12.2014 19:17, (ROMEA) Almost 7 000 people in the Czech Republic voted online for the biggest documentary competition, "Twentieth Century Stories", through which competitors discovered more than 3 000 forgotten eyewitnesses to events from the last century. There were 82 participants in the semi-final round of this second year of the competition.  full story

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Czech court handles case of bar attack in Děčín, defendants claim racism

Děčín, 16.12.2014 17:41, (ROMEA) On 9 December testimony was given by the final defendant, Zdeněk Jano, before the Děčín District Court in the main hearing of the case of an attack committed in July by three Romani youths against two non-Romani men and a woman. Peter Horvát and David Czigány face up to two years in prison if convicted of rioting and failing to provide first aid.  full story

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Czech town implements "zero tolerance" over shooting between two Romani families

Šternberk na Olomoucku, 16.12.2014 16:39, (ROMEA) News server Dení reported on 12 December that the town of Šternberk and local police applied security measures and a "zero tolerance" policy three weeks ago after a shooting took place between local Romani families. Today the situation is said to be calm.  full story

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Cyril Koky: Socially excluded Romani localities are a trap the state does not know how to close

Prague, 16.12.2014 15:28, (ROMEA) On Monday, 15 December 2014, the Department of Social Affairs of the Central Bohemian Regional Authority held a conference for 50 representatives of municipalities with extended jurisdiction and social services providers working in Central Bohemia on the topic of "The Issue of Social Exclusion". Cyril Koky, Romani Affairs Coordinator for the Central Bohemian Regional Authority, informed news server of the event.  full story

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Commentary: Czech Police beat people and expel them instead of "helping and protecting"

Prague, 15.12.2014 22:00, (ROMEA) What the Czech Police did on Saturday after the demonstration to save the Klinika Autonomous Cultural and Social Center looked like a very absurd performance taken from a documentary film about police brutality against demonstrators before the events of 1989. Police unnecessarily beat people up and shouted vulgar curses at the peaceful demonstrators, many of whom were girls.  full story

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Czech Govt Agency for Social Inclusion director says normal housing is the best gift for children in residential hotels

Prague, 15.12.2014 20:03, (ROMEA) News server Dení has published an interview with the director of the Czech Government Agency for Social Inclusion, Martin Šimáček. In it he discusses the sad prospects of children in excluded localities, indebtedness and other reasons for the current crises in many families, and Christmas.  full story

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Czech Communists call on their people in Duchcov to end governing coalition with ultra-right

Duchcov/Prague, 15.12.2014 19:02, (ROMEA) The chair of the Ústí Regional Committee of the Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia (KSČM) said Saturday that he will once again appeal to politicians in Duchcov elected for the party not to form a governing coalition with the right-wing extremist Workers' Social Justice Party (Dělnická strana sociální spravedlnosti - DSSS). Vojtěch Filip informed the Czech News Agency of the decision during a session of the KSČM Central Committee.  full story

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Czech SocDems close local organization over ultra-right coalition

Duchcov/Prague, 13.12.2014 20:04, (ROMEA) The Czech Social Democratic Party (ČSSD) closed its local cell in Duchcov today after its members there formed a local coalition government with the right-wing extremist Workers' Social Justice Party (Dělnická strana sociální spravedlnosti - DSSS). Czech Prime Minister Bohuslav Sobotka, the party head, proposed the motion to the Central Executive Committee of the ČSSD today.  full story

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Czech Police expert disagrees that Roma should stay away from anti-Romani demonstrations

Prague, 13.12.2014 0:12, (ROMEA) Last week a round table was held on the issue of violent hate crimes at the American Center in Prague. The gathering was held by Open Society Fund Prague for
representatives of nonprofit organizations and the state administration, and its aim was to reflect on the recent anti-Romani marches and the anti-Romani atmosphere in Czech society.  full story

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Čeněk Růžička: We demand review of the police procedure over Okamura's defamation of Romani Holocaust victims

Prague, 12.12.2014 23:11, (ROMEA) The chair of the Committee for the Redress of the Romani Holocaust (Výbor pro odškodnění romského holocaustu - VPORH) Čeněk Růžička,, the ROMEA organization, Michal Miko of the Slovo 21 association and Miroslav Kováč of the Equal Opportunities Party (Strana rovných příležitostí - SRP) have sent the District State Prosecutor for Prague 5 a motion to review the police procedure in the investigation of a report that Tomio Okamura, chair of the "Dawn of Direct Democracy" movement (Úsvit), committed the felony of denying, questioning, approving and justifying genocide. "In this matter we must take advantage of all the options afforded us by law. We cannot close our eyes to the kind of defamation of the memory of the Romani victims of the Holocaust that Tomio Okamura has perpetrated," Růžička previously told news server  full story

