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Germany: Antigypsyism spreading, parties' populism directly supporting it

Berlin, 12.7.2014 15:28, (ROMEA) Anti-Romani prejudice has been rising in German society in recent years. Negative depictions of Romani people are being ever more frequently exploited by political parties to win votes and, unlike in previous years, such statements are no longer the domain of the ultra-right only.  full story

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Brussels insists the Czech Republic allocate EU money directly for Romani inclusion

Prague, 12.7.2014 3:03, (ROMEA) The Czech Republic claims it has convinced the European Commission to back down from most of its 88 exceptions to the country's plans for drawing EU money. However, the Czechs have yet to reach agreement with the Commission on several topics, such as financing the inclusion of Romani people into society and the absence of a Service Act.  full story

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Czech Deputy Culture Minister on Prima TV's antigypsyism

Prague, 12.7.2014 0:18, (ROMEA) The Council for Radio and Television Broadcasting in the Czech Republic has included among its priorities for 2014 more consistent monitoring of the stereotyping of minorities in the media. The council is primarily monitoring compliance with the provision of the Act on the Operation of Radio and Television Broadcasting that bans broadcasters from confirming prejudicial stereotypes against ethnic, racial or religious minorities in the programs they broadcast.  full story

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Czech Education Minister: Pre-school education is important

Prague, 11.7.2014 22:53, (ROMANO VOĎI) Marcel Chládek, the Minister of Education, Youth and Sports in the Czech Republic, has answered a few quick questions for Romano vod'i magazine::  full story

A Roma community is subjected to forced eviction in Marseille, France, July 2013. (FOTO: Amnesty International, Raphaël Bianchi)

ERRC: France Continues to Evict Roma on a Massive Scale

Paris/Budapest, 11.7.2014 10:26, (ROMEA) France continues with its unlawful and costly policy of evicting Roma who have made use of their right to freedom of movement within the European Union from countries such as Romania. Between 1 April and 30 June 2014, 3,807 Roma were evicted from 40 different places. Fires in two settlements left 51 Roma homeless, while the French authorities implemented forced evictions in 38 settlements.  full story

Response to adoptive mother's blog about article

Prague, 10.7.2014 20:42, (ROMEA) On Thursday, 3 July, news server published an article by Saša Uhlová entitled Adoption and foster care: "We had room at the table". That article, which was about foster care and the stories of those who decide to aid parentless children, touched on the book Year of the Rooster (Rok kohouta) by the author Tereza Boučková.  full story

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videoSpain: Mob sets two Romani-occupied homes on fire

Estepa, Spain, 9.7.2014 17:23, (ROMEA) Spanish media report that about 300 people gathered on the afternoon of Saturday 5 July in the small town of Estepa near Seville in Spain to protest rising crime rates. The demonstration turned into a violent attack on the homes of Romani residents whom the protesters believe responsible for theft.  full story

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French court imprisons group of Roma for forcing children to steal

Prague, 7.7.2014 22:18, (ROMEA) A court in Paris sent a group of Roma from Romania to prison for up to eight years today after convicting them of forcing their children to steal mobile telephones and wallets on the streets of the French capital. The harsh punishments, including prison sentences and fines of EUR 30 000, included the traffickers who sold the stolen items on the black market.  full story

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Commentary: Racist drivel infests Czech online discussions of World Cup

Prague, 7.7.2014 20:45, (ROMEA) The World Cup in Brazil has become yet another pretext for the tasteless exhibitionism of Czech xenophobes. The online discussions posted beneath the articles published on our most-read news servers are being exploited to spread drivel about the superiority of the "white race" and to incite hatred of everyone who is different.  full story

Response from adoptive father Jiří Bouček to "Adoption and foster care: We had room at the table"

Prague, 7.7.2014 18:23, (ROMEA) News server publishes a response from Jiří Bouček to our article entitled "Adoption and foster care: We had room at the table" in full translation below:  full story

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Fourth year of Roma Spirit awards begins

