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Greek Police arrest eight right-wing extremists in connection with murder of singer

Athens, Greece, 21.9.2013 20:59, (ROMEA) Greek Police have arrested eight people who are members of or sympathizers with the ultra-right Golden Dawn party, which is currently seated in the Greek Parliament. Yesterday police indicated they were preparing to investigate members of the party in connection with the murder of hip hop singer Pavlos Fisas.  full story

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"Czech Lions" experience yet another debacle - march in Přerov cancelled for lack of interest

Přerov, 21.9.2013 20:18, (ROMEA) Approximately 40 neo-Nazis gathered today for an anti-Romani assembly convened by right-wing extremists from the "Czech Lions" (Čeští lvi) organization on T. G. Masaryk Square in the town of Přerov. The organizer cancelled the planned march 40 minutes into the gathering because of low turnout.  full story

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Czech Republic: Ultra-right extremists now candidates for the "Heads Up!" bloc

Prague, 21.9.2013 18:34, (ROMEA) The "Heads Up!" (Hlava vzhůru!) bloc is running in the Czech Republic's early elections with the slogan "We fight for you!", but a more apt slogan for the group might be "We pick fights with you". Two right-wing extremists are among its candidates, as is a politician infamous for her previous racist remarks.  full story

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Greek Police to investigate neo-Nazi MPs over murder of singer

Athens, Greece, 20.9.2013 18:01, (ROMEA) As part of their investigation into the murder of hip hop singer Pavlos Fisas, Greek Police are preparing to investigate members of the anti-immigrant, ultra-right Golden Dawn party, which is currently seated in parliament. Reuters reports that police have asked the state prosecutor for permission to access records of the phone calls between by two MPs from the ultra-right party and a local party leader.  full story

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Czech Republic: Neo-Nazis to march in Přerov, "Let's Block the Marches!" announces counter-action

Přerov, 19.9.2013 20:47, (ROMEA) Right-wing extremists are planning to visit Přerov for an officially announced demonstration including a two-kilometer march through the town this Saturday. The route will lead past Romani localities.  full story

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Greece: Golden Dawn thug stabs hip-hop singer to death

Athens, Greece, 19.9.2013 16:55, (ROMEA) The website reports that a group of between 20-25 neo-Nazis and sympathizers of the neo-Nazi Golden Dawn Party assaulted hip-hop singer Pavlos Fyssase and three of his friends just after midnight on Wednesday, 18 September in the Keratsini suburb of Athens, Greece. Fyssas, who had participated in organizing concerts against fascism under his artistic name, Killah P, later succumbed to his stab wounds.  full story

Czech Republic: Racists spread false statistics about Roma, implying they are official

Prague, 17.9.2013 23:33, (ROMEA) The Sociological Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (Sociologický ústav AV ČR, v.v.i.) is distancing itself from the falsified data about the Romani population in the Czech Republic now being spread through blogs and other media outlets. The data concerned did not originate with the Sociological Institute, nor was it produced by any other governmental or research organization in the Czech Republic.  full story

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Czech Green Party chair: All of society must collaborate on building the road out of the ghetto

17.9.2013 22:25, (ROMEA) During the launch of the Green Party's electoral campaign, news server spoke with Green Party chair Ondřej Liška. Human rights considerations, according to Liška, play only a weak role in Czech politics.  full story

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Czech sociologist hopes "war of nerves" before elections does not result in violence

Prague, 17.9.2013 0:28, (ROMEA) In the context of the upcoming early elections, increased activity by the right-wing extremist DSSS party and the exploitation of Romani-related issues can be expected in the Czech Republic. The series of organized anti-Roma demonstrations in recent weeks has made it clear how DSSS chair Tomáš Vandas and his promoters will most likely behave going forward.  full story

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Czech Republic: Litvínov police and social workers cause scandal

Litvínov, 16.9.2013 23:26, (ROMEA) The Litvínov social welfare department, accompanied by municipal police and a reporter with a video camera, has been cracking down on allegedly troubled families, most of them Romani, to determine whether they have been using alcohol or taking drugs in the presence of their children. According to Zuzana Candigliota, the legal director of the League of Human Rights (Liga lidských práv), the municipal police and social welfare department staffs have exceeded their powers.  full story

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Czech human rights defender calls for media regulation in light of anti-Roma events

