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March 9, 2025




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Injury count rises to 10 in České Budějovice, mayor says his hands were tied

České Budějovice, 29.6.2013 23:11, (ROMEA) After 20:00 CET on 29 June, neo-Nazi demonstrators on the streets of the Máj housing estate in České Budějovice (see continued rioting on Václav Volf Street, where they did their best to provoke conflict with local Romani residents. Police began pushing the provocateurs out of the area shortly after 21:00.  full story

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videoCzech Republic: Neo-Nazis attempt pogrom on Roma, commit arson, nine injured, 28 arrests

České Budějovice, 29.6.2013 20:19, (ROMEA) Roughly 200 people, most of them Romani, gathered after 13:00 CET today at the Máj housing estate in České Budějovice where the assembly and cultural program "Čikhatar Het/Z bahna ven II" ("Out of the Mud II") was held by the Konexe civic association together with the local Romani community. The gathering was in response to an anti-Romani demonstration that started at 16:00 CET on Přemysl Otakar II Square and was attended by about 500 people.  full story

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Statewide Association of Romani People in the Czech Republic: New PM should revive Human Rights Minister post

Prague, 28.6.2013 23:14, (ROMEA) The Statewide Association of Romani People in the Czech Republic has sent the editors of news server an open letter calling on Jiří Rusnok, who has been appointed Prime Minister by Czech President Miloš Zeman, to revive the post of Human Rights Minister. News server publishes the text of that letter below in full translation:  full story

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Czech Republic: Čikhatar Het II to run in České Budějovice alongside anti-Romani assembly

České Budějovice, 28.6.2013 22:31, (ROMEA) České Budějovice is readying for assemblies that will take place tomorrow on Přemysl Otakar II Square and at the Máj housing estate. Both gatherings are in response to an incident during which children, their parents and then unrelated adults got into conflict with one another a local playground.  full story

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Patrik Banga: Violence should not be minimized, but "Čhikatar het" action deserves praise overall

Prague, 28.6.2013 17:17, (ROMEA) This commentary was first published in Czech on Monday, 24 June 2013. For reporting on the incidents it refers to, please see and  full story

RomaReact Group: Brussels, 26th of June, 2013. A day we will undoubtedly remember due to the meeting, organized by us – the Roma activists. (FOTO:

RomaReact group: Start the morning with human rights

Brussels, 28.6.2013 12:25, (ROMEA/ For some it is just another day, but for us, the participants in the RomaReact group it is a day that we hope will bring a positive impact to our work and will support the fulfillment of our aims for which we have all worked for on.  full story

Czech Republic: Suspended sentences for 2011 attack on Roma

Prague, 28.6.2013 2:26, (ROMEA) Of the five aggressive youths who brutally beat up two Romani people in Prague two years ago, three have been given suspended sentences and two will not be punished for their involvement at all. The victims were provided legal aid by the In IUSTITIA association, and without their involvement the case might never have even made it before a court, since police downplayed the severity of the assault from the beginning.  full story

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Survey finds Czech Republic worst for ethnic discrimination on the housing market

Prague/Ústí nad Labem, 27.6.2013 17:42, (ROMEA) In May and June 2013, a survey was conducted in five European countries to map the opportunities available to various marginalized population groups when seeking housing. As the country with the highest level of discrimination in the rental housing market on the basis of prospective tenants' membership in the Romani minority, the Czech Republic came out the worst of all the countries surveyed.  full story

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Czech Republic: Protest this Saturday over alleged problems at housing estate in České Budějovice

České Budějovice, 26.6.2013 22:37, (ROMEA) Yet another effort to draw publicity to the tribulations of ordinary coexistence is now underway with the scheduling of a public assembly this coming Saturday in České Budějovice. Those convening the demonstration want to draw attention to alleged problems at the Máj housing estate there, specifically to alleged difficulties in coexistence with members of the community of socially vulnerable people living at the housing estate, most of whom are Romani.  full story

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George Soros Welcomes EU Action to Promote Roma Inclusion

Brussels, 26.6.2013 22:32, (ROMEA) Today the European Union announced important measures to promote Roma inclusion across Europe. The Open Society Foundations praised the proposals, which focus on ending widespread disparities in education, employment, health, and housing, and call on member states to devote more money to Roma integration.  full story

