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Czech PM Sobotka: The Czech Republic must think of its own security

15.11.2015 22:46 Speaking on Czech Television today in response to Friday's terrorist attacks in Paris, which claimed the lives of as many as 130 people, Czech Prime Minister Bohuslav Sobotka (Czech Social Democratic Party - ČSSD) said the Czech Republic must aid people in need while simultaneously thinking about its own security. He also said he was disappointed by the words of European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker about maintaining the EU's current approach to immigration.  full story

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Seven people connected to one assassin detained in France, some commandoes apparently managed to flee

15.11.2015 21:29 As reported earlier, François Molins, the Paris Prosecutor, has announced that French investigators have identified the first of the assassins who killed 129 people in Friday in Paris during a coordinated attack. Omar Ismail Mostefai (age 29) was identified by one of his fingers that was found at the crime scene of the Bataclan concert hall.  full story

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Police have identified the first of the Paris assassins

15.11.2015 20:12 François Molins, the Paris Prosecutor, has announced that French investigators have identified the first of the assassins who killed 129 people in Friday in Paris during a coordinated attack. Omar Ismail Mostefai (age 29) was identified by one of his fingers that was found at the Bataclan concert hall.  full story

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International Romani Union: Freedom is the most important value

14.11.2015 17:44 The International Romani Union has sent the following letter to the French President about the 13 November terrorist attacks in Paris:  full story

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Islamic State claims responsibility for assassinations in Paris

14.11.2015 15:09 The Islamic State (IS) organization has released a statement claiming responsibility for Friday's terrorist attacks in Paris. Shortly before that French President François Hollande had attributed the assassinations to them.  full story

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One of the biggest terrorist attacks: Assassins murder 126 people in Paris, more than 200 injured

14.11.2015 8:36 The attacks that cost the lives on Friday evening of dozens of people in Paris are being reported by French news servers with the headlines "State of emergency", "Series of suicide assassinations", "Unprecedented assaults". The media is also noticing that the attackers chose the unlucky day of Friday the 13th for their assault.  full story

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Turkey's first Romani television station to begin online broadcast

12.11.2015 21:15 The Turkish edition of CNN and other media outlets report that Ahmet Çokyaşar, the chair of the Turkish Romani Confederation, says giving Romani people a voice and providing a different perspective on them from the one produced by other media outlets is the main aim of the first Romani television station in Turkey, which will begin broadcasting on 20 November. The station, called "Roman TV", will first begin broadcasting in Romani and Turkish through the Internet  full story

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Some charges dropped against Romani couple in Greece who cared for Romani child from Bulgaria

12.11.2015 20:08 The Greek wire service Athens News Agency (ANA) reports that a Greek court has dropped charges of abduction against the Romani couple who were discovered in 2013 to be caring for a blonde Romani girl named Maria. Christos Salis and his wife, Eleftheria Dimopoulou, are still being prosecuted for deceiving the authorities by asserting she was their daughter.  full story

Flags in front of the European Commission building in Brussels (PHOTO: Sébastien Bertrand, Wikimedia Commons)

Africa-EU summit: Billions in aid to help stop refugee wave

12.11.2015 17:53 Leaders of European countries meeting in Valletta today signed an agreement to create an EU Emergency Trust Fund for Africa. The European Commission has already allocated EUR 1.8 billion for it.  full story

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Research shows Slovaks take stricter approach to judging Romani people than to judging Hungarians - or themselves

11.11.2015 19:06 News server Denní reports that a team of Slovak scholars, led by sociologist Andrej Findor from Comenius University, have conducted research to ascertain how respondents assess the commission of a misdemeanor depending on whether it is committed by an ethnic Hungarian, Roma or Slovak. Compared to the other groups, it is absolutely clear that respondents assess Romani people most strictly.  full story

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European Court of Human Rights: Freedom of speech does not include Holocaust denial

11.11.2015 18:17 The European Court of Human Rights has rejected an appeal from comedian Dieudonné Mbala Mbala against the fact that the French justice system has fined him for disseminating hatred. Freedom of speech, according to the Court, does not cover anti-Semitism or Holocaust denial.  full story

European Association for the Defense of Human Rights (AEDH)

AEDH calls on African and European leaders to put human rights at the center of migration policies

