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Germany: Police ban assembly in Dresden today due to threat of terrorism

Dresden, 19.1.2015 15:47, (ROMEA) Yesterday police in Germany banned all outdoor assemblies planned for today in Dresden due to the threat of a terrorist attack. Deutsche Presse-Agentur reports that Monday's demonstration by the Patriotic Europeans against the Islamization of the West (Pegida) had already been canceled by the movement itself because Islamists had reportedly threatened to assassinate Lutz Bachmann, the organizer of the marches that have been taking place weekly there since mid-October.  full story

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France: 42 % oppose publishing caricatures of Mohammed

Paris, 18.1.2015 23:40, (ROMEA) More than two-fifths of people in France (42 %) believe the press should avoid publishing caricatures of the Prophet Mohammed and half agree with restricting freedom
of speech online. The French weekly Le Journal du Dimanche published the results of a survey it conducted on the issue today.  full story

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France: Harsh crackdown against anti-Muslim and anti-Semitic hate speech, comedian arrested

Paris, 18.1.2015 23:14, (ROMEA) Last Wednesday, police in Paris arrested the controversial French humorist and political polemicist Dieudonné on suspicions of supporting terrorism in connection with the recent assassinations committed by Islamist radicals there. The Associated Press reported that as of 15 January, the office of the Public Prosecutor in Paris had arrested 54 people on charges of defending or glorifying terrorism.  full story

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Czech film critics nominate film about Roma for prize

Prague, 18.1.2015 22:06, (ROMEA) Six nominations for the Czech Film Critics AWard, which will be handed out for the fifth time on 24 January at Prague's Archa Theater, have been garnered by director Petr Václav's film "The Way Out" (Cesta ven). Jiří Mádl's debut "To See the Sea" (Pojedeme k moři) received five nominations and Andrea Sedláčková's "Fair Play" received four.  full story

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Commentary: Czech President's remarks supported discrimination against Romani children

Prague, 17.1.2015 23:28, (ROMEA) "Handicapped children should not attend classes together with non-handicapped children" - that is approximately what Czech President Miloš Zeman said last Wednesday during a visit to a Rehabilitation Institute in Brandýs nad Orlicí. His words have sparked a firestorm of criticism from experts and politicians.  full story

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Czech Republic: Protests against Islam and for religious freedom in front of Prague Castle

Prague, 17.1.2015 22:07, (ROMEA) Roughly 600 people, according to police, gathered yesterday evening in front of Prague Castle for a demonstration convened by the "We Don't Want Islam in the Czech Republic" initiative. The protest assembly lasted for roughly one hour and took place without any larger incidents.  full story

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Czech Republic's "Romani elite" are under pressure

Brno/Trimice, 17.1.2015 3:04, (ROMEA) In addition to the charges of producing and distributing illegal drugs recently filed against a local Romani councilor in Trmice, Marcel Cichý, there is another, less dramatic and less visible problem affecting the country's Romani elite. The matter is a serious one nonetheless: One of the few media outlets focusing on Romani people, the magazine Romano hangos, is in a deep crisis and its original editors are in a state of conflict with one another.  full story

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Czech Police investigate brawl between gaming room bouncers and Romani customers in Ostrava

Ostrava, 16.1.2015 19:47, (ROMEA) A large group of Romani customers attacked security guards on Wednesday at a gaming room in Ostrava-Bělský Les. The scuffle between the bodyguards and the customers happened
after members of the security team removed two Romani customers from the premises.  full story

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Czech President Zeman wants disabled children educated separately, experts sharply criticize him

Prague, 16.1.2015 15:56, (ROMEA) The Czech Education Ministry is in favor of the broad inclusion of children with disabilities into mainstream education whenever possible. Czech Education Minister Marcel Chládek (Czech Social Democratic Party - ČSSD) made that statement to the press yesterday.  full story

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Ukraine: Editorial offices of "disobedient" newspaper set on fire in Kharkov

