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March 14, 2025




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Czech LGBT festival to feature Romani evening

Prague, 14.8.2014 4:01, (ROMEA) On Friday, 15 August, an evening called "Hot Chocolate" will take place as part of the Prague Pride festival, focusing on the issue of LGBT people in the Romani community. The event will offer an exhibition of photographs, music, a debate, fortune-telling and a counseling center.  full story

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Czech Police charge two participants in anti-Romani demonstration in Děčín

Děčín, 14.8.2014 0:02, (ROMEA) Police have charged two participants in today's anti-Romani demonstration in Děčín. One faces charges of making criminal threats, while the other is charged with defamation on the basis of convictions, a nation or a race.  full story

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Karel Holomek: The fundamental problem remaining for social inclusion in the Czech Republic

Czech Republic, 13.8.2014 23:26, (ROMEA) The Social Inclusion Department at the Office of the Czech Government, otherwise know as the Agency, is preparing many new proposals for the Government as part of the program of the Strategy for the Fight against Social Exclusion until 2020. New measures and proposals are turning up that testify, at the very least, to the fact that all of the programs to date have not encountered results equivalent to the effort expended on them.  full story

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Czech Republic: 200 gather for anti-Romani demonstration, Roma assemble as well

Děčín, 13.8.2014 18:58, (ROMEA) Today in the Czech town of Děčín an anti-Romani demonstration was held by Lukáš Kohout, who has been convicted several times of fraud. The Facebook event announcing the demonstration garnered almost 500 pledges to attend.  full story

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Czech con artist gets conned by "volunteer" during anti-Romani demonstration

Děčín, 13.8.2014 21:42, (ROMEA) The notorious con artist Lukáš Kohout organized an anti-Romani demonstration in the town of Děčín today. As news servers and reported, he had no sound equipment available.  full story

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Slovak media closing online discussions due to hatred and racism

Bratislava/Prague, 13.8.2014 0:32, (ROMEA) The Slovak media are starting to run out of patience with readers who inundate the discussion boards beneath their online articles with hatred, lies and racism. Two popular news servers, and, have changed the format of their discussion boards in recent days.  full story

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Slovak Plenipotentiary for Roma organizes blood drive, dozens of Roma participate

Banská Bystrice, 12.8.2014 23:42, (ROMEA) Peter Pollák, the Slovak Government Plenipotentiary for the Roma Community, organized a blood drive in Banská Bystrice last week. Several dozen Roma came from all over Slovakia to the building of the district authority to visit a mobile transfusion station.  full story

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Prague Pride 2014 offers 100+ events and support for the LGBT community in Eastern Europe

Prague, 12.8.2014 20:54, (ROMEA) A total of 117 cultural, social and sports events are featured on the program of the Fourth Annual Prague Pride festival, which focuses on the topic of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) issues between 11 and 17 August 2014 (the full program is here). Organizers have decided to invite gays and lesbians from Eastern European countries whose rights are being suppressed by their regimes or by conservatism in society to participate by proxy in the parade.  full story

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Slovak Regional Governor not invited to National Uprising celebrations because he is a Fascist

Banská Bystrica, 12.8.2014 20:11, (ROMEA) The Governor of the Banská Bystrica Region is usually a regular invitee to the celebrations of the anniversary of the Slovak National Uprising. The TASR press agency has reported that this year the anniversary will be different.  full story

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Karel Holomek: When remembrance is out of joint

Brno, 12.8.2014 19:27, (ROMEA) The month of August here is traditionally linked with commemorating the victims of the Roma Holocaust, unfortunately usually only in Roma circles. Of course, this occasion is also marked in the official circles of government and state, but that is not the same thing as being marked by society.  full story

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Czech Labor Ministry taking social criteria into account during tenders

Prague, 12.8.2014 17:54, (ROMEA) The Czech Labor and Social Affairs Ministry (MPSV) signed on several months ago to a concept for responsible public procurement that views it as a tool to enhance employment, social cohesion and sustainability. Now maintenance work in the ministry's Prague headquarters is being performed by people from the Sociální podnik Černý most, s. r. o. (Černý most Social Enterprise).  full story

