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March 10, 2025




Valeriu Nicolae (PHOTO:

Valeriu Nicolae: Blacklisted – the new low of the European Commission

Bucharest, 26.7.2013 10:33, (ROMEA) Last week a close friend told me that the European Commission blacklisted the NGO she works for. I used to work for the same NGO in the past. The members of the network are people I know for a long time- people I am proud to have worked with- committed and hardworking.  full story

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United Nations Human Rights Committee urges Czech Republic to close pig farm at Lety

Geneva, Switzerland, 25.7.2013 18:48, (ROMEA) Agence France-Presse (AFP) reports that the United Nations Human Rights Committee has called on the Czech Republic today to shut down the pig farm that was erected by the communist regime in the 1970s on the site of a former concentration camp for Romani people. Czech Government Human Rights Commissioner Monika Šimůnková said she supports removing the pig farm but the decision about its fate will be up to the new government.  full story

Montenegro: Right-wing extremists assault country's first Gay Pride Parade

Podgorica, 25.7.2013 17:32, (ROMEA) On Wednesday, 24 July, in the very conservative country of Montenegro, right-wing extremists shouting "Kill the gays!" assaulted activists from the gay community who were meeting up for the country's first-ever Gay Pride Parade in the seaside resort of Budva. Wire services report the attackers threw bottles, rocks, smoke bombs and other objects, including café tables, at several dozen participants in the march and their supporters before clashing with riot police protecting the event.  full story

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French MP Bourdouleix leaves party after criticism for alleged statement about Hitler and Travellers

France, 25.7.2013 16:54, (ROMEA) Gilles Bourdouleix, the French MP who is also mayor of the town of Cholet, has now resigned his membership in his political party. Bourdouleix left the center-right UDI (Union of Democrats and Independents) after being criticized for statements he is alleged to have recently made about Travellers.  full story

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Czech High Court softens verdict against Romani NGO director for falsifying data

Prague, 25.7.2013 16:25, (ROMEA) Today the High Court in Prague relaxed the original sentence of six years in prison handed down for subsidy fraud and falsifying official documents against Ladislav Bílý, the head of the Roma Civic Association (Romské občanské sdružení - ROS) in Karlovy Vary, shortening it to a three-year suspended sentence with five years' probation. The court upheld the first-instance ban on Bílý running any other nonprofits as well as the suspension of his driver's license.  full story

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Czech President Zeman: Neo-Nazi demonstrations must be broken up at the start

Prague, 24.7.2013 22:50, (ROMEA) In an interview for the Czech News Agency today, Czech President Miloš Zeman said there is a need for much more intensive, repressive prosecution of neo-Nazi manifestations. He was responding to, among other things, the recent unrest at the Máj housing estate in the town of České Budějovice which has resulted in anti-Romani assemblies and marches by right-wing radicals, as well as other manifestations by the promoters of neo-Nazism in other parts of the country.  full story

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Czech Republic: Splinter DSSS faction plans 13 more anti-Romani events by year's end

Prague, 24.7.2013 20:48, (ROMEA) All of the right-wing extremists in the Czech Republic are currently feeling the need for publicity because of the upcoming elections next year (some of which may take place later this year). Now we can expect more violent election-related events than ever before because the Workers' Social Justice Party (Dělnická strana sociální spravedlnosti - DSSS) has split into two groups.  full story

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Czech MP wants to introduce concept of "high-risk families and individuals"

Prague, 23.7.2013 22:27, (ROMEA) Czech MP Otto Chaloupka (Věcí veřejných - Public Affairs), who is known for his hateful statements about Romani people, has published proposed amendments to several laws regulating civil coexistence on his website. Without giving any evidence for his assertions, he claims the welfare system is being abused and must be tightened up.  full story

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French MP allegedly said Hitler didn't kill enough Travellers, he denies it

France, 23.7.2013 15:50, (ROMEA) A remark allegedly made by a French MP who is also the mayor of the town of Cholet regarding several hundred Travellers who set up camp on municipal land there last Sunday has caused a sensation in France. French daily Le Courrier de l'Ouest reported that Gilles Bourdouleix, accompanied by four municipal policemen, visited the Travellers to eject them from the campsite. They greeted him with the Nazi salute and accusations of racism. He is alleged to have mumbled in response that "Hitler didn't kill enough of them".  full story

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Gwendolyn Albert: Zimmerman verdict is about living in fear

USA, 23.7.2013 12:41, (ROMEA) The verdict of “not guilty” in the trial of George Zimmerman the weekend before last was extremely disheartening for millions of Americans, as indeed the entire drama has been. In order to understand why it was possible for Zimmerman to shoot unarmed teenager Trayvon Martin in the heart and be legally absolved of wrongdoing by his claim of self-defense, we need to understand where the law that has spared him the designation of “murderer” came from.  full story

