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March 7, 2025




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Czech Republic: Lukrecius Chang, Mc Eisi and Josef Červenák issue single together

Prague, 17.2.2014 20:37, (ROMEA) Three Romani singers in the Czech Republic have joined forces on a new single, "Jak se máš má lásko bývalá" ("How are you, my old love?"). The development of the song has an interesting back story.  full story

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videoKhamoro 2013, Thursday: Concert of traditional Roma music

Prague, 20.5.2013 10:09, (ROMEA) The festival “Khamoro”, in other words “ The Sun” will last until the 2nd of June. Visitors will be offered along a number of accompanying events, with one of the biggest enticement of the festival which are the Roma traditional music concerts. Very well known bands from several countries of the world will perform during the Khamoro festival. The Czech formation Kale, Serbian Orchestar Saša Krstic and the fantastic Zuralia Orchestor from Romania will be introduced to the audience on Thursday, the 30th of May from 7pm at the Roxy club. You can enjoy listening to their music right now.  full story

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videoKhamoro 2013, Friday: Concert of traditional Roma music

Prague, 30.5.2013 11:10, (ROMEA) Each day of the World Roma Festival Khamoro offers rich program, from which concerts of traditional Roma music are the most popular. On Friday, 31st May, you could go to the Roxy Club to enjoy a Spanish flamenco star Macarena Ramirez, a popular Hungarian band Olah Gipsy Beats and Gypsy folk group Taborshow from Russia. An illustration of their music you could find here.  full story

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videoThree Gypsy Jazz concerts will be performed at the 15th Khamoro Festival

Praha, 13.5.2013 11:14, (ROMEA) The 15th jubilee year of the World Roma Festival Khamoro will start in the end of May in Prague. The NGO Slovo 21 and Studio Production Saga have been organizing the festival since 1999. This year Khamoro is held under the patronage of Prime Minister Petr Necas and Mayor of the City of Prague Bohuslav Svoboda.  full story

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Benefit concert in Prague for resisters of gentrification in Ostrava

Prague, 14.3.2013 15:14, (ROMEA) A benefit concert to raise money to repair building no. 8 on Přednádraží street in Ostrava will be held this Sunday 17 March at 20:00 at the Café V Lese in Prague ( The program is jam-packed.  full story

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videoRomani rappers: Avoid Czech practical primary schools

Praha, 12.2.2013 0:08, (ROMEA) "Send him to a grade school/so he can be somebody/he may be a Gypsy/but he's not dilino" ("Pošlete ho do základky, aby z něj něco bylo – i když je Cigán, tak není dilino") budding Romani hip-hop artists from Prague's Žižkov neighborhood rap in their new music video "Nebuď dilino!" (“Don't be stupid!"). The four young Romani men have broken through with their group United GipsyCrew online and a single in which they proudly declare their Romani origin.  full story

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Slovakia: Košice is the European Capital of Culture 2013

Košice, Slovakia, 1.2.2013 13:08, (ROMEA) Košice is, after Bratislava, the second biggest city in Slovakia. It is not really that popular in terms of tourism but this is about to change. Košice is, together with Marseille, the European Capital of Culture 2013. Part of Košice’s culture should also be defined by the Romany culture as about 5.000 Roma are living in this city.  full story

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Interview with Romani composer Roger Moreno Rathgeb

Prague, 26.12.2012 23:31, (Romano vod'i) Roger Moreno Rathgeb is, like many Romani musicians, self-taught, but he gradually began to use musical notation and to compose. Several years ago he decided to compose a requiem for the victims of the Auschwitz extermination camp, but his work was interrupted by a visit there which strongly impacted him and blocked his creative capabilities for several years. The impulse to complete the work came in the form of a request from Albert Siebelink, who suggested presenting the "Requiem for Auschwitz" at the International Gipsy Festival in Tilburg and then in other European cities.  full story

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Czech students against neo-Nazi concerts in their town

Žatec, 10.11.2012 18:55, (ROMEA) News server reports that hundreds of people in the town of Žatec have signed a petition organized by local students against the fact that neo-Nazi bands perform concerts several times a year in the restaurant of the People's House (Lidový dům) there. Because the restaurant is privately owned, the town does not have many options for intervening against the neo-Nazi events.  full story

Django Reinhardt tribute

Napa, California, 8.11.2012 21:16, (ROMEA) Dorado Schmitt, acclaimed Manouche gypsy guitarist from the Strasbourg region of France, is returning to the Bay Area next week to present a tribute to jazz guitarist Django Reinhardt.  full story

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