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Czech Police given suspended sentences along with civilian who beat Romani youth and threatened to kill him

23.3.2016 23:23 Yesterday a court in the Czech Republic handed down three suspended sentences against the perpetrators of an assault on a Romani youth that happened at the end of January 2015 and was first reported by news server The trial did not prove that the two defendants who were police officers were responsible for the attack, but did punish them for merely observing the behavior of the third defendant who perpetrated the violence.  full story

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David Beňák on the Czech inclusive education debate, the invisible, and the unheard

23.3.2016 21:27 Educating all children together is a basic, normal approach to education that must be the standard in the Czech Republic. It is a good standard to set ourselves.  full story

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Czech Interior Ministry not allowing party to add "Bloc against Islam" to its name

22.3.2016 19:58 The Czech Interior Ministry has denied permission to the Úsvit-Národní koalice (Dawn-National Coalition) political party to change its name to "Úsvit s Blokem proti islámu" (Dawn with the Bloc against Islam). Party chair Miroslav Lidinský informed journalists of the decision today.  full story

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Analysis: Czech daily reprints eight-year-old dissenting opinions of Strasbourg judgment on racial discrimination in education

22.3.2016 18:20 The Czech daily Právo has published a report on the dissenting opinions of judges on the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg stating that the Czech Republic lost the D.H. case at that venue in 2007 because the state had attempted to educate Romani people. The fact that the statements are eight years old did not prevent the daily from making them the main story of yesterday's edition.  full story

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Slovak municipality opened playground with segregated use rules - Romani children on even-numbered days only

21.3.2016 15:09 The Slovak municipality of Hrčeľ has introduced special rules for using its multi-functional playground that was funded with EU monies in 2012 - Romani children can use it on even-numbered days and "the rest" of the citizenry can use it on odd-numbered days. The sign announcing the rules to those visiting the playground was also still accessible on the municipality's website this past weekend, according to news server  full story

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Analysis: Czech tabloid launches campaign against inclusive education

20.3.2016 18:30 The Czech tabloid Blesk launched a campaign against inclusive education several weeks ago. It began by spending a week depicting inclusive education to its readers by way of clichés, lies and myths about the destruction of the Czech school system.  full story

The building of the Central European University in Budapest, Hungary. (PHOTO:  VinceB, Wikimedia Commons)

Hungary: Deadline is 24 April for undergraduate applicants to Roma Graduate Preparation Program at Central European University

18.3.2016 19:35 The Central European University (CEU), which is headquartered in Budapest, has announced it is taking applications from Romani students for the 2016-2017 academic year. The program, entitled Roma Graduate Preparation Program (RGPP), focuses on an intensive, two-semester preparation of undergraduates, especially those in the social sciences, to continue on to a Master's program.  full story

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International experts: Friendly approach from teachers toward families essential to successful inclusive education

18.3.2016 18:17 International experts who presented at the recent "School for All" conference in the Czech Republic described several factors key to the success of educating children living with disabilities together with other children. Those factors include collaborating with families, a friendly approach from teachers, the involvement of other experts, emphasis on the progress of each pupil, and the societal perception that the inclusive model of education is the correct way forward.  full story

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Czech real estate agency fined for refusing to lease to Roma

18.3.2016 14:51 The Czech Trade Inspection Authority (Česká obchodní inspekce - ČOI) has fined a real estate agent in Brno CZK 20 000 (EUR 740) for discriminating against Romani people interested in leasing housing through them. During a recorded telephone inquiry about an apartment for lease, the broker told the prospective tenants that the building owners did not want Romani people living there.  full story

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Hungarian teachers take to the streets seeking integration of Roma and apology from PM

17.3.2016 22:26 On 15 March, the biggest state holiday in Hungary, tens of thousands of teachers took to the streets in Budapest. They have been expressing their disagreement more and more resolutely with the events of recent months and their growing dissatisfaction with the Hungarian Government's education policy.  full story

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Czech Republic: Two-day conference on inclusive education underway

17.3.2016 19:17 On Wednesday and Thursday 16-17 2016 March the "School for All" (Škola pro všechny) conference on inclusive education took place at Impact Hub Praha in the Czech capital. The aim of the conference was to discuss how an inclusive approach can interconnect various areas of education and transform the conception of the school environment.  full story

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Czech right-wing radicals found guilty of inciting hatred of Jewish people, will appeal

16.3.2016 23:47 The chair of the ultra-right National Democracy party, Adam B. Bartoš, and his fellow party member Ladislav Zemánek are guilty of making anti-Jewish statements at the grave of Anežka Hrůzová in the Czech town of Polná. Judge Tereza Jedličková of Jihlava has handed down the verdict, which has yet to take effect.  full story

Kotleba, Vandas a další členové Dělnické strany sociální spravedlnosti.

