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Commentary: Czech media choices justify their means

Prague, 6.4.2014 22:37, (ROMEA) On Sunday, 30 March, TV Nova broadcast a reportage about violence in the Czech town of Tanvald. Allegedly, several mothers had called TV Nova's editors to tell them their children had been attacked by the children of "inadaptables".  full story

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Czech Republic: Prague 1 mayor rejects neo-Nazi lecture

Prague, 6.4.2014 3:21, (ROMEA) A neo-Nazi lecture scheduled to take place on 5 April in facilities owned by the Prague 1 municipality was prevented from going forward. On 4 April, Prague 1 Mayor Oldřich Lomecký immediately cancelled the municipality's leasing of its social centers to the neo-Nazi group.  full story

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Czech Republic: Olah Roma elect new king

Hradec Králové, 6.4.2014 2:59, (ROMEA) Representatives of the Olah Roma selected a new king today in the Czech town of Hradec Králové. Robert Beneš of Brno, a 52-year-old entrepreneur, became king and says he now intends to create a new Olah Roma government.  full story

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Czech neo-Nazis dupe management at venue

6.4.2014 2:37, (ROMEA) The website has reported that a concert by the bands Lucky Punch, All Bandits and In Memoriam took place today at the Na Slamníku pub in Prague. According to the website, the organizers of the event chose a different tactic this time and scheduled a performance by non-existent bands thanks to which they were able to dupe the staff at the pub.  full story

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ERTF: European Commission's previous efforts on Roma had little or no results

Strasbourg, France, 6.4.2014 2:14, (ROMEA) The Third European Roma Summit, which took place 4 April in Brussels, has prompted many responses. Prior to the summit the European Roma and Travellers Forum published an open letter which news server reprints here in full:  full story

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Commentary: Roma meeting with Czech Human Rights Minister was good

Prague, 6.4.2014 1:31, (ROMEA) The recent meeting between Romani people from all regions of the Czech Republic and the Czech Minister for Human Rights, Equal Opportunities and Legislation, Jiří Dienstbier, was a very pleasant surprise. I first intended to write a classic reportage about it, without any personal remarks - brief, to the point, and objective - but I can't rid myself of my personal opinion and particular point of view, so this will be a cross between a blog and a news report.  full story

Enough is enough: Time to break the circle of Roma health exclusion across Europe

Brussels, 5.4.2014 1:07, (ROMEA) The need for better policies and funding for Roma inclusion, with an emphasis on local integration in Eastern Europe, is the focus of the Third Roma Summit – a landmark event organised today by the European Commission in Brussels.  full story

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Czech Police reward four teenagers for saving a woman's life

Ústí nad Labem, 5.4.2014 0:36, (ROMEA) Four teenagers received awards today from Vladimír Danyluk, the director of the Ústí Regional Police, for saving someone's life. Last week the four saved the life of an older woman who was probably about to die as the result of a suicide attempt.  full story

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Netherlands: 5 000 people sue Wilders over anti-Moroccan remarks

Netherlands, 4.4.2014 21:34, (ROMEA) More than 5 000 people in the Netherlands have filed a lawsuit against the head of the ultra-right in the Dutch Parliament, MP Geert Wilders (Party for Freedom), over statements he made in March during a meeting with voters where he said the would endeavor to reduce the number of Moroccan immigrants to the country. The plaintiffs say he has committed discrimination against them.  full story

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Swedish hotel barred Romani guest from breakfast

Stockholm, 4.4.2014 21:07, (ROMEA) On Tuesday, 25 March, staff at the luxury Sheraton Hotel in Stockholm reportedly refused a Romani woman registered there as a guest entry into the breakfast room where the other guests were dining. Staff asked the woman to sit in the reception area instead, where they served her coffee.  full story

Czech Police never found mosque vandal

Brno, 4.4.2014 20:38, (ROMEA) Police never determined who placed a pile of pork bones in front of the doors of a mosque on Vídeňská Street in Brno just before the Christmas holidays last year. The perpetrator of the offensive vandalism spread lard on the door handle and hung a piece of pork flesh on it as well.  full story