16.9.2013 21:26, (ROMEA) Anna Šabatová, a human rights defender and former chair of the Czech Helsinki Committee, says educating children in the schools to be racially tolerant and regulating the media and public discussions are the cure for widespread anti-Romani sentiment in society. The Czech Security Information Service (Bezpečnostní informační služba - BIS) has recently joined the Czech Helsinki Committee in warning of the dangers of antigypsyism in the country, reporting that anti-Romani demonstrations are no longer being attended just by right-wing extremists, but also by ordinary people.  full story

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Czech Republic: Nine Romani men and women running for or with Green Party in early parliamentary elections

Prague, 16.9.2013 17:15, (ROMEA) A total of nine Romani men and women will be running for the lower house in the early elections for the Green Party (Strana Zelených - SZ). Two are Green Party members, while the rest are running as part of the party's collaboration with the Equal Opportunities Party (Strana rovných příležitostí - SRP). News server will be gradually publishing a series of interviews with these particular candidates.  full story

Czech Republic: Racists' weekend demos are debacles

České Budějovice/Varnsdorf, 16.9.2013 1:13, (ROMEA) Two hate actions planned by racists in the Czech Republic for Saturday, 14 September have both ended in total fiasco. An assembly by the neo-Nazi "Czech Lions" (Čeští lvi) group never got off the ground in České Budějovice, while only 60 people turned out for a rally by the right-wing extremist DSSS in Varnsdorf.  full story

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Czech Police to charge publisher for releasing Hitler's speeches

Brno, 14.9.2013 22:11, (ROMEA) The Czech Police are evidently planning to soon charge Pavel Kamas, the owner of the Guidemedia publishing house, with approving, denying and questioning genocide by recently releasing a book called Adolf Hitler: Speeches (Adolf Hitler: Projevy). Author Lukáš Beer and Guidemedia itself are also evidently going to be prosecuted for the same offense.  full story

Czech Republic: Charity refutes rumors that Romani people receive more child support from state than others

České Budějovice, 14.9.2013 19:54, (ROMEA) News server Dení reports that the Diocesan Charity of České Budějovice (Diecézní charita České Budějovice) is refuting yet another widespread, false rumor about the alleged privileging of Romani people. Rudolf Kondáš, the newly-hired crime prevention assistant to the municipal police at the Máj housing estate there, says he hopes this summer's police operations at the housing estate in response to neo-Nazi provocations there will not have to be repeated.  full story

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Czech Republic: Residential hotel tenants have no choice but to return to burned-out, toxic facility

Ústí nad Labem, 13.9.2013 18:36, (ROMEA) On the afternoon of 12 September, part of the Freedom residential hotel in the Krásné Březno quarter of Ústí nad Labem was burned to cinders. All of the occupants, approximately 40 people, had to evacuate the building.  full story

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Czech Republic: "Let's Block the Marches!" supporting Roma in Varnsdorf tomorrow during DSSS rally

Varnsdorf, 13.9.2013 17:44, (ROMEA) Tomorrow, 14 September, racists from the right-wing extremist Workers' Social Justice Party (Dělnická strana sociální spravedlnosti - DSSS) are planning yet another provocation in the town of Varnsdorf. Almost exactly two years to the day from when violence was provoked there by the party's promoters, the DSSS has announced an assembly on Edvard Beneš Square in Varnsdorf.  full story

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Czech NGO launches ad campaign about anti-Roma prejudice

Brno, 13.9.2013 16:16, (ROMEA) Starting on 9 September, people traveling by public transportation in the Czech city of Brno have been able to see 800 posters from an ongoing campaign by the Brno-based organization IQ Roma servis. The posters describe situations where Roma are working and want to work, but are blocked by the prejudices that give all Roma a bad reputation.  full story

Czech Gov't Council on Nat'l Minorities retracts 2012 report over claims of "Russian fifth column"

Prague, 13.9.2013 1:37, (ROMEA) The Czech News Agency reports that the cabinet has re-approved a report by the Government Council on National Minorities about the situation for national minorities in the Czech Republic in 2012. The report was first taken up and approved in mid-August, but was then retracted over information it contained about the Russian minority.  full story

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Czech anti-racist activist Barbora Antonová: Politicians won't condemn racist violence

Brno, 12.9.2013 21:13, (ROMEA) A Brno-based initiative of people opposed to right-wing extremism has called on influential personalities and politicians to clearly express their positions on the current wave of anti-Roma sentiment in the Czech Republic. The initiative is publishing those opinions on the "Nic než názor" (Nothing but Opinion) website, the name of which in Czech is a parody of the right-wing extremist slogan "Nic než národ" ("Nothing but the nation").  full story

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