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News![]() Germany: Second in command of ultra-right party resignsBerlin, 8.4.2014 21:52, (ROMEA) The second in command of Germany's largest ultra-right party, the NPD, has resigned after being criticized for participating in a social event featuring a penis-shaped cake and a former porn actress. Peter Marx said Sunday he was resigning from his post as the party's Secretary-General, officially over the "public debate about his person". full story![]() Miroslav Kováč: International Romani Day is a day for Roma to present themselvesPrague, 8.4.2014 20:42, (ROMEA) There is no doubt that Romani people are one of the largest minorities in the world. Their numbers in Europe are estimated at more than 12 million. full story![]() Czech Human Rights Minister on Int'l Romani Day: Let's address the situation seriouslyPrague, 8.4.2014 19:49, (ROMEA) Czech Minister for Human Rights, Equal Opportunities and Legislation Jiří Dientsbier has issued a press release on the occasion of International Romani Day. News server Romea.cz publishes it in full translation here. full story![]() David Beňák: Roma Summit showed places in Europe where things workBrussels, 8.4.2014 18:57, (ROMEA) The EU Roma Summit in Brussels on 4 April brought together representatives of the European Commission, governments, municipalities, nonprofit organizations, and Romani people themselves, some of whom had the opportunity of presenting on the day's panels. The summit was addressed by European Commission President José Manuel Barroso, Vice President Viviane Reding, Commissioner László Andor and Commissioner Androulla Vassiliou, demonstrating that some EU politicians are aware this topic exists and is of importance. full story![]() Roma in Europe: Demanding justice and protection in the face of violenceEU, 8.4.2014 9:37, (ROMEA) European states are failing to curb and in some cases even fuelling discrimination, intimidation and violence against Roma, Amnesty International said on International Roma Day on 8 April. full story![]() Romani people worldwide celebrate International Romani DayPrague/Planet Earth, 8.4.2014 7:12, (ROMEA) International Romani Day is celebrated annually on 8 April. On this day, Romani people commemorate the historic first-ever global congress of the International Romani Union which was held near London in 1979 at the initiative of Donald Kenrick and Grattan Puxon of Great Britain, Jarko Jovanović of the former Yugoslavia, Mateo Maximoff representing the Manouche of France, and other Romani representatives and scholars of Romani studies. full story![]() Czech Republic: International Romani Day celebrated 8 AprilCzech Republic, 8.4.2014 6:44, (ROMEA) International Romani Day is celebrated annually on 8 April. On this day, Romani people commemorate the historic first-ever global congress of the International Romani Union which was held near London in 1979 at the initiative of Donald Kenrick and Grattan Puxon of Great Britain, Jarko Jovanović of the former Yugoslavia, Mateo Maximoff representing the Manouche of France, and other Romani representatives and scholars of Romani studies. full story![]() videoNorman L. Eisen, US Ambassador to the Czech Republic: Bachtalo tumaro Maškarthemutno Romano džives! Happy International Day of Roma!Prague, 8.4.2014 4:00, (ROMEA) Good morning and Happy International Day of Roma! Lačho džives u bachtalo tumaro Maškarthemutno Romano džives! full story![]() Czech EdMin against educating Romani children separately in RomanesPrague, 7.4.2014 23:54, (ROMEA) The Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport (MŠMT) has responded to proposals made by the TOP 09 party, specifically, by Czech MP Anna Putnová, about the education of Romani children and has fundamentally rejected them. Czech Education Minister Marcel Chládek said the notion of instructing Romani children in both Czech and Romanes or placing them in segregated classes was counterproductive and ill-conceived. full story![]() Draft Czech intelligence report: Anti-Roma campaign of 2013 was a significant ultra-right actionPrague, 7.4.2014 23:23, (ROMEA) Czech news weekly TÝDEN.cz reports that during the year 2013, extremists in the Czech Republic organized 272 events, 132 of which were organized by right-wing extremists and 140 of which were organized