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Czech Republic: ROMEA meets with Romani job-seekers, debt collection and discrimination main concerns

Prague, 12.12.2014 22:06, (ROMEA) Almost 30 people gathered last week in the House of National Minorities in Prague to get more information about the processes of debt collection, job seeking and the welfare system as well as how to address discrimination in education and employment. Almost all of them had been involved during the past year with the ROMEA organization's "Support for Romani Employment in Prague (2013-2014)" project and have been doing their best to find work.  full story

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Czech SocDems to revisit coalition with ultra-right in Duchcov

Duchcov/Prague, 12.12.2014 20:04, (ROMEA) The governing body of the Czech Social Democratic Party (ČSSD) is scheduled to return to the situation in Duchov today, where local party members have created a
coalition government with right-wing extremists from the Workers' Social Justice Party (DSSS). Party leadership disagrees with the decision and wants to close the
local cell.  full story

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Czech trial reveals how years of prejudice can explode in violence

Prague, 12.12.2014 19:07, (ROMEA) At the start of December, the trial began of a man charged with committing racially motivated grievous bodily harm, violence against an ethnic group and individuals, illegal drug production, trespassing, property damage and making threats under the influence of addictive substances. The start of the trial at the Regional Court was marked by the recent ice storm; while an associate justice, the Regional State Prosecutor, all five witnesses and the attorney for the victims waited in vain for two hours in the corridor of the courthouse, the presiding justice was unable to make it there because of the ice.  full story

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Czech Government should have forced sterilization compensation plan outlined in six months

Prague, 11.12.2014 23:47, (ROMEA) The Czech Government should receive a proposal for the outlines of a law to compensate the victims of illegal sterilizations by mid-2015. Money from the state would then be paid to the victims during the current administration, which is slated to leave office in 2017.  full story

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Will the Czech catalog of support measures eliminate injustice in education?

Czech Republic, 11.12.2014 20:52, (ROMEA) Writing in the fourth issue of Škola all inclusive magazine, Petra Klimková reports that the catalog of support measures announced by the Czech Education Ministry is a breakthrough in many respects. Not only will teachers be able to have, for the first time, a clear, single list of all of the professional experience accumulated to date regarding the education of disadvantaged pupils, but the document will also aid in eliminating the many injustices to which some children are exposed in the schools.  full story

Czech Republic: Roma Spirit award given to the Slovo 21 NGO, the town of Žlutice, and journalist Iveta Demeterová

Prague, 11.12.2014 0:50, (ROMEA) In Prague today the Roma Spirit prize was awarded in five categories for improving the situation of Romani people in the Czech Republic. Romani Studies scholar Eva Davidová won the award for lifetime achievement, while the municipality of Žlutice won in its category and the Slovo 21 association won in the NGO category.
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Czech Republic: Roma afraid in town where ultra-right is in government

Duchcov, 10.12.2014 19:57, (ROMEA) Duchcov is one of the towns in the Czech Republic where today there are usually problems with interethnic coexistence. However, over the long run the situation there has been better than the larger cities of Ostrava or Ústí nad Labem.  full story

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Czech Human Rights Council member says segregation of Romani children in the schools is a disgrace to the politicians involved

Prague, 10.12.2014 18:20, (ROMEA) On the occasion of International Human Rights Day, which has been celebrated worldwide on 10 December since 1950 to honor the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Czech Minister for Human Rights, Equal Opportunities and Legislation Jiří Dienstbier met with representatives of the Government advisory bodies on human rights issues, most of which he chairs as minister. The central theme of the informal meeting was legislative measures that are forthcoming.  full story

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Czech Republic: Get involved in international survey about street harassment!

Prague, 9.12.2014 19:40, (ROMEA) The website, in collaboration with Cornell University, is currently undertaking a comprehensive international survey on street harassment. You, too, can contribute to it.  full story

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Czech Human Rights Minister to thank Govt advisory bodies on Int'l Human Rights Day

Prague, 9.12.2014 18:35, (ROMEA) On the occasion of International Human Rights Day tomorrow, 10 December, Czech Minister for Human Rights, Equal Opportunities and Legislation Jiří Dienstbier, who is also a serving Senator, will meet in the Czech Senate with representatives of the Government's advisory bodies on human rights topics, most of which he chairs in his role as minister. He wants to thank the civil society members of these bodies for their work to date and discuss what they have achieved, what remains to be done, what the prospects are for the future, etc.  full story

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