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September 22, 2024




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International Islamic organization demands apology from Czech President, he won't budge

Prague, 11.6.2014 22:21, (ROMEA) The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) has condemned the recent remarks made by Czech President Miloš Zeman during the celebrations of Israel's Independence Day at the end of May. Commenting on the recent attack on the Jewish Museum in Brussels, Zeman said attacks by Islamist fanatics are an outcome of their ideology.  full story

Historians warn against reviving Ukrainian nationalism

Ukraine, 10.6.2014 21:14, (ROMEA) The promoters of pro-Russian separatists in Ukraine have a clear opinion of the government in Kiev: They are "Banderites and Fascists". Czech President Miloš Zeman has now become the most recent figure to mention the personality of 20th-century Ukrainian nationalist Stepan Bandera.  full story

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Albright says Roma not respected in Czech Republic and elsewhere

Prague, 10.6.2014 18:45, (ROMEA) Former US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, speaking at a conference of the Prague branch of the American think-tank the Aspen Institute, expressed her views on the strengthening of extremist parties in Europe as confirmed by the recent elections to the European Parliament, as well as on the position of Romani people in Europe. A native of Prague, Albright said she is following with great distress the lack of respect enjoyed by Romani people in the Czech Republic and elsewhere.  full story

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Czech NGO to host US students this summer to study social exclusion

Prague, 6.6.2014 23:31, (ROMEA) From June until August, six students from Lehigh University in the American state of Pennsylvania will participate in a study abroad visit to the Czech Republic. The students will be hosted by Inclusio, a nonprofit group that focuses on support for the inclusion and integration of minorities in the Czech Republic.  full story

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France: 70th anniversary commemorations of D-Day

Normandy, France, 6.6.2014 20:38, (ROMEA) Since midnight, thousands of people have been commemorating the 70th anniversary of the landing of the Allied troops in Normandy, an event that became the turning point of the Second World War and forecast the ultimate defeat of Nazi Germany. During a nighttime vigil at Pegasus Bridge, the first jump by British paratroopers was commemorated, while on Ohama Beach people waited emotionally for the dawn, the moment when, 70 years ago, the first Allied soldiers stepped onto French soil.  full story

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Czech Republic: Khamoro World Roma Festival closes with gala concert in Prague

Prague, 4.6.2014 17:51, (ROMEA) Dozens of people watched on Saturday as a painting of a Romani angel was created outside before their eyes on náměstí Republiky (Square of the Republic) in Prague. Romani artist Zoran Tairovic produced the work live as part of the Khamoro World Roma Festival.  full story

Soraya Post (PHOTO: Council of Europe)

Meet the EU Parliament’s (Likely) First-Elected Feminist Party Member

Stockholm, 24.5.2014 17:36, (ROMEA) Europe's parliamentary elections are expected to end this weekend with a surprising first: The first-ever member elected from a feminist party to the European Parliament. Less surprising is the likely MEP’s country of origin, Sweden. The bastion of gender equality has a nine-year-old feminist political party, the Feminist Initiative (which also has outposts in Germany and France), and it is on track to secure the 4 percent of the country’s vote necessary to send a representative to the EU’s legislative body. At the top of the party’s batting order is Soraya Post, 57, a longtime human rights activist who spoke to the Cut from Stockholm, where she’s wrapping up her campaign.  full story

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Switzerland: Hitler salute in public not always a crime

Lausanne, Switzerland, 23.5.2014 20:37, (ROMEA) According to the Swiss Supreme Court, giving the Nazi salute is not an unpermitted act of racist discrimination if the gesture is meant solely as an expression of personal conviction. The Associated Press reports that the court has released a ruling entitled "Hitler salute in public not always punishable".  full story

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Czech priest asks local Muslims to condemn Sudanese death sentence for pregnant women, they agree

Prague, 22.5.2014 1:22, (ROMEA) Tomáš Halík, a much-loved priest who was recently awarded the prestigious Templeton Prize, has sent an open letter to all Muslims in the Czech Republic asking them to clearly speak out against the fact that a court in Khartoum, Sudan has sentenced a pregnant woman to death for refusing to convert to Islam. The letter was published today by the Press Center of the Czech Bishops' Conference.  full story

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Research shows as much as 25 % of the world advocates anti-Semitism

New York City, 15.5.2014 1:04, (ROMEA) Global research conducted by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) shows that one quarter of the world's population evidently advocates anti-Semitism. In the Czech Republic, 13 % of the population is reportedly anti-Semitic.  full story

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Russia commemorates the 69th anniversary of the end of WWII