Berlaymont Building in Brussels (Entrance): Houses the European Commission (PHOTO: Matthias v.d. Elbe, Wikimedia Commons)

videoRoma: Commission calls on Member States to step up efforts on integration

Brussels, 26.6.2013 22:25, (ROMEA) The European Commission has called on Member States to deliver on their commitments to ensure equality and to do more to improve the economic and social integration of Europe's 10 to 12 million Roma.  full story

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AI petition asking EU to halt discrimination of Roma gets almost 100 000 signatures

Brussels/Prague, 26.6.2013 17:42, (ROMEA) Almost 100 000 people from around the world have signed a petition by Amnesty International (AI) supporting the rights of Romani people in the European Union. The AI document calls on the European Commission to halt discrimination against Romani people in Europe and force the Member States to uphold EU anti-discrimination law. The Commission is preparing to publish a report on the integration of Roma today.  full story

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Governor of Ústí Region condemns violence, says Czech Government should address social exclusion

Teplice, 25.6.2013 17:29, (ROMEA) Governor of the Ústí Region Oldřich Bubeníček has condemned the violent course of Saturday's demonstration by the Workers' Social Justice Party (Dělnická strana sociální spravedlnosti - DSSS) in Duchcov, during which several people were injured. Czech Police successfully prevented any direct clashes between the right-wing extremists and members of the Romani minority there.  full story

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Czech Republic: Famous Romani artist Rudolf Dzurko passes away

Prague, 25.6.2013 3:33, (ROMEA) After a long and difficult illness, the famous Romani artist Rudolf Dzurko passed away on Sunday, 23 June shortly before his 72nd birthday. His creations were primarily characterized by his original pictures made from ground glass.  full story

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Czech Republic: Police arrest 22 after clash with ultra-right extremists in Duchcov

Duchcov, 25.6.2013 2:54, (ROMEA) In the town of Duchcov (Teplice district) a rally by the Workers' Social Justice Party (Dělnická strana sociální spravedlnosti - DSSS) this past weekend deteriorated into street clashes with police officers. Aggressive neo-Nazis assaulted police and threw bottles and rocks. Police used firecrackers, tear gas and water cannon.  full story

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Czech Republic: Children's squabble in České Budějovice becomes tussle between adults

České Budějovice, 24.6.2013 22:38, (ROMEA) On Friday, 21 June some children got into a wrestling match at the Máj housing estate in České Budějovice. Adults then joined the skirmish and two people ended up in hospital with abrasions.  full story

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Czech Republic: "White" aggressor brutally beats up two Romani women, one of them disabled, in the Šluknov foothills

Mikulášovice u Rumburku, 24.6.2013 17:49, (ROMEA) Sisters Božena and Marcela Demeterová paid a cruel price for going to a restaurant last Friday evening in the town of Mikulášovice not far from Rumburk in the Šluknov foothills. The pair were slowly heading home when they were brutally assaulted outside by a young "white" man. Robert Ferenc of the Čačipen association in Krásná Lípa brought the case to the attention of news server  full story

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Czech President, after Duchcov, says fiercer action needed against any manifestations of neo-Nazism

Lány, 24.6.2013 6:15, (ROMEA) Czech President Miloš Zeman said today that he saw in Saturday's violent spree by neo-Nazis in Duchcov the confirmation of his previous prognosis about a dangerous upswing in neo-Nazism in the Czech Republic. The president warned of the dangers of neo-Nazis both in his inaugural speech and in a speech given last week at the Lidice commemoration.  full story

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videoCzech Republic: Injuries after DSSS provokes street warfare in Duchcov, police use tear gas and water cannon

Duchcov, 22.6.2013 19:34, (ROMEA) In the Czech town of Duchcov (Teplice district) the first clashes have taken place between riot police and promoters of the Workers Social Justice Party (Dělnická strana sociální spravedlnosti - DSSS). Bottles and rocks were thrown and police used firecrackers, tear gas and water cannon. Police have confirmed two officers injured, but others have sustained bloody cuts. A photographer was struck in the head with a rock and a woman also suffered injuries. The right-wing radical event completely lost any sort of organized progression.  full story

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Czech Green Party: Neo-Nazi DSSS wants to stir up ethnic hatred in Duchcov

Prague, 22.6.2013 3:37, (ROMEA) The Czech Green Party supports the upcoming "Čikhatar het / Z bahna ven!," (Out of the Mud!) assembly which aims to reduce passions and tension in the town of Duchcov but warns against efforts by the Workers' Social Justice Party to once again stir up ethnic hatred among local residents, according to a press release. News server publishes that statement below in full translation.  full story

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