by left-wing extremists. The number of extremism-related crimes rose slightly to 217 cases, while two persons were given prison sentences without the possibility of parole for racially-motivated crimes, 62 were put on probation, and four persons were sentenced to performing community service work. full story![]() Hungary: Jobbik's right-wing extremists place third in parliamentary elections7.4.2014 20:56, (ROMEA) The Hungarian parliamentary elections have been won as expected by the governing conservative Hungarian Civic Union (Fidesz) party. With almost 90 % of the ballots counted, the coalition of Christian Democrats and Fidesz should once again win the two-thirds majority required by the constitution. full story![]() Commentary: Czech media choices justify their meansPrague, 6.4.2014 22:37, (ROMEA) On Sunday, 30 March, TV Nova broadcast a reportage about violence in the Czech town of Tanvald. Allegedly, several mothers had called TV Nova's editors to tell them their children had been attacked by the children of "inadaptables". full story![]() Czech Republic: Prague 1 mayor rejects neo-Nazi lecturePrague, 6.4.2014 3:21, (ROMEA) A neo-Nazi lecture scheduled to take place on 5 April in facilities owned by the Prague 1 municipality was prevented from going forward. On 4 April, Prague 1 Mayor Oldřich Lomecký immediately cancelled the municipality's leasing of its social centers to the neo-Nazi group. full story![]() Czech Republic: Olah Roma elect new kingHradec Králové, 6.4.2014 2:59, (ROMEA) Representatives of the Olah Roma selected a new king today in the Czech town of Hradec Králové. Robert Beneš of Brno, a 52-year-old entrepreneur, became king and says he now intends to create a new Olah Roma government. full story![]() Czech neo-Nazis dupe management at venue6.4.2014 2:37, (ROMEA) The Antifa.cz website has reported that a concert by the bands Lucky Punch, All Bandits and In Memoriam took place today at the Na Slamníku pub in Prague. According to the website, the organizers of the event chose a different tactic this time and scheduled a performance by non-existent bands thanks to which they were able to dupe the staff at the pub. full story![]() ERTF: European Commission's previous efforts on Roma had little or no resultsStrasbourg, France, 6.4.2014 2:14, (ROMEA) The Third European Roma Summit, which took place 4 April in Brussels, has prompted many responses. Prior to the summit the European Roma and Travellers Forum published an open letter which news server Romea.cz reprints here in full: full story![]() Commentary: Roma meeting with Czech Human Rights Minister was goodPrague, 6.4.2014 1:31, (ROMEA) The recent meeting between Romani people from all regions of the Czech Republic and the Czech Minister for Human Rights, Equal Opportunities and Legislation, Jiří Dienstbier, was a very pleasant surprise. I first intended to write a classic reportage about it, without any personal remarks - brief, to the point, and objective - but I can't rid myself of my personal opinion and particular point of view, so this will be a cross between a blog and a news report. full storyEnough is enough: Time to break the circle of Roma health exclusion across EuropeBrussels, 5.4.2014 1:07, (ROMEA) The need for better policies and funding for Roma inclusion, with an emphasis on local integration in Eastern Europe, is the focus of the Third Roma Summit – a landmark event organised today by the European Commission in Brussels. full story![]() Czech Police reward four teenagers for saving a woman's lifeÚstí nad Labem, 5.4.2014 0:36, (ROMEA) Four teenagers received awards today from Vladimír Danyluk, the director of the Ústí Regional Police, for saving someone's life. Last week the four saved the life of an older woman who was probably about to die as the result of a suicide attempt. full story![]() Netherlands: 5 000 people sue Wilders over anti-Moroccan remarksNetherlands, 4.4.2014 21:34, (ROMEA) More than 5 000 people in the Netherlands have filed a lawsuit against the head of the ultra-right in the Dutch Parliament, MP Geert Wilders (Party for Freedom), over statements he made in March during a meeting with voters where he said the would endeavor to reduce the number of Moroccan immigrants to the country. The plaintiffs say he has committed discrimination against them. full story |