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September 22, 2024



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Beneše Lounského street no. 5 in the Předlice neighborhood of Ústí nad Labem (PHOTO: Google Maps)

Czech Republic: Romani tenants removed from dangerous building to gym

Ústí nad Labem, Předlice, 5.11.2012 18:06, (ROMEA)

Ilustrated Photo: BBC

videoTensions running high over Swansea gypsy site plans

Swansea, 3.11.2012 11:51, (ROMEA)

Uproar over ambassador’s comments on Roma

Budapest, 2.11.2012 22:37, (ROMEA)

Romani Rose (PHOTO:

videoRomani Rose: Face of Germany's Sinti and Roma

Berlin, 2.11.2012 22:10, (ROMEA)

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