10.11.2015 23:14 The European Association for the Defence of Human Rights (AEDH) issued the following press release today:  full story

Flags in front of the European Commission building in Brussels (PHOTO: Sébastien Bertrand, Wikimedia Commons)

Luxembourgian Foreign Minister says EU might fall apart over refugee crisis

9.11.2015 18:10 "The European Union can fall apart," Luxembourgian Foreign Minister Jean Asselborn has warned in an interview for Deutsche Presse-Agentur (DPA). "That could happen unbelievably quickly if isolation, not solidarity, becomes the rule for both extra- and intra-EU affairs."  full story

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Professor Igor Lukeš: Lies in the public arena and the beginnings of Fascism

9.11.2015 5:57 With the permission of the author, news server has republished a blog written by Boston University Professor Igor Lukeš for news server Aktuálně.cz about the dissemination of hatred and lies. In the piece he draws attention to an extremist text against Islam and warns that "this is how Fascism began in the 20th century".  full story

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EU Justice Commissioner: Whoever says refugees don't deserve aid has never spoken with one

9.11.2015 3:18 The dissemination of hatred on the Internet, the refugee crisis and xenophobia in Czech society were the main topics of discussion between EU Justice Commissioner Věra Jourová and Czech MEP Stanislav Polčák on a recent episode Czech Television's "Václav Moravec's Qustions" program. "We do not have, not the Union, which is to say the Commission or the Parliament, and not the Member States - we ourselves do not have a solution to this in hand. The European Union is not a federation that could entrust the resolution of asylum policy from on high to the Member States of the Union. We must address this together, and I would really appeal for us to listen to each other, for the West to listen to the East, which is saying: 'We are concerned that we will have to... face the problem that the West has because it is a multicultural society'," the Commissioner said when asked to explain her view of the redistribution of refugees within the EU.  full story

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Artist wakes Europe's conscience with a minute of silence symbolizing deafness to the cause of refugees

8.11.2015 20:56 Agence France-Presse (AFP) reports that when the news spread at the end of October that another 11 children had drowned attempting to reach Greece, the actor Benedict Cumberbatch suddenly exploded: "Fuck the politicians," the otherwise meticulously cultivated actor told the upper classes of the theater-going public in London after a performance of "Hamlet". He followed that with an urgent intercession on behalf of the thousands of refugees who are disembarking daily on the beaches of Europe.  full story

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Swedish Police force Romani migrants to vacate camp, PM says they are not the country's responsibility

6.11.2015 19:42 Swedish newspaper reports in a detailed article that hundreds of Romani migrants in Sweden found themselves with nowhere to spend the night recently after police forced them to vacate a large "shantytown" in Malmö. Swedish PM Stefan Löftven announced the news and added that Sweden is not responsible for such people.  full story

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European Roma and Travellers Forum asks Pope to revise his rhetoric on Roma

6.11.2015 17:52 In a letter addressed to the Pope today, the President of the European Roma and Travellers Forum (ERTF) Mr Gheorghe Raducanu welcomes the Catholic Church's recent initiatives to combat discrimination against Roma, Sinti and Travellers, but regrets that some of the Pope's well-intentioned remarks are likely to instead promote the sentiments that promote such discrimination by the majority population. “Asking the audience to be good Christians 'avoiding all that is not worthy of this name: lies, frauds, swindles, altercation', is excellent advice to be addressed to all Christians but, in the context of an audience with Roma and Sinti, this advice seems to be addressed exclusively to them," the letter notes.  full story

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German state of Bavaria prepares to sue federal government over alleged mishandling of the refugee crisis

4.11.2015 22:39 The German daily Tagesspiegel reports that the German state of Bavaria is preparing a Constitutional complaint against the German Government over the current influx of refugees into the country. The country's largest state is of the opinion that the federal government is not meeting its obligations during the refugee crisis by not attempting to restrict the arrival of immigrants to the country.  full story

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Slovakia: Roma build new homes with EU money

3.11.2015 22:08 The Office of the Slovak Government's Plenipotentiary for Romani Community Affairs allocated financing last year for three local administrations to build lower-standard small apartment buildings. That successful project can now continue thanks to a subsidy in the amount of EUR 70 million to be provided to Slovakia by the European Union for the purpose of building more such dwellings.  full story

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