Slovakia: Anti-fascists ask Prosecutor-General to dissolve ultra-right party

16.3.2016 22:29 The organizers of the anti-fascist march in the center of Bratislava on 7 March against the ultra-right party called "Kotleba - People's Party Our Slovakia" (LSNS), which was attended by as many as 3 000 people after the party scored victories in the Parliamentary elections, are now calling for the LSNS to be dissolved. They have delivered a letter to Jaromír Čižnár, the Prosecutor-General of the Slovak Republic, asking him to take advantage of his powers and file a motion with the Slovak Supreme Court for Kotleba's party to be dissolved.  full story

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Czech NGO report finds Muslims and Roma most frequent victims of hate violence

16.3.2016 18:16 A total of 86 cases of hate violence in the Czech Republic were recorded during the year 2014 by the In IUSTITIA organization, which aids the victims of such crimes. The incidents most frequently happened because of the victims' actual or perceived ethnicity, nationality, or religious faith.  full story

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Slovak Regional Governor cancels theater production he doesn't like

16.3.2016 14:55 The ultra-right Governor of the Banska Bystrica Region, Marián Kotleba, has ordered the early closure of a theatrical production that he does not like, allegedly because it uses indecent expressions. News server reported that Kotleba's office had commissioned the play for performance at a teacher appreciation celebration in the town of Brezno.  full story

Slovak Police investigating suspicions of vote-buying in Romani settlements

15.3.2016 17:49 Police in Slovakia are investigating whether vote-buying has occurred in two Romani settlements in eastern Slovakia, where two lesser-known candidates for the governing party Směr-Sociální Demokracie (Direction-Social Democracy - Směr-SD), Peter Chudík and Stanislav Kubánek, won many more preferential votes than Slovak PM Robert Fico, the party's chair and most popular politician. Parliamentary elections were held in Slovakia more than a week ago.  full story

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Czech Republic: Museum of Romani Culture holds commemorative ceremony on anniversary of genocide of Bohemian and Moravian Roma

14.3.2016 19:48 A commemorative ceremony marking the first mass transport of Romani men, women and children from the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia to the Auschwitz concentration camp was held last week in Brno. The trains to Auschwitz set out on 7 March 1943 from the local municipally-run animal slaughterhouses.  full story

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videoVideo footage shows recently-elected Slovak MP attacking Arab family including children last year

14.3.2016 18:41 Milan Mazurek (age 22) is a violent racist who will be seated in the Slovak Parliament on behalf of Marian Kotleba's fascist party, the People's Party Our Slovakia (Lidová strana Naše Slovensko - LSNS), as was documented last year when he vulgarly shouted at an Arab family with children who were being protected by police officers when extremists began throwing rocks at them during an anti-immigrant demonstration in Bratislava. Mazurek will be seated instead of the originally-elected LSNS candidate, who has had to give up his Parliamentary seat because he is being prosecuted for having assaulted a dark-skinned foreign national in 2014.  full story

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Czech Republic: 1 200 local Holocaust victims commemorated in Tábor

14.3.2016 18:07 A commemorative ceremony today in the South Bohemian town of Tábor honored the approximately 1 200 people from the area who did not survive the Holocaust during the Second World War. The event, called REMEMBER! (PAMATUJ!) was held at the Church of Saint Philip and Jacob and at the Old Jewish Cemetery in Tábor, Jakub Smrčka of the Hadasa Tábor civic association, which organized the event, told the Czech News Agency.  full story

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Czech Interior Ministry appealing municipal decision on gallows at anti-refugee hate demonstration

13.3.2016 19:07 The Czech Interior Ministry is appealing a municipal decision finding that those who brought mock-ups of gallows to a demonstration last year did not commit any wrongdoing. Prague City Hall will now be addressing the dispute.  full story

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