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Commentary: Freedom of speech vs. Holocaust denial

Prague, 12.8.2014 3:33, (ROMEA) After the revolutions of 1989, freedom speech became a "sacred right" in the new democracies of the post-communist world. This was hardly suprising.  full story

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Czech Republic: Police apprehend all assailants in Děčín incident

Prague, 11.8.2014 23:03, (ROMEA) Since last Thursday the criminal prosecutions of another two men have begun who are thought to have contributed to the brutal assault in front of the Calipso gaming room in Děčín on 30 July. The men have been charged with rioting and failing to provide first aid and were released on their own recognizance; they face up to two years in prison if convicted.  full story

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Czech Gov't approves change for nonprofits, longer-term state financing will be available

Prague, 11.8.2014 21:24, (ROMEA) The Government of the Czech Republic approved at its session on 6 August a change to the "Government Principles for Providing Subsidies from the State Budget of the Czech Republic to Non-Governmental, Non-Profit Organisations by the Central Bodies of the State Admininstration" that was submitted by Minister for Human Rights, Equal Opportunities and Legislation Jiří Dienstbier, who also chairs the Czech Government Council for Non-Governmental, Non-Profit Organisations. The change will make it possible for ministries to conclude contracts with NNOs on long-term cooperation that will guarantee them financing in the years to come under certain conditions.  full story

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Director of Lidice Memorial says Czech MP's remarks about Lety were unfortunate

Lidice, 11.8.2014 20:42, (ROMEA) Milouš Červencl, director of the Lidice Memorial, which administers the remembrance site at Lety by Písek, says Czech MP Tomio Okamura's recent remarks about the camp were unfortunate. "Especially at a time when all of Europe is commemorating the Romani Holocaust, about which there can be no doubt," Červencl told news server  full story

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Czech cell of international Blood & Honour organization indicted

Prague, 11.8.2014 19:20, (ROMEA) This autumn a nine-member group from various parts of the Czech Republic will be going on trial. According to the indictment, the group planned to assault specific individuals and called for violent attacks on the headquarters of political parties and on representatives of the Government and the police.  full story

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Belgium: Politician criticized for justifying Holocaust

Brussels, 11.8.2014 17:19, (ROMEA) Two Belgian Jewish associations are planning to contact police regarding statements by a local politician that they believe amount to justifying the Holocaust. The Times of Israel daily reports that Hassan Aarab of the Christian, Democratic and Flemish Party (CD&V), who indiscriminately laid into the Jewish community this week on Facebook, has already apologized for his words.  full story

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Czech Republic: More charges to be filed against MP for Roma Holocaust denial

Prague, 8.8.2014 22:53, (ROMEA) On 7 August representatives of several nonprofit organizations met with the chair of the Committee for the Redress of the Roma Holocaust (Výboru pro odškodnění romského holocaustu - VPORH), Čeněk Růžička. The topic of the meeting was reaching agreement on filing a joint criminal complaint against Czech MP Tomio Okamura over the remarks he made in an interview for the political tabloid Parlamentní listy on the eve of Roma Holocaust Memorial Day.  full story

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Czech Republic: Reward offered for information about assailants in Děčín

Děčín, 8.8.2014 21:51, (ROMEA) Notorious con artist Lukáš Kohout is planning an anti-Romani demonstration in the town of Děčín next week. The pretext for the assembly is an assault perpetrated in front of the Calipso gaming room there, the main aggressor of which is rumored to be Romani.  full story

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Czech Republic: Yet another anti-Romani demonstration planned in Děčín

Děčín, 8.8.2014 17:00, (ROMEA) A brutal assault at the Calipso gaming room in the Old Town of Děčín has become the pretext for an anti-Romani demonstration to be convened there next Wednesday, even though the context of the incident was evidently not racist. The violent aggressor, who has already been apprehended by police, has been scaring both non-Romani and Romani locals for some time.  full story

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