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March 10, 2025




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Commentary: Frustration, political vacuum, and a society without vision

Prague, 1.9.2013 1:06, (ROMEA) It is both remarkable and symptomatic that the unrest in the Czech Republic this summer and the increasingly oppressive atmosphere in society is receiving no response from the country's political representatives. They are all so overwhelmed by their own operations, by the ongoing chaos and the "fight for parliamentary democracy" here that they have no energy left for what is going on beyond the walls of their party secretariats.  full story

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Czech Republic: Neighbors of residential facility claim crime is up, police say otherwise

Červený Újezd, 30.8.2013 21:08, ( News server reported on 28 August that social tensions are rising in the town of Červený Újezd (Teplice district). Local residents are complaining that the owner of a former refugee camp facility is moving in people whom termed "inadaptable", as well as persons just out of prison.  full story

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Czech expert says right-wing extremists will fail at the polls

Prague, 30.8.2013 19:33, (ROMEA) The expectations of right-wing extremists last weekend were not fulfilled. According to police estimates, only 2 000 people total attended the anti-Roma demonstrations and marches convened by the movement in České Budějovice, Duchcov, Jičín, Ostrava and Plzeň.  full story

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Germany: Turkish community calls for domestic intelligence office to be disbanded

Berlin, 29.8.2013 22:54, (ROMEA) The Turkish community in Germany is demanding that the federal domestic intelligence body (the BfV, or Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution) be disbanded for its failure to prevent a series of murders committed by neo-Nazis. The Associated Press reports that the Turkish community believes the security agency uses a racist mode of reasoning.  full story

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Europe Roma International plans demonstration against neo-Nazism in front of Czech embassies worldwide

London/Prague, 29.8.2013 21:02, (ROMEA) The Europe Roma International political movement has issued a declaration on the overall situation in the Czech Republic and is calling for a series of anti-racist demonstrations worldwide. The text condemns both right-wing extremists and the owners and operators of residential hotels in the country.  full story

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Czech Police investigating four neo-Nazis for rioting in Duchcov after Saturday's march

Duchcov, 29.8.2013 19:13, (ROMEA) Police are investigating some of the participants in last Saturday's neo-Nazi march in Duchcov for rioting and vandalism committed after the event was over. Four men aged between 20 and 31 smashed in the glass doors and windows of many buildings and most probably set fire to a garbage container as they proceeded to the bus station after the demonstration.  full story

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Czech Police don't yet see racial motive in case where neo-Nazis yelled "the ovens are fired up"

Děčín, 29.8.2013 17:53, (ROMEA) Police spokesperson Petra Trypesová responded yesterday to questions posed to her by news server about a public neo-Nazi event in the town of Děčín that was never announced to authorities and took place on Sunday 18 August at around 18:00. As we previously reported here (, violent thugs physically and verbally assaulted Romani people living on Kamenická Street in Děčín that day.  full story

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Czech TV journalist of Romani origin: I was threatened during Saturday's demonstration

Prague, 28.8.2013 17:41, (ROMEA) On Saturday, 24 August, I had to once again set out to cover one of the dozens of demonstrations that have been organized by the DSSS in this country. From past experience, I knew what to expect.  full story

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Czech experts warn politicians to address anti-Roma racism or there will be pogroms

Prague, 27.8.2013 21:12, (ROMEA) In the struggle for coexistence between the Romani minority and the rest of the population, optimists are getting the short end of the stick now more than ever before. Last Saturday's coordinated, simultaneous racist marches in six towns, the biggest event of its kind in the history of the country, were proof enough of this.  full story

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Hundreds protest Czech Television for featuring "expert" who defended violent racists

Prague, 26.8.2013 21:53, (ROMEA) On Saturday, 24 August, the public broadcaster Czech Television included a populist-tinged report about that day's anti-Roma march in Ostrava as part of its "News in the Regions" program (Události v regionech). The program invited a Mr Jiří Siostrzonek to comment, incorrectly identifying him as a sociologist studying the Romani issue.  full story

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Czech Republic: Anti-Roma marches result in 101 people detained

