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September 23, 2024



Czech Republic

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videoCzech Republic: DSSS supporters attempt pogrom on Romani residents of Ostrava once more

Ostrava, 27.9.2013 22:10, (ROMEA) Supporters of the Workers' Social Justice Party (Dělnická strana sociální spravedlnosti - DSSS) attempted yet another pogrom on Romani residents of Ostrava today shortly before 7 PM. A mob did its best to attack a residential hotel predominantly occupied by Romani tenants.  full story

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Czech Govt Human Rights Commissioner: We must know how many Romani pupils are taught as "lightly mentally disabled"

Prague, 27.9.2013 18:02, (ROMEA) At the start of this week, the Czech School Inspectorate called on the directors of all schools teaching five or more pupils with light mental disability in the 2013-2013 academic year (i.e., according to the Framework Educational Program for Primary Education of Pupils with Light Brain Dysfunction) to complete a questionnaire with updated information about their schools. One of the questions asks the directors to provide their professional estimate of the number of Romani pupils in each class.  full story

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Romani candidate for Czech Social Democrats: Politicians must have the courage to condemn racist demonstrations

Prague, 27.9.2013 17:05, (ROMEA) The Czech daily Hospodářské noviny has interviewed David Beňák, a Romani man actively involved in ethnic issues whom the Prague cell of the Czech Social Democrats (ČSSD) has placed as number 9 on their candidate list for the lower house. The 34-year-old social worker says political courage is lacking in the current atmosphere in the Czech Republic.  full story

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Patrik Banga: Counting Romani children in the schools? Yes!

Prague, 27.9.2013 1:07, (ROMEA) The Czech School Inspectorate has asked school directors to count the number of Romani pupils with light mental disability in their schools. The Czech Education Ministry needs this data in order to demonstrate to the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg that the number of Romani children ending up with the "light mental disability" label because of prejudice has been decreasing in the Czech Republic.  full story

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Czech Gov't Agency for Social Inclusion finds Předlice residents have almost no chance of better housing

Ústí nad Labem, 26.9.2013 23:42, (ROMEA) Předlice, the municipal department of Ústí nad Labem primarily known to the public because of its derelict buildings that threaten the lives of their tenants and its problems with owners not repairing them has become the subject of a study published today by the Czech Government Agency for Social Inclusion. The research investigated how local institutions are involved in addressing the situation there and makes recommendations to the municipal department, the town hall and other public administration units on how to proceed in similar cases.  full story

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Lukáš Houdek: When Romani people don't speak "gypsy" right

Prague, 26.9.2013 22:44, (ROMEA) Here it is! Romani people causing problems once more!  full story

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David Beňák: Affordable housing policy would eliminate need for special welfare

Prague, 25.9.2013 17:55, (ROMEA) The general affordability of housing in the Czech Republic varies widely. There are also many problems on the housing market, including discrimination.  full story

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Czech Republic: Non-Romani parents don't want their children in school with Romani ones

Prague, 23.9.2013 23:08, (ROMEA) The new school year only began a few weeks ago in the Czech Republic, but in some places non-Romani parents are quickly changing the schools their first-graders are attending. The parents are bothered by what they view as high numbers of Romani children also attending the schools and believe their presence is holding all of the pupils back.  full story

Czech School Inspectorate wants to count Romani pupils at "special" schools

Prague, 23.9.2013 21:22, (ROMEA) The Czech School Inspectorate wants to once again count the number of Romani pupils attending the "practical primary schools" (previously called "special" schools). According to the Association of Special Educators (Asociace speciálních pedagogů - ASP), however, that is neither permitted nor possible.  full story

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Czech Republic: More than 100 people demand investigation of social work in Litvínov

Czech Republic, 23.9.2013 17:25, (ROMEA) Members of the social welfare department of the Czech town of Litvínov, accompanied by municipal police and a reporter with a video camera, recently paid unannounced visits to allegedly troubled families, primarily Romani ones, to see whether adult family members were using alcohol or drugs in the presence of their children. Zuzana Candigliota, legal director of the League of Human Rights (Liga lidských práv) says the staff of these public authorities exceeded their official powers during the incidents.  full story

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"Czech Lions" experience yet another debacle - march in Přerov cancelled for lack of interest

