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March 10, 2025




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videoFrance: Young Roma man in coma after brutal lynching, President is outraged

Paris, 17.6.2014 21:47, (ROMEA) A Roma youth has been fighting for his life after being brutally lynched on Friday in a northern suburb of Paris. French President François Hollande has condemned the attack.  full story

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Czech Museum of Romani Culture could lose 13 % of its budget

Brno/Prague, 17.6.2014 19:56, (ROMEA) Organizations funded by the Czech Culture Ministry, including some of the biggest national cultural institutions, will be required to reduce their expenditures next year by 10 %, according to the current proposed budget for 2015. These organizations, however, are already working with bare-bones budgets, and a 10 % reduction could mean significant restrictions to the work they are tasked with undertaking by law.  full story

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video"I was born in your bed": Czech town presents Venice Biennale exhibition on Roma

Litomyšl, 16.6.2014 21:34, (ROMEA) An exhibition by multimedia artist Daniel Pešta, whose work was featured in the 2013 Venice Biennale, will now be exhibited comprehensively for the first time in the Czech Republic. The project, which is dominated by two large-format pieces of video art, is about the phenomenon of the Romani issue and individuals' attitudes toward it.  full story

Dorin Cioaba (PHOTO:

Romania: Self-appointed king of the Roma announces virtual currency

Sibiu, Romania, 16.6.2014 16:59, (ROMEA) Dorin Cioaba, the self-appointed king of the Roma, announced last week in the Romanian city of Sibiu that Roma throughout 37 countries will soon have their own virtual currency, the "lov", which will be exchanged at a 1:1 rate with the euro. "We will begin with one lov valued at one euro and then we will see over time whether its value rises or falls," Cioaba said in an interview with the Agerpres press agency.  full story

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Czech Republic: Police assistants were supposed to be hired, now they're unemployed

Sokolov, 16.6.2014 16:39, (ROMEA) Recently they were a model for the whole country. For two years the Western Bohemian town of Sokolov has been successfully using so-called crime prevention assistants to maintain order in troubled localities.  full story

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European Grassroots Antiracist Movement holds Roma conference in Czech Republic

Prague, 16.6.2014 16:02, (ROMEA) From 12 - 15 June 2014 a preparatory meeting of activists with the European Grassroots Antiracist Movement (EGAM) took place in Prague to work on the upcoming European Roma Pride celebrations. The meeting was organized by the Konexe association together with the EGAM network.  full story

Tania Leontieff (PHOTO: Herzi Shapira, Israel Hayom)

From Siberia to Jerusalem: Israel's first Gypsy police officer

Jerusalem, 15.6.2014 22:21, (ROMEA) After spending her childhood in a Gypsy tribe on the frozen plains of Siberia, Tania Leontieff discovered that her mother had Jewish roots. She immigrated to Israel alone and converted, and is about to become a policewoman in Jerusalem.  full story

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London: Roma Protest As Fascists Gather

London, 15.6.2014 22:16, (ROMEA) Even as Roma speakers addressed an audience at the United Against Fascism conference in London yesterday [14 June] on the rising frequency of attacks by neo-Nazi groups across Europe, members of the English Defence League were gathering in a menacing crowd outside TUC Congress Hall.  full story

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UN Human Rights Commissioner disturbed by rising xenophobia in Europe

Geneva, 14.6.2014 20:36, (ROMEA) On 10 June the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Navi Pillay, expressed concern over rising racism and xenophobia in Europe. In her remarks opening the 26th session of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva, Pillay referenced the results of May's elections to the European Parliament, in which ultra-right parties scored gains.  full story

Hungarian Roma Police Union press conference (Illustrative photo:,

Patrolling the Streets with Hungary’s Roma Police

Budapest, 14.6.2014 13:18, (ROMEA) I was born into a poor family in central Hungary, in an environment with little opportunities. Thankfully I was supported by the Open Society Foundations with financial aid to complete my high school diploma. If I hadn’t managed this, I don’t know where I would be today. At the age of 21, I enrolled at a police academy in Budapest and immediately declared my Roma heritage.  full story