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videoThird EU Roma Summit takes place in Brussels

Brussels, 4.4.2014 20:08, (ROMEA) Progress on Romani minority integration was the main topic of the European Roma Summit today in Brussels. In addition to discussing the situation of Romani integration in the EU Member States, the 500 delegates also focused on the question of financing for integration measures.  full story

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Czech art project appropriates "inadaptable" label

Stříbro, 4.4.2014 19:01, (ROMEA) On Thursday, 3 April, the advertising spaces in the West Bohemian town of Stříbro were flooded with photographs by Lukáš Houdek from his 2011 "Theory of Adaptability" (Teorie přizpůsobivosti) cycle. In a very direct and funny way, the photographs show how the label "inadaptable" is being disseminated by the Czech media and politicians.  full story

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videoPetition asks EU to ensure a dignified life for Romani people

Brussels, 4.4.2014 9:00, (ROMEA) Romani groups connected to the website are calling on those attending tomorrow's Third EU Roma Summit to sign a common pledge on ensuring Romani dignity. The document calls for ending the stereotypical depiction of Romani people as "untrustworthy sub-citizens who are inactive and incapable".  full story

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Viviane Reding: Roma Integration - From polemics to small miracles

Brussels, 4.4.2014 14:34, (ROMEA) I remember very well: 8 April 2010, in Córdoba, Spain. A Ministerial meeting on Roma – without Ministers. Exactly four years later, I stand here with the President of the European Commission, the President of Romania (Traian Băsescu), the Deputy Prime Minister of Bulgaria (Zinaida Zlatanova) and Ministers, mayors and State secretaries from many other EU and non-EU countries.  full story

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ERRC: On the Eve of the EU Roma Summit, Respect for the Human Rights of Roma is an Unfulfilled Promise

Budapest, 4.4.2014 14:05, (ROMEA) Member States of the European Union and candidate countries are meeting today in Brussels, just before International Roma Day on 8 April, to assess progress in addressing the problem of Roma exclusion in Europe. Unfortunately, the commitment to combatting discrimination and human rights abuses against Roma remains largely no more than a promise, despite the creation of an EU Framework for National Roma Integration Strategies and the Decade of Roma Inclusion. Throughout the EU and the countries aspiring to join the EU, Roma face significant rights abuses with an inadequate state response. A few examples illustrate the persistence of some of the most egregious abuses in EU Member States and candidate countries, relating to segregation, violence against Roma, and forced evictions leading to homelessness.  full story

José Manuel Barroso

Roma integration: EU Framework triggers first results

Brussels, 4.4.2014 13:41, (ROMEA) Concerted action by the European Commission has put Roma integration firmly on the political agenda across Europe. The first signs of improvement in the lives of Roma are slowly starting to show, says a new report unveiled today on Member States' progress achieved under the EU Framework for national Roma strategies.  full story

José Manuel Barroso

videoSpeech by President Barroso at the European Roma Summit

BRUSSELS, 4.4.2014 11:00, (ROMEA) Six years ago, at the time of the first Roma Summit, I spoke about Roma inclusion for the first time at European level.  full story

UNICEF: Prioritize children to speed up Roma inclusion in Europe

BRUSSELS/GENEVA, 4.4.2014 10:31, (ROMEA) On the eve of the third Roma summit in Brussels today, UNICEF calls on European governments to firmly place children at the centre of Roma inclusion policies.  full story

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Czech Republic: Museum of Romani Culture exhibit shows myths about "gypsies"

Brno, 3.4.2014 21:25, (ROMEA) On 8 April, International Romani Day, the Museum of Romani Culture in the Czech Republic will open a new exhibit. The topic of this latest offering will be the difference between the actual form of Romani people's way of life and the often romantic ideas that have been created about them in the past by the majority society.  full story

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