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September 22, 2024



Czech Republic

The former U Rajských restaurant in Čáslav, Czech Republic. (PHOTO:  Google Maps)

Czech Republic: 30 Romani people living without utilities in a restaurant

Čáslav, 9.11.2012 20:41, (ROMEA) Lubomír Vilímek of the Čáslav Police told the Czech Press Agency today that the former U Rajských restaurant in Čáslav is now home to 30 Romani people. With one exception, the families, including children, are living there without any electricity, functioning toilets, or hookups to running water. Police officers and patrolmen who are monitoring the situation have drawn it to the attention of the Building Works Authority of the Čáslav town hall and to social workers. Police said it was not clear to them whether the restaurant has also been licensed for use as housing.  full story

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Analysis: Kristallnacht and its connection to Europe today

Prague, 9.11.2012 20:03, (ROMEA) During the late night hours of 9 November and the early morning hours of 10 November 1938, the Nazis in occupied Austria, the occupied border region of the Czech lands, and Germany murdered Jewish people and captured them for the concentration camps. A total of 267 synagogues were burned down or otherwise demolished, 7 500 Jewish apartments and shops were ransacked, 91 Jewish people were directly murdered during the pogrom, and 30 000 ended up in death camps.  full story

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Czech Labor Ministry to take Romani agenda from Office of the Government

Prague, 8.11.2012 23:33, (ROMEA) The Insider daily news server ( reports that reorganizations are being prepared at the Office of the Government that will affect its Human Rights Section. Matters concerning the Romani minority will be transferred to the Czech Labor and Social Affairs Ministry.  full story

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Thousands of children illegally in Czech "practical primary schools"

Prague, 8.11.2012 17:39, (ROMEA) Czech Radio reports that thousands of children who could attend normal primary schools are being instructed according to curricula designed for pupils with "light mental disability" even though such instruction is against the law. On the other hand, some schools in the Czech Republic today are managing to educate Romani pupils together with everyone else. While this depends on teachers' approaches, it primarily depends on pupils' parents.  full story

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AI, ERRC: Czech Government still discriminates against Romani school children

Brussels, 8.11.2012 13:01, (ROMEA) Five years after the European Court of Human Rights ruled that sending Romani children in the Czech Republic to ‘special’ and Roma-only schools is discriminatory, Amnesty International and the European Roma Rights Centre (ERRC) have urged the European Union to press the Czech Government to comply with EU anti-discrimination laws, including the Race Equality Directive, backed by the threat of action for non-compliance.  full story

Independent Romani protest against Czech "special schools"

Ostrava, 7.11.2012 20:56, (ROMEA) News server reports that dozens of Romani people marched through Ostrava today demanding equal access to education. The protesters wanted to draw attention to the fact that the school system in the Czech Republic is arranged to their disadvantage and results in discrimination against Romani people. At the end of peaceful event, the demonstrators marched from the town hall through the town center to the building of the Czech School Inspection Authority carrying signs reading "Stop segregation!" and "Inclusive education".  full story

Czech senator leaves club over fellow lawmakers' antigypsyism

Brno, 7.11.2012 19:05, (ROMEA) Newly-elected senator and former Constitutional Court Justice Eliška Wagnerová is no longer a member of the Senate's "Club for the Renewal of Democracy" (Klub pro obnovenou demokracii). The opinions of club members Jiří Čunek and Tomio Okamura about Romani people bother her too greatly for her to stay.  full story

Škodova street in Přerov, photo from

Czech town decides to repurchase privatized housing

Přerov, 6.11.2012 22:18, (ROMEA) The Přerov town hall wants to repurchase some of the buildings on Škodova street which it sold to a private investor five years ago. The landlord in the locality has not met the terms of the original purchase agreement, in which he promised to transform the Romani-occupied ghetto into a modern quarter. Town councilors also approved a motion to levy sanctions of CZK 500 000 against the investor and pledged to take care of the Romani people who continue to live in the half-demolished buildings. However, only tenants who have no outstanding debts with the town will be awarded leases for substitute apartments.  full story

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Czech Republic: Romani march to mark D.H. anniversary

Ostrava, 6.11.2012 21:29, (ROMEA) On 7 November 2012, a group of Romani residents will peacefully march in Ostrava to mark the anniversary of the judgment handed down by the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg in the matter of "D.H. and Others versus the Czech Republic". That judgment confirmed that Romani children were being discriminated against in their access to education.  full story

Beneše Lounského street no. 5 in the Předlice neighborhood of Ústí nad Labem (PHOTO: Google Maps)

Czech activist: NGO more loyal to local govt than to the poor

Ústí nad Labem, Předlice, 6.11.2012 20:41, (ROMEA) Miroslav Brož of the civic association Konexe has written an open letter to the People in Need (Člověk v tísni) public benefit corporation regarding the way in which the Romani minority is being integrated and the situation in the Předlice quarter of Ústí nad Labem. News server is publishing the letter in full translation below.  full story

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Czech government must do more to end marginalization and segregation of Roma children in schools, concludes ODIHR report