Romanian Court Judgment Affirms the Responsibility of Authorities to Provide Adequate Housing to Evicted Romani Community

Bucharest, 14.6.2014 8:55, (ROMEA) The European Roma Rights Centre (ERRC) welcomes the judgment of the Constanţa Court of Appeal in southern Romania which found that the Tulcea municipality is liable for inadequate housing conditions it had provided to a previously evicted Romani community. The court awarded financial compensation to the plaintiffs for the moral damage they suffered. The ERRC supported the evicted Romani community in taking the case before the national courts.  full story

Racism in Northern Ireland: 'They called our children monkeys'

Belfast, 14.6.2014 8:46, (The Guardian) Mixed-race couple tell of daily abuse they faced for six years in Belfast as statistics show a sharp rise in racist incidents  full story

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Czech residential hotel issues remain unresolved

Varnsdorf, 14.6.2014 0:38, (ROMEA) All of the Czech Republic was shocked three years ago by the footage of otherwise honorable citizens marching side by side with ultra-right radicals and chanting "Gypsies to the gas chambers" in the town of Varnsdorf. Residential hotels for socially vulnerable people were the thorn in their side.  full story

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Young Roma demand UN representation

Sri Lanka, 13.6.2014 23:53, (ROMEA) During the World Conference on Youth in Sri Lanka last month a declaration was issued by young Roma demanding representation for the Romani nation at the United Nations. News server publishes the declaration in full:  full story

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Ukrainian Roma: The government treats us like stepchildren

Kiev, 13.6.2014 23:21, (ROMEA) Ukrainians are enduring a serious hangover after the euphoria of Maidan. Romani people in Ukraine are also being most painfully affected by the current crisis.  full story

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Slovak court awards compensation to Roma refused service

Bratislava, 13.6.2014 21:13, (ROMEA) A Slovak court has awarded compensation of EUR 600 to a Romani couple who were refused service by a bar in the east of the country five years ago. The non-governmental organization Counseling Center for Civil and Human Rights (Poradna pro občanská a lidská práva), which represented the Romani clients before the court, has issued a press release about the verdict.  full story

Kotleba, Vandas a další členové Dělnické strany sociální spravedlnosti.

Commentary: Slovakia's Fascist governor and racist beauty queen

Bánská Bystrica/Bratislava, 13.6.2014 20:31, (ROMEA) Racist calls for the isolation, deportation and even the shooting of Romani people, as well as fake reports of fabulously high amounts of welfare being drawn by them, are turning up in both public and virtual spaces in Slovakia more and more frequently. The center of this Fascist ideology, inciting a war by "decent citizens" on "social parasites", has become the Bánská Bystrica Region ever since the election of ultra-nationalist Marián Kotleba as governor there, but other parts of the country are not immune.  full story

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Czech Republic: False rumor spreading that Roma access local pool for free

Most, 13.6.2014 19:56, (ROMEA) As happens every summer in the Czech Republic, various towns are having to issue statements refuting the rumors that Romani people get free entry to local swimming pools because of their nationality. This year the lie is spreading in the town of Most.  full story

Slovak Academy of Sciences: No need to fear growth of Romani population

Bratislava, 12.6.2014 22:17, (ROMEA) Romani population predictions were one aim of a recent monograph produced in Slovakia entitled "Reproduction of the Romani population in Slovakia and prognoses for Romani population developments to 2030". The research was presented by the Forecasting Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences in Bratislava last month.  full story

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Scotland as a model for social housing legislation

Prague, 12.6.2014 19:57, (ROMEA) Robert Aldridge is the executive director of Homeless Action Scotland, an umbrella organization bringing together service providers involved in the problem of homelessness. He has also been a member of the City of Edinburgh Council for 22 years  full story

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