Prague, 7.7.2014 0:05, (ROMEA) Otevřená společnost, o.p.s. (Open Society, o.p.s.) and the Michael Kocáb Foundation are announcing the fourth annual 2014 Roma Spirit awards in the Czech Republic (formerly known as Gypsy Spirit). The mission of the awards is to appreciate and popularize the active efforts of everyone who contributes toward improving the situation of Romani people in the Czech Republic.  full story

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Czech media regulator says Prima TV incites fear of Roma, station disagrees

Prague, 6.7.2014 23:10, (ROMEA) News server TÝ reports that the Prima television station's recent newscasts in the Czech Republic have confirmed viewers' prejudices against Romani people in at least six cases. The Czech Council for Radio and Television Broadcasting (Rada pro rozhlasové a televizní vysílání - RRTV) has warned the station's operators of the incidents.  full story

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Czech Jewish community protests film award to Mel Gibson

Prague, 5.7.2014 17:53, (ROMEA) On Thursday 3 July the Federation of Jewish Communities in the Czech Republic issued a statement addressed to Jiří Bartoška, president of the Karlovy Vary International Film Festival. The statement expresses their concern and regret over the decision to award the festival's Crystal Globe (Křišťálový globus) award this year to the American actor and director Mel Gibson.  full story

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Hate violence and Romani people in the Czech Republic

Prague, 4.7.2014 16:34, (ROMANO VOĎI) According to research by the European Commission, 32 % of Romani people living in the Czech Republic have been physically assaulted or threatened with such an attack because of their nationality. Almost two-thirds of Romani assault victims never reported the attack.  full story

Zdenka, a foster mother in the Czech Republic (PHOTO:   Saša Uhlová)

Adoption and foster care: "We had room at the table"

Czech Republic, 4.7.2014 0:46, (ROMANO VOĎI) "My children used ask me, when they were little and we were out shopping, 'Mom, why does that weird man keep walking behind us?' The minute we entered a department store, the security was on our backs. By adopting Romani children, we had become a Czech-Romani family. I used to tell them: 'Well, you know, we are important customers, so we have our own VIP protection.' Today we just laugh when it happens - sometimes I repeat my explanation out loud, and if the security guards are even a bit decent, they leave us alone and stop following us, but of course we encounter greater mistrust everywhere we go," says Martina Vančáková, a mother of four children - two Romani- of her experience in the Czech Republic.  full story

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Czech Gov't approves restricting housing subsidies to stop trafficking in poverty

Prague, 2.7.2014 19:27, (ROMEA) The housing supplement provided by the Czech state to tenants in residential hotels should now be provided on the basis of the physical space being used, not per person. Rents should also be limited to the amount usually paid in a particular local area.  full story

Czech Police arrest family gang for allegedly trafficking in heroin

Brno, 2.7.2014 18:50, (ROMEA) Detectives have arrested three people in Brno on suspicion of selling heroin. An 18-year-old girl, her 40-year-old mother-in-law and her 54-year-old uncle are all being prosecuted.  full story

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Czech ombud: Towns need state financial aid and active employment policy

Ústí nad Labem, 2.7.2014 18:20, (ROMEA) Today the Czech Public Defender of Rights (ombud) Anna Šabatová visited Předlice, the largest ghetto in Ústí nad Labem, and said the state should aid towns grappling with problems in socially excluded localities. She also said building works authorities should have greater powers and that in necessary cases, properties should be expropriated.  full story

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Czech Interior Minister visits ghetto, says housing must improve

Olomouc Region, Czech Republic, 2.7.2014 17:42, (ROMEA) Socially excluded localities and the situation with firefighters and police were the main topics of a visit paid by Czech Interior Minister Milan Chovanec to the Olomouc Region today. The visit was part of the minister's ongoing series of trips to the regions.  full story

Nikos Michaloliákos, leader of the Greek party Golden Dawn, now seated in parliament

Greece now prosecuting all MPs of neo-Nazi Golden Dawn party

Athens, 1.7.2014 18:43, (ROMEA) The Greek justice system has initiated the criminal prosecution of the last of the 16 MPs from the neo-Nazi party Golden Dawn. Charges including membership in a criminal organization have been filed against all of the party's legislators.  full story

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