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September 23, 2024




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Hungary: 1 000 fans of Roma Pride march through Budapest, honor Romani revolutionaries

20.10.2016 19:40 The Roma Pride event took place yesterday for the fourth time in the Hungarian capital with an assembly and subsequent march attended by roughly 1 000 people. News server quoted educator Mónika Rózsa, a member of the Roma Club Foundation, which organizes the event, as saying Roma Pride Day is a public event where members of the Romani community espouse their identity and embrace each other.  full story

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Fifty legislators meet with the Dalai Lama in the Czech Senate, criticize statement by high officials

20.10.2016 18:30 Approximately 50 Czech MPs and Senators met yesterday morning in the Senate with the Tibetan spiritual leader the Dalai Lama. Czech MP Petr Gazdík, vice-chair of the Chamber of Deputies (for the TOP 09 and Mayors coalition) posted about the meeting on Facebook.  full story

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The Dalai Lama speaks about Havel's legacy, significance of the EU during Prague visit

19.10.2016 11:35 Exiled Tibetan spiritual leader the Dalai Lama says the 21st century must be one of compassion and dialogue conducted with all, including those who engage in combat and kill others. He believes a change in how the world is experienced and perceived will come about with the next generation, who will accent the inner worth of human beings and respect for others more than they will accent the temporary satisfaction of their own desires.  full story

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Members of the European Parliament urge European Commission to move EU-subsidized pig farm from Lety site

17.10.2016 15:42 More than 80 legislators, some with the European Parliament and many at national level in 20 different EU Member States, have urged the head of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, to begin addressing the situation of the former concentration camp for Romani people at Lety by Písek, where an industrial pig farm stands today. The legislators say the genocide of Romani people was perpetrated at that site and the EU must commit to making sure it is in a dignified state.  full story

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UK Boxing Board of Control suspends Tyson Fury, fighter with Irish Traveller roots relinquishes remaining titles to get sober

16.10.2016 9:16 In the wake of canceling his rematch with Wladimir Klitschko for a second time, boxing champion Tyson Fury has announced that he wants to concentrate exclusively on resolving his personal problems, including addiction. Promotion agency Hennessy Sports has released an official statement to that effect.  full story

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Slovakia: Residential hotel in Bratislava refuses to house Romani workers

14.10.2016 8:41 The Tarif residential hotel in Bratislava, the capital of Slovakia, has refused to accommodate Romani people and has even ejected some of them from the facility. Slovak online daily Denník N decided to investigate after hearing of the ejections and the verbal insults that accompanied them.  full story

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videoEuropean Roma Spirit Awards: Impreuna, Roma Education Support Trust,, Spišský Hrhov, Sabiha Suleiman

11.10.2016 15:15 Yesterday the first-ever European Roma Spirit Awards were announced in Bratislava. The ceremony included a video greeting from EU Commissioner for Justice, Consumers and Gender Equality, Věra Jourová.  full story

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Slovakia: Czech Human Rights Minister speaks at EU conference on Romani youth

11.10.2016 11:13 On 10 October the Czech Minister for Human Rights, Equal Opportunities and Legislation attended the High Level Event on Roma Youth Empowerment in his role as chair of the Czech Government Council on Romani Minority Affairs. The topic of the conference was "Promoting the key role of Roma youth as a driving force in the process of Roma integration" and it was held in Bratislava from 9-11 October as part of the Slovak Presidency of the European Union.  full story

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LIVE ONLINE BROADCAST: European Roma Spirit Award ceremony

10.10.2016 17:44 This year, for the first time ever, the European Roma Spirit Award (ERSA) will be given in appreciation of activities, individuals or projects supporting the integration of Romani people in Europe and contributing to effective, functional resolutions to problems the Romani community faces.  full story

Sunai Sabrioski

Romani journalist from Macedonia raises forced marriage at the OSCE

7.10.2016 14:20 Sunai Sabrioski is a Romani journalist from Macedonia who recently the attended the Human Dimension Implementation Meeting of the Office of Democratic Institutions and Human Rights of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe in Warsaw, where civil society members usually get three minutes (or less) during the plenary sessions to make recommendations to the delegations of the 57 Participating states. News server conducted the following interview with him.  full story

Romani Rose (PHOTO:

Romani Rose tells German Chancellor his parents, who survived the Holocaust, would have approved of her

6.10.2016 14:51 At the end of September the Central Council of German Sinti and Roma, with the support of various foundations and the German Government, celebrated the 70th birthday of its longtime president, Romani Rose, in Berlin. German Chancellor Angela Merkel of the Christian Democratic Union gave a speech during the celebration, and Rose also received congratulations in person from Prime Minister Bodo Ramelow (Die Linke) of the state of Thuringia, MP Claudia Roth (Greens), who is the vice-chair of the Bundestag, and Hartmut Koschik of the Christian Socialist Union, the Government's rapporteur for national minorities.  full story

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William Lazarus Bila: Roma joining the bandwagon on anti-refugee campaigns

6.10.2016 10:27 I am angry and disappointed. Despite the recent Hungarian Migrant Quota Referendum being deemed invalid and not succeeding in obtaining enough voter participation to have any significant meaning, the Hungarian Prime Minister and his followers have already begun spinning this failure into a success story for the delusional and uninformed. We need to stop this, for Europe.  full story

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Amnesty International: Just 10 countries handle most of the world's refugees, wealthiest doing the least

4.10.2016 13:47 According to a report published today by the human rights organization Amnesty International, the burden of the global refugee crisis on various countries is disproportionately distributed, with most of the world's refugees living in just 10 states. The report called on wealthy states to increase the aid they are providing and to receive the number of refugees that corresponds to their capacity to provide protection.  full story

Germany: Two bombs exploded in Dresden, one in front of a mosque, no physical injuries

29.9.2016 14:36 Reuters reports that German Police announced on 27 September that two improvised explosive devices were detonated in Dresden, in the eastern part of Germany, on the evening of 26 September. One was planted in front of a mosque and the other in front of an international conference center.  full story

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videoLIVE WEBCAST: OSCE conference reviews the rights of the child today and will touch on the discrimination of Romani children in education

29.9.2016 10:13 Today the OSCE human rights conference continues in Warsaw. The morning session is dedicated to the rights of the child and will also touch on discrimination against Romani people in education. The opening remarks will be given by Beáta Oláhová of the Budapest-based Roma Education Fund. The Human Dimension Implementation Meeting - HDIM is regularly held by the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights of the OSCE. You can follow the live webstream on  full story

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videoOSCE meeting on human rights includes session on Roma and Sinti

28.9.2016 12:28, (UPDATED 17:25) The Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights has been holding its traditional Human Dimension Implementation Meeting (HDIM) of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) will focus on Roma and Sinti today. You can follow the session live on news server  full story

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First-ever European Roma Spirit 2016 award nominations include news server

28.9.2016 7:02 This year for the first time the European Roma Spirit Award (ERSA) will be given to express appreciation for activities, individuals and projects supporting the integration of Romani people in Europe and contributing effective, functional solutions to the problems the Romani community faces. The award is administered by the Association for Culture, Education and Communication (ACEC) together with the Open Society Foundation under the auspices of the Slovak Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs and Family Ján Richter and the Slovak Government Council on the Romani Community.  full story

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Germany: Racist assaults increasing

27.9.2016 10:56 The number of violent attacks with a racist subtext has increased in Germany. From January until mid-September, police recorded 507 such assaults, almost double the number for the same period last year, according to the magazine Spiegel.  full story

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Czech right-wing extremists arguing over why racist from USA didn't speak at anti-EU demo

22.9.2016 11:10 Last weekend's demonstration on Saturday, 17 September 2016 on Wenceslas Square in Prague, entitled "Together for Leaving the EU", was supposed to feature an appearance by American racist Matthew-John Heimbach, who was invited by the Workers Social Justice Party (DSSS). Heimbach is linked to the Ku-Klux-Klan (KKK) and "White Power" organizations in the USA.  full story

Analysis: Refugee curfew relaxed in German town of Bautzen, opponents of racism assemble undisturbed

22.9.2016 7:54 One week ago the long-term tensions in the town of Bautzen in the German region of Lausitz, located just north of the border with the Czech Republic, escalated. The clash between neo-Nazis, police officers, and a small group of young refugees resulted in the refugees being chased throughout the entire town and was reported on by news server in detail here.  full story

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