Prague, 26.8.2013 4:51, (ROMEA) Police Presidium spokesperson Ivana Ježková has told the Czech News Agency that police detained a total of 101 people in four towns across the Czech Republic during the anti-Romani demonstrations and marches on Saturday, 24 August. Those detained are suspected of committing either misdemeanor or felony offenses.  full story

Czech Republic: Neo-Nazis provoke Romani families in Duchcov at night after protests are over

Duchcov, 26.8.2013 4:14, (ROMEA) News server is investigating reports that neo-Nazis provoked Romani residents of Duchcov during the night of Saturday, 24 August, setting off fireworks near Romani-occupied buildings. Altercations reportedly also occurred.  full story

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Czech President condemns anti-Roma marches by neo-Nazis

Lány, 26.8.2013 3:28, (ROMEA) Czech President Miloš Zeman has condemned the anti-Roma demonstrations and marches through Czech towns that took place on Saturday, 24 August. Speaking on the program "Conversations from Lány", which is broadcast by Czech Radio's Radiožurnál station, Zeman said that in order to improve the situation of socially vulnerable Romani people there is a need to break down what he termed the "white mafia" through which welfare is being abused and to support employment through greater investment.  full story

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Czech Republic: 1 500 people attend anti-Roma hate marches in eight towns

Prague, 25.8.2013 3:10, (ROMEA) Roughly 1 500 people attended hateful anti-Roma demonstrations and marches in eight towns across the Czech Republic on 24 August. The most dramatic situation was in Ostrava, where hundreds of neo-Nazis attempted a pogrom against Romani residents.  full story

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Czech Republic: Hundreds of rampaging neo-Nazis attempt pogrom against Romani people in Ostrava

Ostrava, 25.8.2013 0:29, (ROMEA) An anti-Roma march by neo-Nazis attended by between 600 - 800 people ended in clashes with police today in Ostrava. Police arrested more than 60 people and both neo-Nazis and police officers were injured.  full story

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Czech Republic: Real time coverage online of more than five simultaneous anti-Roma hate marches

Prague, 24.8.2013 21:07, (ROMEA) Neo-Nazis announced hate marches against Romani people in five towns across the Czech Republic for Saturday, 24 August 2013: České Budějovice, Duchcov, Jičín, Ostrava and Plzeň. News server followed the situation on-line, beginning with the afternoon of Friday, 23 August 2013.  full story

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Czech Republic: Racists attack Romani people in Smržovka

Smržovka, 24.8.2013 0:57, (ROMEA) Regional police spokesperson Ivana Baláková has informed the Czech News Agency that detectives are investigating an attack by racists in the town of Smržovka (Jablonec district) where a piece of plaster was allegedly thrown into the window of a Romani family's home while racist slogans were shouted. Police know the names of the assailants, who are said to be football hooligans, and detectives suspect them of supporting and promoting movements aimed at suppressing human rights and freedoms, as well as of rioting.  full story

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Czech Republic: Police preparing for five anti-Roma marches organized by neo-Nazis tomorrow around the country

Prague, 23.8.2013 21:54, (ROMEA) Police are intensively preparing for anti-Roma marches that have been announced by right-wing extremists for Saturday, 24 August in five towns around the Czech Republic so far. Police Presidium spokesperson has Ivana Ježková published a list of the demonstration locations on the presidium website.  full story

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Bishop Lobkowicz: Each of us should clearly say NO to all manifestations of racism

Ostrava, 23.8.2013 0:14, (ROMEA) The Bishop of the Ostrava-Opava Diocese, Mons. František Václav Lobkowicz, has issued a declaration regarding the assembly in Ostrava this coming Saturday, 24 August 2013. The declaration is the bishop's response to the growing tension in society between members of the majority society and the Romani minority. News server publishes the declaration in full translation:  full story

Czech Republic: Moravian-Silesian Police plan extensive monitoring for Saturday's demonstrations

Ostrava, 22.8.2013 17:58, (ROMEA) The Moravian-Silesian Regional Police are planning to monitor people and vehicles this coming Saturday when demonstrations by right-wing radicals and Romani residents are planned to take place in Ostrava. Officers are counting on monitoring people not only on the territory of the town, but also in selected places along the various access roads into Ostrava.  full story

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