Přerov, 21.9.2013 20:18, (ROMEA) Approximately 40 neo-Nazis gathered today for an anti-Romani assembly convened by right-wing extremists from the "Czech Lions" (Čeští lvi) organization on T. G. Masaryk Square in the town of Přerov. The organizer cancelled the planned march 40 minutes into the gathering because of low turnout.  full story

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Czech Republic: Ultra-right extremists now candidates for the "Heads Up!" bloc

Prague, 21.9.2013 18:34, (ROMEA) The "Heads Up!" (Hlava vzhůru!) bloc is running in the Czech Republic's early elections with the slogan "We fight for you!", but a more apt slogan for the group might be "We pick fights with you". Two right-wing extremists are among its candidates, as is a politician infamous for her previous racist remarks.  full story

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Czech Republic: Neo-Nazis to march in Přerov, "Let's Block the Marches!" announces counter-action

Přerov, 19.9.2013 20:47, (ROMEA) Right-wing extremists are planning to visit Přerov for an officially announced demonstration including a two-kilometer march through the town this Saturday. The route will lead past Romani localities.  full story

Czech Republic: Racists spread false statistics about Roma, implying they are official

Prague, 17.9.2013 23:33, (ROMEA) The Sociological Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (Sociologický ústav AV ČR, v.v.i.) is distancing itself from the falsified data about the Romani population in the Czech Republic now being spread through blogs and other media outlets. The data concerned did not originate with the Sociological Institute, nor was it produced by any other governmental or research organization in the Czech Republic.  full story

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Czech Green Party chair: All of society must collaborate on building the road out of the ghetto

17.9.2013 22:25, (ROMEA) During the launch of the Green Party's electoral campaign, news server spoke with Green Party chair Ondřej Liška. Human rights considerations, according to Liška, play only a weak role in Czech politics.  full story

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Czech sociologist hopes "war of nerves" before elections does not result in violence

Prague, 17.9.2013 0:28, (ROMEA) In the context of the upcoming early elections, increased activity by the right-wing extremist DSSS party and the exploitation of Romani-related issues can be expected in the Czech Republic. The series of organized anti-Roma demonstrations in recent weeks has made it clear how DSSS chair Tomáš Vandas and his promoters will most likely behave going forward.  full story

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Czech Republic: Litvínov police and social workers cause scandal

Litvínov, 16.9.2013 23:26, (ROMEA) The Litvínov social welfare department, accompanied by municipal police and a reporter with a video camera, has been cracking down on allegedly troubled families, most of them Romani, to determine whether they have been using alcohol or taking drugs in the presence of their children. According to Zuzana Candigliota, the legal director of the League of Human Rights (Liga lidských práv), the municipal police and social welfare department staffs have exceeded their powers.  full story

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Czech human rights defender calls for media regulation in light of anti-Roma events

16.9.2013 21:26, (ROMEA) Anna Šabatová, a human rights defender and former chair of the Czech Helsinki Committee, says educating children in the schools to be racially tolerant and regulating the media and public discussions are the cure for widespread anti-Romani sentiment in society. The Czech Security Information Service (Bezpečnostní informační služba - BIS) has recently joined the Czech Helsinki Committee in warning of the dangers of antigypsyism in the country, reporting that anti-Romani demonstrations are no longer being attended just by right-wing extremists, but also by ordinary people.  full story

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Czech Republic: Nine Romani men and women running for or with Green Party in early parliamentary elections

Prague, 16.9.2013 17:15, (ROMEA) A total of nine Romani men and women will be running for the lower house in the early elections for the Green Party (Strana Zelených - SZ). Two are Green Party members, while the rest are running as part of the party's collaboration with the Equal Opportunities Party (Strana rovných příležitostí - SRP). News server will be gradually publishing a series of interviews with these particular candidates.  full story

Czech Republic: Racists' weekend demos are debacles

České Budějovice/Varnsdorf, 16.9.2013 1:13, (ROMEA) Two hate actions planned by racists in the Czech Republic for Saturday, 14 September have both ended in total fiasco. An assembly by the neo-Nazi "Czech Lions" (Čeští lvi) group never got off the ground in České Budějovice, while only 60 people turned out for a rally by the right-wing extremist DSSS in Varnsdorf.  full story

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