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Czech Human Rights Council member says segregation of Romani children in the schools is a disgrace to the politicians involved

Prague, 10.12.2014 18:20, (ROMEA) On the occasion of International Human Rights Day, which has been celebrated worldwide on 10 December since 1950 to honor the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Czech Minister for Human Rights, Equal Opportunities and Legislation Jiří Dienstbier met with representatives of the Government advisory bodies on human rights issues, most of which he chairs as minister. The central theme of the informal meeting was legislative measures that are forthcoming.  full story

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Czech Republic: Get involved in international survey about street harassment!

Prague, 9.12.2014 19:40, (ROMEA) The website, in collaboration with Cornell University, is currently undertaking a comprehensive international survey on street harassment. You, too, can contribute to it.  full story

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Czech Human Rights Minister to thank Govt advisory bodies on Int'l Human Rights Day

Prague, 9.12.2014 18:35, (ROMEA) On the occasion of International Human Rights Day tomorrow, 10 December, Czech Minister for Human Rights, Equal Opportunities and Legislation Jiří Dienstbier, who is also a serving Senator, will meet in the Czech Senate with representatives of the Government's advisory bodies on human rights topics, most of which he chairs in his role as minister. He wants to thank the civil society members of these bodies for their work to date and discuss what they have achieved, what remains to be done, what the prospects are for the future, etc.  full story

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Czech Republic: March against racism cancelled in Prague

Prague, 9.12.2014 18:00, (ROMEA) Andrej Lučka, a well-known Romani activist from Rokycany, called for a demonstration against racism in Prague today in response to the assault on a Romani youth in Ostrava. The event was scheduled for 11 AM on Wenceslas Square and was originally supposed to march through the center of Prague to the Office of the Government.  full story

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Amnesty International Czech Republic launches online manual for teachers about handling intolerance

Prague, 9.12.2014 17:11, (ROMEA) Amnesty International Czech Republic has launched an online manual for teachers that provides instruction on how to handle displays of intolerance in the schools from their colleagues, their pupils, and their superiors. The manual is divided into five areas: Intolerance of non-Romani students for Romani people, intolerance of Czech students for foreigners living in the Czech Republic, the "caste systems" developed by students according to economic or other differences, bullying, and displays of xenophobia from other educators or school directors.  full story

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Slovakia: Romani journalist accuses those involved in the Romani issue of careerism

Prague, 9.12.2014 5:48, (ROMEA) "We must immediately stop holding these absurd conferences about Romani people in expensive luxury hotels," says Denisa Havrľová in an interview for the Slovak independent news server The documentary filmmaker and journalist was once the Editor-in-Chief of the Romani newspaper Romano nevo ľil and works today as a video editor for the Press Agency of the Slovak Republic (Tisková agentury Slovenské republiky - TASR).  full story

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Czech Gov't decides to give ombud more powers

Prague, 8.12.2014 23:08, (ROMEA) The Czech Government decided today to expand the powers of the Public Defender of Rights (the ombud). That office will now be able to ask that the Constitutional Court abolish controversial laws or parts thereof.  full story

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videoActivists ask Brussels to stop bullying of Romani children in the Czech schools

Brussels/Prague, 8.12.2014 19:19, (ROMEA) The European Roma Rights Centre (ERRC) has organized a public hearing at the European Parliament tomorrow, Tuesday, 9 December 2014, during which a video campaign by Romani activists Edita Stejskalová, Jolana Šmarhovyčová, Magdalena Karvayová and Miroslav Klempár entitled "Stop calling us gypsies!" will be launched. The campaign draws attention to the Czech Republic's rejection of the European Commission's charges that Romani children continue to be discriminated against in education in the EU Member State.  full story

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videoCzech Republic: Roma in Ostrava demonstrate against racism, neo-Nazis try to provoke them

Ostrava, 8.12.2014 1:47, (ROMEA) At 14:00 on 6 December a demonstration against racism took plcea in Ostrava which was convened by several Romani residents with the assistance of the Konexe organization. Participants gathered on Svatopluk Čech Square in the Přívoz quarter and then followed their announced march route to Prokešovo Square and back.  full story

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Czech ombud could get more powers, Government to review proposal

Prague, 5.12.2014 23:54, (ROMEA) The Czech ombud will evidently be granted new powers to approach the Constitutional Court with motions to rescind controversial laws or parts thereof. The ombud will also get new powers to file public lawsuits over discrimination.  full story

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Czech Republic: Roma to demonstrate against racism in Ostrava tomorrow, neo-Nazis to counter-demonstrate

Ostrava, 5.12.2014 22:18, (ROMEA) On Saturday 6 December at 14:00 a demonstration against racism will take place in Ostrava on Svatopluk Čech Square in the Přívoz quarter, followed by a march to Prokešovo Square. At 13:30 neo-Nazis have announced they will be gathering on Prokešovo Square and are convening a counter-protest through neo-Nazi websites and social networks.

