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September 22, 2024



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Škodova street in Přerov, photo from

Czech town decides to repurchase privatized housing

Přerov, 6.11.2012 22:18, (ROMEA)

Beneše Lounského street no. 5 in the Předlice neighborhood of Ústí nad Labem (PHOTO: Google Maps)

Czech activist: NGO more loyal to local govt than to the poor

Ústí nad Labem, Předlice, 6.11.2012 20:41, (ROMEA)

Gema Pardo consoles her daughter Amanda as they sit near a bonfire with relatives. (PHOTO: Susana Vera)

Spanish gypsies lament after homes demolished

Madrid, 6.11.2012 11:19, (ROMEA)

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