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January 16, 2025




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Czech Govt approves response to Brussels denying Roma discrimination in schools

Prague, 24.11.2014 18:18, (ROMEA) The Czech Republic is objecting to the European Commission's charges that the state discriminates against Romani children in the schools. The country's official stance was approved today by the Government and Czech Radio's Radiožurnál station has a copy of the document.  full story

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French appeals court upholds Le Pen's fine over insult to Roma

Paris, 21.11.2014 22:29, (ROMEA) A French appeals court has upheld the EUR 5 000 fine levied against the former chair of the French ultra-nationalist party Front National (FN), Jean-Marie Le Pen, for saying Romani people are "like birds, [who] fly/steal naturally" a remark that in French played on the fact that the word voler means both "to fly" and "to steal". Agence France-Presse reports that Le Pen previously said his right to freedom of expression had been violated by the fine.  full story

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International conference on Romani homelessness held in Czech Republic

Prague, 21.11.2014 21:52, (ROMEA) On Wednesday 22 October an international conference was held in Prague's Lichtenstein Palace that was interesting both in terms of its focus and in terms of who participated. Organizers wanted to foster an exchange of information about various models of housing for people experiencing social problems and compare them with the options now available in the Czech Republic, especially since the country is on the brink of designing its Social Housing Act.  full story

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Czech Police charge man with vote-buying in Litvínov

Litvínov/Litoměřice , 21.11.2014 21:12, (ROMEA) Police have charged a 24-year-old man in Litvínov (Most district) with vote-buying. Regional Police spokesperson Alena Bartošová told the Czech News Agency that detectives say the man offered money and a party with free refreshments to dozens of socially vulnerable people in exchange for their votes.  full story

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Does the new Czech reality TV show frame Romani children as ineducable?

Prague, 21.11.2014 18:06, (ROMEA) A new reality show called "Class 8 A" (Třída 8. A) has just been through its fifth Thursday episode before 10 PM on Czech Television's channel 1. The show is a spinoff of the very successful Swedish program "Klass 9 A", where several charismatic teachers arrive to teach a class of immigrants and, after roughly half a year of duelling with cultural models and their pupils' personal deficiencies, reach a happy ending as girls in headscarves and black guys with the crotches of their pants down by their knees fall into the arms of the Nordic-looking intellectuals/teachers.  full story

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Analysis of Czech, German and Hungarian trials of terrorist hate attacks

Prague, 21.11.2014 0:33, (ROMEA) In August of this year I reported that the trial of the alleged members of the international neo-Nazi network Blood & Honour here in the Czech Republic would begin in the fall. At the start of 2012 those defendants were charged with various crimes, including an arson attack on a building occupied by Romani families in the West Bohemian town of Aš.  full story

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Michal Miko: Czech Deputy Ombud's remarks on Roma in the schools reflect his incompetence

Prague, 20.11.2014 23:31, (ROMEA) According to a statement by Deputy Ombud Stanislav Křeček broadcast on the TV Prima news on 8 November, the level of the entire Czech school system would be lowered if what he called the "special" schools are abolished. What's more, the Deputy Ombud said that this society is "traumatized" by being labeled racist because of this issue.  full story

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Czech court decides local elections will repeat in town of Chomutov

Brno/Chomutov, 20.11.2014 22:31, (ROMEA) The municipal elections will be repeated in the Czech town of Chomutov. Even though those who complained to the Ústí Regional Court have failed with their particular request as to why the elections should be invalidated nationwide, the court has ordered that the local elections be repeated, according to court spokesperson Marcela Trejbalová.  full story

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NGOs: Czech Republic faces more international embarrassment over unequal access to education

Prague, 20.11.2014 19:29, (ROMEA) Today the Education Committee of the Czech lower house is reviewing an amendment to Section 16 of the School Act. Experts are warning that there is an ongoing effort to preserve the ambiguity of its formulations regarding the assessment of what forms of support are to be provided to vulnerable children.  full story

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Czech NGO to run accredited course for educators at Museum of Romani Culture

Brno/Prague, 19.11.2014 20:57, (ROMEA) On 24 and 25 November, an accredited course for educators and others involved in education will take place at the Museum of Romani Culture in Brno that will familiarize those attending with the sociocultural specifics of Romani pupils. The course is being implemented by the R-Mosty organization within the framework of its program supporting inclusive education.  full story

