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František Kostlán

František Kostlán: Brexit is unwelcome because the British are great. Let's not be vindictive.

28.6.2016 7:14 The main reason Brexit is unwelcome hasn't been said yet: The British are great - they are simply themselves, with their experienced, ingrained democracy and their bravery, dedication and humanity. In other words, they have all the things we lack.  full story

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Petr Uhl: British Tories and the Czech ODS are two Trojan horses inside the EU

27.6.2016 14:47 The European Union should change. The form of that change, however, will now be the subject of much discussion, as there are very different ideas for it being proposed.  full story

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UK: "No More Polish Vermin" - adherents of Brexit assault foreigners on the streets

27.6.2016 12:19 After last Thursday's referendum deciding that Britain will leave the EU, reports of racist and xenophobic incidents there are multiplying. The number of these incidents is sparking concerns among Britons that the results have encouraged extremist elements in society, the Bloomberg wire service reports.  full story

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videoUSA: Neo-Nazis, racist KKK clash with opponents in California at demonstration, nine hospitalized

27.6.2016 11:32 After a demonstration by adherents of the extreme right in front of the seat of the Government of the state of California in the capital, Sacramento, nine people have been hospitalized, seven with stab wounds. The Associated Press reports that neo-Nazi parties clashed with their opponents.  full story

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Slovakia: Neo-Nazis assemble for hate demonstration, but many more counter-demonstrate against them

27.6.2016 11:02 Hundreds of people participated in a neo-Nazi demonstration and march on Saturday, 25 June in Bratislava "against the dictatorship of Brussels and for stopping the liquidation of Europe," as well as a concurrent assembly by those opposed to extremism. More than 10 extremists were detained by police and taken to stations for questioning.  full story

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Czech Labor and Social Affairs Minister meets with homeless people

27.6.2016 6:55 On 23 June an active group of homeless people from three Czech cities met in Prague with Czech Labor and Social Affairs Minister Michaela Marksová and a representative of the Regional Development Ministry, Housing Policy Department Director Jiří Klíma. Roughly 40 people gathered to discuss the planned law on social housing.  full story

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Most Czech regions uninterested in subsidizing lunches for impoverished children, some because they would be Romani

26.6.2016 20:37 For some time the numbers of children living in families who are in material distress has been rising in the Czech Republic, including the numbers of families who cannot afford to sign their children up for lunch at school. Even though ministries, nonprofit organizations, and Regional Authorities are aiding such children financially, the available money is not reaching all who need it.  full story

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Czech Republic: Extremists sentenced to almost 7 years in prison for arson attack

26.6.2016 16:18 Tomáš Kopecký and Michal Poláček, the men responsible for an arson attack on a residential hotel occupied by Romani people in the Czech town of Aš, will serve six years and nine months in prison. The High Court in Prague sentenced them on 22 June for racially-motivated attempted murder and reckless endangerment.  full story

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Record high number of 65.3 million people were forcibly displaced last year worldwide

26.6.2016 12:59 Last year the number of people forcibly displaced rose to 65.3 million worldwide. On 20 June the UN High Commissioner for Refugees reported that figure is a record high, with the number of forcibly displaced persons worldwide exceeding 60 million for the first time ever.  full story

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British educator, ashamed of his country's vote on remaining in EU, calls for referendum on exit terms

26.6.2016 10:13 Mark Penfold, an educator and founding member of the Roma Education Support Trust, has written the following letter in response to the results of the referendum on Brexit. News server republishes it here in full.  full story

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videoGoal of his career! Romani footballer Ricardo Quaresma sends Portugal to EURO 2016 quarterfinals

26.6.2016 9:04 Portugal has become the third quarterfinalist in the EURO 2016 football championship underway now in France. In yesterday's smash hit, Portugal, the winner of the "Czech " Core Group D, overwhelmed Croatia 1 : 0 in extra time after substitute Ricardo Quaresma scored a goal at 117 minutes.  full story

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Czech media analysis warns of pro-Kremlin websites: Dangerous propaganda and unfair reporting

25.6.2016 12:39 Pro-Kremlin websites in the Czech Republic, primarily the online tabloid Parlamentní listy, are exploiting sophisticated methods for manipulating public opinion that break all the rules of professional journalism. Those are the results of an analysis performed by political scientists at Masaryk University with the support of the European Values think tank.  full story

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UK police officer Petr Torák: I'm still in shock over Brexit

25.6.2016 10:28 Petr Torák, a Romani émigré from the Czech Republic, is a police officer who is more than successful in Great Britain. Last year he was made a Member of the British Empire for his work.  full story

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Czech PM says EU must become less bureaucratic, Slovak Govt tells its nationals in Britain not to worry yet

25.6.2016 9:30 The website of the Czech Embassy in London reports that Czech Foreign Minister Lubomír Zaorálek and Czech Prime Minister Bohuslav Sobotka have responded to the results of the referendum in the United Kingdom on its EU membership, which are that most voters have chosen to leave. The Slovak Foreign Ministry meanwhile has assured its citizens living and working in Britain that during the two-year transition period they do not have to fear any changes to their legal position.  full story survey: Roma from abroad living in Britain fear for their future after Brexit

24.6.2016 21:22 Romani people from abroad who are living in Great Britain are not enthusiastic about the results of the referendum on leaving the European Union. Britons have decided to leave the EU and all immigrants there suddenly do not know what exactly lies in store for them.  full story

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Pavel Botoš: Brexit will cause big problems for Romani families from abroad now living in Britain

24.6.2016 18:30 Yesterday Britain's referendum decided in favor of leaving the European Union. After counting all of the votes, 51.9 % of those cast favored leaving the EU as compared to 48.1 % who favored remaining.  full story

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Brexit: Great Britain says it wants to leave the European Union

24.6.2016 7:13 The BBC, ITV and Sky News are forecasting that British voters have decided to leave the European Union. While the media are reporting the referendum outcome as
irreversible, reportedly neither camp has yet achieved the 16.4 million votes said to be necessary to declare victory.  full story

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UNICEF: Unaccompanied minors increasing among refugees

23.6.2016 8:35 Among the asylum-seekers traveling from Africa to Italy by sea there have been 7 009 unaccompanied minors so far this year. That is double the number of children who traveled alone last year.  full story

Czech President calls DSSS party neo-Nazis, they say he parrots them on issue of migrants

23.6.2016 7:00 Speaking at the commemorative ceremony marking the anniversary of the obliteration of the village of Lidice during the Second World War, Czech President Miloš Zeman
warned against neo-Nazism, saying that it is inconspicuously beginning to threaten Czech society. His remarks on 11 June marked the 74th anniversary of the annihilation of the village by Nazi soldiers and specifically mentioned the members of the Workers Social Justice Party (DSSS) in the Czech Republic and the ultra-right party led by Marian Kotleba in Slovakia, calling them both neo-Nazis.  full story

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Czech-language internet users, Roma included, fall for debunked hoax about mass wedding of adults and children

22.6.2016 7:33 A long-debunked hoax about an alleged wedding between 450 little girls and adult men has been spreading online once more in the Czech Republic. This particular hoax was first spread in 2009.  full story

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