Commentary: The structure of hatred

Prague, 22.7.2013 23:08, (ROMEA) A society dominated by relationships of competition, one where the argument that "the ends justify the means" is considered valid, creates lightning rods out of phenomena it doesn't know how to deal with or doesn't want to handle. In this society, those phenomena are homeless people and especially Romani people. Here, if you give these people a kick, you can easily justify your actions as moral.  full story

Nikos Michaloliákos, leader of the Greek party Golden Dawn, now seated in parliament

Greece: Number of racist attacks rising

Athens, Greece, 22.7.2013 17:04, (ROMEA) Agence France-Presse (AFP) reports that a refugee named Omar Diallo suffered injuries during a recent attack on the street in Athens that required several stitches. Back in his home country of Guinea the 28-year-old was used to violence, but the hostile racism he has encountered in a Greece beset by crisis is a significant shock for him.  full story

Czech Republic: Non-Romani people visit Romani neighborhood en masse, police keep the peace

České Budějovice, 22.7.2013 3:39, (ROMEA) News server reports that during the early evening of Saturday, 20 July, roughly 200 people gathered on the streets of the Máj housing estate in the town of České Budějovice, which has been the site of anti-Romani demonstrations during previous weeks. Citizens of both Czech and Romani nationality, under the supervision of police, verbally exchanged opinions.  full story

Czech Republic: 100 right-wing extremists march through Svitavy

Svitavy, 20.7.2013 18:49, (ROMEA) reports that this afternoon a march by right-wing extremists that has become an annual tradition was experienced once more by the town of Svitavy. About 100 people gathered in front of the local train station and marched through the town to protest the imprisonment of a local skinhead, Vlastimil Pechanec, who was convicted of the 2001 murder of a Romani man, Ota Absolon, in a local discotheque and sentenced to 17 years in prison.  full story

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DSSS files criminal charges over Czech-Romani flag exhibit

Prague, 19.7.2013 21:06, (ROMEA) The ultra-right Workers' Social Justice Party (Dělnická strana sociální spravedlnosti - DSSS) is filing criminal charges against the organizers of an exhibition featuring designs for a new state flag, the so-called "Czech-Romani flag". According to the DSSS, the organizers have violated the law on the use of the state symbols of the Czech Republic.  full story

Prague establishes special group to remove homeless people from mass transit

Prague, 18.7.2013 17:40, (ROMEA) Mayor of Prague Tomáš Hudeček (TOP 09) has told journalists that the city has decided to eject homeless people from public transportation and has set up a special team to solve the problem comprised of representatives of municipal police, nonprofit organizations and the transit authority. "They have been jointly tasked with improving the situation in mass transit environments, including their cleanliness," Hudeček said.  full story

Czech Republic: Fake bombs found in Romani ghetto, locals are afraid

Liberec, 18.7.2013 17:12, (ROMEA) Two small packages resembling bombs have been found in the Romani ghetto of Machnín in the town of Liberec. While the packages did not contain any explosives, local residents say they are still significantly afraid of right-wing extremists.  full story

German, Swiss Police intervene against neo-Nazis allegedly planning terrorist attacks

Berlin, 18.7.2013 2:34, (ROMEA) Deutsche Presse-Agentur reports that on 17 July the German and the Swiss Police initiated an extensive raid against members of a neo-Nazi group who allegedly have been planning terrorist attacks. Searches were performed in three states in the north of Germany and in Switzerland, but no arrests have been made yet.  full story

Norwegian neo-Nazi arrested in France on suspicion of preparing terrorist attack

Paris, 18.7.2013 2:15, (ROMEA) The French Interior Ministry has announced that French Police have arrested Norwegian neo-Nazi Kristian Vikernes and his French wife, Marie Cachet, on suspicion of preparing "a large-scale act of terrorism". Vikernes has made no secret of his sympathies for right-wing extremist Anders Behring Breivik, who in July 2011 committed a terrorist attack in Oslo and then shot dead dozens of participants in a summer camp for Social Democratic youth.  full story

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Fedor Gál: Just one spark and we have a pogrom - Roma are the first to be attacked

Prague, 17.7.2013 21:23, (ROMEA) During the recent anti-Roma demonstrations at the Máj housing estate in České Budějovice, many of those in attendance have also protested being labeled "racists" or "radicals". Sociologist Fedor Gál explains what racism is and isn't and what we should ask Romani people about. "When someone brings up the anti-Romani topic because he wants to keep his position of power, then that person is himself a criminal, a deviant," Gál said in an interview for the Czech daily Mf DNES.  full story

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