UK: Muslim leader says Islamists' first victims are moderate Muslims

London, 19.11.2014 20:31, (ROMEA) Representatives of the Anglican Church have for the first time invited a Muslim representative to address their general synod who has condemned the violence perpetrated by Islamists in the Middle East and the suffering that religious minorities, especially Christians, are subjected to there. Agence France-Presse reports that the Muslim representative has pointed out that the first victims of Islamist extremists have been and continue to be moderate Muslims.  full story

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Czech Police charge two men with rioting during neo-Nazi demo

Brno, 19.11.2014 20:09, (ROMEA) Czech Police have charged two men over their participation in a scuffle Monday between supporters of the right-wing extremist Workers' Social Justice Party (Dělnická strana sociální spravedlnosti - DSSS) and students in Brno. Andrea Straková, spokesperson for the South Moravian Regional Police, told the Czech News Agency yesterday that if convicted, the men face up to two years in prison.  full story

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Czech court sends anti-Romani rabble rouser to prison for fraud

Děčín, 19.11.2014 19:32, (ROMEA) TV NOVA reported yesterday that the District Court in Děčín has sentenced Lukáš Kohout to seven years in prison for fraud. Kohout and an accomplice established various fictional associations in northern Bohemia and used them to place orders for goods.  full story

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Czech Republic: 73 % believe labor discrimination exists

Prague, 19.11.2014 19:16, (ROMEA) The results of a recent survey by the STEM agency, performed from 13 to 20 October among 1 049 respondents aged 18 and older, found that almost three-quarters (73 %) of Czechs believe labor discrimination exists in their country. However, the proportion of people sharing that opinion has significantly fallen over the past two years and is the lowest in the last decade.  full story

Marwan Barghouti, arrested to have expressed his ideas about situation in Israel

Commentary: No detente in sight for Israel-Palestine

Israel, 19.11.2014 15:10, (ROMEA) One week in solitary confinement and a fine of EUR 60 euros is the punishment that Marwan Barghouti, a leading member of the secular movement Fatah, has received for urging the Palestinian Authority to immediately end its security cooperation with Israel in a letter released on the 10th anniversary of Yasser Arafat's death. AFP reported that the 55-year-old militant, who is serving a life sentence on five counts of murder related to the second intifada in 2000, called for Palestinians to put up an "overall and armed resistance" against Israel.  full story

Neo-Nazis used against neo-Nazis... Local entrepreneurs and residents pledged to contribute EUR 10 for every meter marched by the supporters of Nazi ideology to the EXIT-Germany nonprofit organization, which helps former neo-Nazis extricate themselves from involvement with the environment of neo-Nazi cells.

videoGermany: Neo-Nazis inadvertently fund those opposed to them

Wunsiedel, Germany, 18.11.2014 21:58, (ROMEA) The Washington Post reports that the town of Wunsiedel in southeastern Germany has become a sort of traditional pilgrimage site for neo-Nazis. Until the year 2011, it was the burial place of Rudolf Hess, Hitler's second deputy after Göring.  full story

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Why Kristallnacht matters to European Roma today

Budapest, 18.11.2014 16:57, (ROMEA) We have just marked the 76th anniversary of the Night of Broken Glass (Kristallnacht or Novemberpogrom). In different cities across Germany and Austria a series of pogroms were perpetrated against Jewish civilians, stores and synagogues on the night between the 9th and the 10th of November while German authorities did nothing to prevent them. Those attacks were the prelude to the criminal racial policy that led to the Holocaust, in which six million Jews and five hundred thousand Roma were murdered.  full story

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Romani politicans as part of the November 1989 Velvet Revolution

Prague, 17.11.2014 20:49, (ROMEA) A quarter of a century ago, the totalitarian regime under the leadership of the Communist Party fell in what was then Czechoslovakia - but how were Romani people involved in the so-called Velvet Revolution? Did you know that on 25 November 1989, 800 000 people gathered on Letná Plain in Prague chanted "Long live the Roma"?  full story

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Czechs mark Velvet Revolution by asking President to resign, neo-Nazis harass ROMEA

Prague, 17.11.2014 18:13, (ROMEA) People marked the 25th anniversary of the Velvet Revolution on Národní třída in Prague with a demonstration there this morning that was attended by thousands. Demonstrators protested against Czech President Miloš Zeman and called for him to resign.  full story

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Czech police intervene against neo-Nazi march, students counter-protest

Brno, 17.11.2014 16:50, (ROMEA) Approximately 70 neo-Nazis gathered on Malinovský Square in Brno today for an assembly and march convened by the neo-Nazi Workers' Youth (Dělnická mládež - DM). Those opposed to neo-Nazism, including students, demonstrated against them.  full story

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