Moscow, 9.5.2014 19:26, (ROMEA) Russia commemorated the 69th anniversary of the end of the Second World War this morning with a large military parade on Red Square in Moscow featuring 11 000 soldiers. Russian President Vladimir Putin gave a speech there focused on the historical significance of the victory over Nazism.  full story

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Czech Police break up cell of Russian neo-Nazi organization

Prague, 5.5.2014 19:07, (ROMEA) The Czech Police have broken up a cell of the neo-Nazi Wotan Jugend organization from Russia in the Czech Republic. Five people have been charged on suspicion of establishing, promoting and supporting a movement aimed at suppressing human rights and freedoms.  full story

Switzerland: New international organization to combat extremism in the developing world

Bern, Switzerland, 1.5.2014 21:36, (ROMEA) The fight against extremism in developing countries will be the main job description of a new international organization to open in June in Geneva. According to the Deutsche Presse-Agentur, the organization will have about USD 200 million available to it over the next 10 years.  full story

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videoUkraine: Pro-Russian separatists want to "purge" Slavyansk of "Gypsies"

Slavyansk, Ukraine, 28.4.2014 19:28, (ROMEA) Another attack on local Romani people took place on 22 April in the Ukrainian town of Slavyansk, which is currently being ruled by pro-Russian separatists. German news server Die Welt quotes one of the separatists as saying the pro-Russian forces want to purge the town of "gypsies".  full story

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Ukraine: Neo-Nazis from Right Sector form Donbas battalion to handle pro-Russian separatists

Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine, 26.4.2014 1:02, (ROMEA) Dmytro Yarosh, the leader of Ukraine's neo-Nazis, is organizing a "special Donbas battalion" in eastern Ukraine to take care of public order and confront the activities of pro-Russian separatists. Yarosh announced the news in Dnipropetrovsk on 24 April.  full story

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videoPro-Russian radicals target Roma for assault in eastern Ukraine

Slavyansk, Ukraine, 19.4.2014 20:25, (ROMEA) News server Novosti Donbasu reports that pro-Russian radicals in eastern Ukraine have assaulted several Romani families in Slavyansk, allegedly for racial reasons. Armed pro-Russian separatists broke into their apartments, where they attacked and robbed them.  full story

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International Renaissance Foundation: Stop Ethnic Violance in Slovyansk!

Slovyansk, 19.4.2014 16:46, (ROMEA) In Slovyansk, the Eastern Ukraine, separatists began riots targeted at Roma residing in the city. The armed separatists burst into houses inhabited by Roma, beaten and robbed them regardless of gender or age, UNIAN reports. According to this report, they have beaten even women and children. Separatists said that they operate under the direct order of their "people's mayor Vyacheslav Ponomarev". The armed men loaded the property of Roma families in the truck, eyewitnesses say.  full story

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Is Equally Entertaining Enough? Diversity on American Television

Prague, 11.4.2014 0:03, (ROMANO VOĎI) American TV embodies social norms while diverting viewers with situations that are amusing, terrifying, or both. The representation of ethnic and sexual identities on TV has been and continues to be a double-edged sword in American cultural life. The periodic inclusions of actors of color, gay characters, or women in positions of authority on TV are perennially discussed as “milestones”, celebrated by some, derided by others.  full story

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videoUkrainian Roma: We are against separatist tendencies and for a Europe-oriented, united Ukraine

Uzhhorod, Ukraine, 10.4.2014 23:44, (ROMEA) On the occasion of International Romani Day on 8 April, the leaders of Romani groups from Chop, Perechin, Svaliava, Uzhgorod and Vinohradiv met with guests, journalists and representatives of the regional administration at the Transcarpathian National Minorities Cultural Center. In a joint declaration, the Transcarpathian Romani organizations stated their opposition to manifestations of discrimination and separatist tendencies, expressing their fears of an imminent military invasion.  full story

Loé Lagrange, Office Coordinator from ADC Memorial Brussels speaking at the OSCE Expert Meeting on Police and Roma and Sinti: Current Challenges and Good Practices in Building Trust and Understanding, taking place on ODIHR premises in Warsaw, 8 April 2014.  (PHOTO: OSCE,

On International Roma Day, OSCE/ODIHR Director calls for greater efforts to improve co-operation between police and Roma communities

Warsaw, 9.4.2014 23:26, (ROMEA) Ambassador Janez Lenarčič, the Director of the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR), called today for greater efforts to improve relations and co-operation between police forces and Roma communities. On the occasion of International Roma Day, he further called on law-enforcement authorities to ensure effective police responses to violence against Roma and Sinti people in the OSCE area.  full story

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