Warsaw, 5.11.2012 21:48, (ROMEA) The Czech government needs to do more to overcome the marginalization and segregation in schools of children from Roma and Sinti communities, concludes a field assessment visit report published by the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) on 26 October 2012.  full story

Beneše Lounského street no. 5 in the Předlice neighborhood of Ústí nad Labem (PHOTO: Google Maps)

Czech Republic: Romani tenants removed from dangerous building to gym

Ústí nad Labem, Předlice, 5.11.2012 18:06, (ROMEA) Occupants of a dangerous building in the Předlice quarter of Ústí nad Labem have ended up in a primary school gym. They left the building two weeks after being instructed to move out, at the insistence of a crisis team. The residential hotel into which they were originally to have moved does not meet their needs. They can remain in the gym until they find other housing.  full story

OSF: Czech Government has not ended discrimination of Romani children

Prague, 5.11.2012 17:09, (ROMEA) On 13 November 2007 the European Court of Human Rights issued its judgment in the case of "D.H. and Others versus the Czech Republic", in which 18 Romani children from Ostrava sued the Czech Republic over their having been assigned to attend "special school" on the basis of their origin. The judgment upheld their complaint and sanctioned the Czech Republic for discriminating against Romani children by disproportionately enrolling such children into the "special schools" (now called the "practical primary schools") which are designed for children who have been diagnosed as "lightly mentally disabled".  full story

Beneše Lounského street in the Předlice quarter of Ústí nad Labem. (PHOTO:  Google Maps)

Czech Agency says evicted tenants must be housed in the same town

Ústí nad Labem, 3.11.2012 22:37, (ROMEA) The Czech Government Agency for Social Inclusion has issued the following press release on the situation in Ústí nad Labem - Předlice:  full story

Romani activists Čeněk Růžička (right) and Jozef Miker (left). (PHOTO:  František Kostlán)

Čeněk Růžička: Czech society has not squared up to what happened during Nazism

Prague, 3.11.2012 21:06, (Romano vod'i) We interviewed Mr Čeněk Růžička, chair of the Committee for the Redress of the Romani Victims of the Holocaust (Výbor pro odškodnění romských obětí holocaustu) about this sensitive topic and about today's relations between the majority part of Czech society and the Romani minority. We also asked him about Romani pride and what he believes that involves. The interview was conducted at the recent Roma Pride event in the Czech Republic, which involved a march through the streets of Prague and a discussion in the St. Salvator Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren (Českobratrská církev evangelická).  full story

Beneše Lounského street no. 5 in the Předlice neighborhood of Ústí nad Labem (PHOTO: Google Maps)

Czech NGO says tenants must leave condemned building

Ústí nad Labem, 2.11.2012 23:06, (ROMEA) People in Need (Člověk v tísni, o.p.s.) has released the following press release on the case of the building at Beneše Lounského street no. 5 in Ústí nad Labem-Předlice.  full story

A 14-year-old boy was assaulted in front of this building in Ostrava. (PHOTO:  Google Maps)

Alleged assailant of 14-year-old Romani boy tells his side of the story

Ostrava, 2.11.2012 22:05, (ROMEA) As we reported earlier this week, 14-year-old Ladislav N., a Romani boy from Ostrava-Přívoz, is still hospitalized with bleeding of the brain. His mother, Jana Fišerová, says his injuries are the result of his having been assaulted and beaten, as do two eyewitnesses. Police officers have begun investigating the entire matter as a misdemeanor incident only. As promised, is now reporting on what the alleged assailant has to say about the incident.  full story

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Czech town fears rumors of Romani "influx"

Znojmo, 1.11.2012 21:06, (ROMEA) News server Znojemský týden has reported that rumors are circulating in the Czech town of Znojmo alleging that Romani families will be moving in. The rumors first mentioned that Romani families would be moving into the building of a monastery on Louce street, then into muncipally-owned apartments on Sokolovská street, and finally that they would be moving into building no. 3 on that street, which belongs to the Znojmo-based Agropodnik company.  full story

A 14-year-old boy was assaulted in front of this building in Ostrava. (PHOTO:  Google Maps)

Czech Police say attack on Romani minor, hospitalized with bleeding of the brain, was a "misdemeanor"

Ostrava, 31.10.2012 1:46, (ROMEA) Ladislav N., a 14-year old Romani boy from Ostrava-Přívoz, was hospitalized recently with bleeding of the brain. His mother, Jana Fišerová, says he was assaulted and beaten. Police officers initially said that was the case, but then began to investigate the matter as a misdemeanor only.  full story

The racist band Ragnarők has many videos of their songs posted to YouTube. This photo shows one of their album covers.

Hundreds of videos inciting racial hatred available on YouTube

Prague, 31.10.2012 0:23, (ROMEA) Hundreds of videos inciting racial hatred are freely available on the YouTube website, including videos of songs with Czech-language lyrics, but police do not know how to intervene against their authors. Allegedly the perpetrators cannot be prosecuted because the website belongs to an American company and is not subject to Czech law.  full story

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