Kharkov, 15.1.2015 18:59, (ROMEA) A serious incident took place last weekend in the Ukrainian city of Kharkov when unidentified perpetrators broke windows in the editorial offices of the nationwide newspaper Slovyanka, defaced the walls with Nazi swastikas and threatening messages, and set the building on fire with Molotov cocktails. According to eyewitnesses, the group of perpetrators had been active participants in demonstrations in Kharkov honoring the victims of the Islamist terrorist attacks in Paris.  full story

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Czech Republic: Local party believes Romani member is innocent of drug charges

Trmice, 15.1.2015 17:30, (ROMEA) Detectives have charged Marcel Cichý, a primary school teacher and local councilor in Trmice elected for the "Together for Trmice" movement, with illegal distribution of drugs. News server publishes a statement on his arrest from the "Together for Trmice" movement in full translation here:  full story

Flags in front of the European Commission building in Brussels (PHOTO: Sébastien Bertrand, Wikimedia Commons)

European Commission not satisfied with Czech response to discrimination of Romani children

Brussels/Prague, 15.1.2015 16:57, (ROMEA) According to new information reported by Czech Television, the European Commission is not satisfied with the response of the Czech Government regarding the issue of the discrimination of Romani children in the schools. An official response to the Government will be sent by Brussels within the next few weeks.  full story

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Czech anti-drug police arrest local Romani councilor

Ústí nad Labem, 15.1.2015 16:11, (ROMEA) News server reports that detectives have charged Marcel Cichý, a local councilor and teacher at a primary school in Trmice, with distributing drugs. Cichý and other Romani candidates in the "Together for Trmice" (Independent Choice) movement won election to the local council last October with 19.22 % of the vote, ending up in second place and taking three seats.  full story

Czech Government grants asylum to 15 families from Syria

Prague, 15.1.2015 0:21, (ROMEA) The Czech Government has agreed to grant asylum to refugees from Syria. Czech Deputy Prime Minister Pavel Bělobrádek (Christian Democrats - KDU-ČSL) announced the decision on Twitter on 14 January.  full story

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Austria rescinds ban on adoption by same-sex couples

Vienna, 14.1.2015 23:49, (ROMEA) The Austrian Constitutional Court has rescinded the country's ban on same-sex couples adopting children. The Austrian Press Agency reports that Judge Gerhart Holzinger announced the judgment today.  full story

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Czech Republic: Local theater company stages German play about brutal neo-Nazi murder

Ústí nad Labem, 14.1.2015 22:54, (ROMEA) The Činoherák Ústí theater club is producing a play entitled "The Kick" by Andres Veiel and Gesine Schmidt, based on the true story of the brutal murder of a 16-year-old boy in the East German village of Potzlow. The ensemble will hold a preview performance at the Činoherní studio (Drama Studio) in the Střekov quarter on Friday.  full story

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Commentary: Multiculturalism has succeeded and is our greatest chance for peaceful coexistence

Prague, 14.1.2015 20:33, (ROMEA) Multiculturalism has succeeded and continues to be our greatest chance for peaceful coexistence, not only in the Euro-Atlantic world, but for the whole planet. Never before has the civilized world, led by intellectual elites of all faiths, been so united in condemning radical Islamists.
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Czech Republic enters next round of the fight over Romani children and special education

Prague, 14.1.2015 18:22, (ROMEA) The fact that too many children, particularly Romani ones, attend "special schools" in the Czech Republic is a problem that experts and politicians have been discussing here for 25 years. It is also being discussed abroad, because the Czech Republic has reaped criticism from the European Union for it as well.  full story

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Czech Republic: Hundreds of illegally sterilized women will probably be compensated

Prague, 14.1.2015 17:09, (ROMEA) The victims of illegal sterilizations could be compensated as much as CZK 300 000 (EUR 10 000) in the coming years. Those who did not give their informed consent to such an operation prior to undergoing it would be eligible for compensation.  full story

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More than 50 physical and verbal attacks committed against Muslims in France

Ankara/Berlin/Paris, 14.1.2015 0:22, (ROMEA) The repercussions of last week's terrorist attack in France are still reverberating worldwide. The French continue to feel threatened, the terrorists are praising each other, tens of thousands of Germans have taken to the streets, Germany's eurosceptic party is arguing with itself, and the number of attacks against Muslims is rising in France  full story

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