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Czech MP will not be prosecuted for controversial remarks about communist history

Brno, 5.12.2014 19:54, (ROMEA) Czech Television reports that police have shelved the case of Czech MP Marta Semelová (Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia - KSČM), who will not be prosecuted for her controversial remarks about events such as the murder of Milada Horáková or the 1968 invasion of Czechoslovakia by Warsaw Pact troops. Pavel Šváb, spokesperson for the South Moravian Regional Police, confirmed the information to the Czech News Agency.  full story

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Czech court sentences brawlers who sparked anti-Romani demos to probation

České Budějovice, 4.12.2014 23:42, (ROMEA) Yesterday a District Court handed down its verdict in the case of a brawl that launched unrest at the Máj housing estate in the town of České Budějovice in the summer of 2013. A group of six defendants was given suspended sentences ranging from one to two and a half years for bodily harm and rioting.  full story

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Analysis: Czech SocDems also responsible for oppression of Romani children

Prague, 3.12.2014 23:48, (ROMEA) The Czech Government's response to the European Commission's opinion that the country is oppressing Romani children in the schools is a surprisingly harsh one. Not only does the Government object to the opinion that something of the sort has been going on, it all but openly reproaches Brussels for getting involved in such matters at all.  full story

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Czech Police charge more people with vote-buying

Most district/Teplice district, 3.12.2014 22:58, (ROMEA) News server reports that the Czech Police are prosecuting two more men for vote-buying in northern Bohemia. A total of four people have been charged with the crime, one of whom has already been sentenced by the court.  full story

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Czech Republic: Ultra-right wants their freedoms to trump those of others

Ostrava/Prague, 3.12.2014 22:07, (ROMEA) Some Romani residents of Ostrava have decided to demonstrate against the violence to which they are very often subjected there. Most recently a Romani youth was beaten up in the Moravská Ostrava - Přívoz municipal department.  full story

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Czech Republic: Approximately 30 % of children educated as mildly mentally disabled are Romani

Prague, 3.12.2014 20:36, (ROMEA) Nursery schools in the Czech Republic will begin organizing "preparatory classes" as of September 2015 which all children age five will be obliged to attend. The Czech Education Ministry is planning to allocate up to CZK 100 million for the transformation and to use money from EU funds for it.  full story

Czech Republic: Demonstrations against racism planned in Duchov, Ostrava and Prague

Duchcov/Ostrava/Prague, 1.12.2014 19:17, (ROMEA) Romani people in the Czech Republic are planning to respond to a recent assault on a Romani youth in Ostrava through several actions. The youth told his rescuers that he had been attacked and beaten by a small group of football hooligans in front of a supermarket in the municipal department of Moravská Ostrava a Přívoz.  full story

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Russia: Neo-Nazi gang connected to Kremlin murdered anti-Fascists, immigrants and judges

Moscow, 1.12.2014 2:09, (ROMEA) The Moscow Regional Court has been the venue recently for a closely watched trial in the BORN (Bojové organizace ruských nacionalistů - Combat Organization of Russian Nationalists) case. Members of the group have been charged with murdering several anti-Fascists, attorneys, immigrants from the Caucasus and Central Asia, a journalist and judges.  full story

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Czech ombud: Number of Romani children in special education must be reduced

Brno, 28.11.2014 21:26, (ROMEA) Anna Šabatová, the Public Defender of Rights (ombud) wants the Czech Republic to reduce the number of Romani children attending what used to be called "special schools" (today’s so-called "practical schools") because the state should assist them with undergoing classic instruction in the primary schools. The former "special schools" are intended for children with mild mental disability, not for schoolchildren who are not disabled and just need help, Šabatová said in a statement for the Czech News Agency.  full story

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