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NewsCzech politicians react to Communist MP's false allegation that honoring the Roma victims of Nazism has raised the price of pork15.8.2019 8:49 full storyTomáš Ščuka: The strengths and weaknesses of the Brussels demonstration by Romani Europeans14.8.2019 7:40 full storyCzech producer of items with portraits of totalitarians adds war criminals, contemporary figures to product line13.8.2019 7:54 full storyAustria, Germany on track to employ half of the refugees who arrived during the migration crisis four years ago12.8.2019 13:14 full storyvideoVIDEO: Czech Police prevent neo-Nazis from assaulting Prague Pride participants11.8.2019 17:22 full storyCzech Communist Party chair alleges pork is expensive because the farm on the former concentration camp for Roma was closed, but statistics show he is lying11.8.2019 16:29 full storyvideoPrague Pride features Romani float again, award given to LGBT and Romani activist David Tišer11.8.2019 15:19 full storyItalian Interior Minister Matteo Salvini faces criticism for calling Romani woman a "dirty gypsy"11.8.2019 13:55 full storySlovak President: The Holocaust of the Roma cannot be forgotten, especially when hatred is becoming a political tool once more11.8.2019 12:53 full storyThe Romani Uprising in Auschwitz, 16 May 194416.5.2019 9:01 On 16 May 1944, in the concentration camp at Auschwitz, something completely extraordinary occurred: Romani people imprisoned in the so-called "Gypsy Camp" there rebelled against the SS. This historical event is still almost unknown in the Czech Republic, but 16 May is becoming more and more popular worldwide as Romani Resistance Day. full storyThe Romani Uprising in Auschwitz, 16 May 194416.5.2018 0:01 On 16 May 1944, in the concentration camp at Auschwitz, something completely extraordinary occurred: Romani people imprisoned in the so-called "Gypsy Camp" there rebelled against the SS. This historical event is still almost unknown in the Czech Republic, but 16 May is becoming more and more popular worldwide as Romani Resistance Day. full storyUN: Slovakia must act to eliminate racism against Roma19.3.2018 11:15 In response to a submission made by the European Roma Rights Centre late last year of their concerns about pervasive racism in Slovakia, the UN has endorsed such concerns and has made recommendations to Slovakia as to how the country should progress towards being more accepting of the Roma, as well as of individuals who are Muslim or of African descent. full storyBalder C. Hasvoll and Gorm K. Gaare: Roma are not wanted in Norway15.11.2017 16:57 In a new book called “An unwanted people” (“Et uønsket folk”), Center for Studies of Holocaust and Religious Minorities documented how Norway had a racist policy of exclusion against Roma between 1927 and 1956. We have followed Norwegian Roma today and have documented how Norwegian Roma are still being discriminated and excluded. full storyRoma and Sinti Genocide Survivors, Descendants and Scholars Unite in Prague26.9.2017 10:30 Roma and Sinti Genocide Survivors, Descendants and Scholars Unite in Prague By Clare Profous. full storyAMER: Human rights defenders in Turkey should be released immediately!7.7.2017 15:19 The situation in Turkey is serious. Association for Monitoring Equal Rights/AMER published a statement calling for the release of human rights defenders. Our news server Romea.cz publishes it in its entirety. Human rights defenders in Turkey should be released immediately! full storyThe Romani Uprising in Auschwitz, 16 May 194416.5.2017 0:01 On 16 May 1944, in the concentration camp at Auschwitz, something completely extraordinary occurred: Romani people imprisoned in the so-called "Gypsy Camp" there rebelled against the SS. This historical event is still almost unknown in the Czech Republic, but 16 May is becoming more and more popular worldwide as Romani Resistance Day. full storyCzech Police liaisons to minority communities and Regional Coordinators for Romani Affairs discuss collaborating9.4.2017 16:22 The Czech Interior Ministry, in cooperation with the Office of the Czech Government Council for Romani Minority Affairs, recently held a three-day working meeting between Czech Police liaisons to minority communities, Regional Coordinators for Romani Affairs, and Regional Crime Prevention Managers. The aim of the meeting was to assess the existing ways in which these three kinds of officials collaborate, to present examples of good practice in the area of cooperation at regional level, to present their plans for activity this year and, through discussions, to state proposals and recommendations for intensifying cooperation among these partners. full storyCzech Republic: Prestigious literary award goes to book some commentators and Romani people find offensive9.4.2017 15:27 The 16th annual Magnesia Litera book award announced its winners last week. In the newly-revived category for journalism, the award has been given to the book called BRNOX, a guidebook to the neighborhood in Brno nicknamed the "Bronx" that purports to be about that socially excluded locality. full storyCommentary: Romani people should not live in fear, but justice systems are not helping9.4.2017 14:33 At the beginning of March 2012, after the arson attack was committed against a Romani-occupied residential hotel in Aš, I and other members of the Romea.cz editorial team set out to visit the crime scene. We were unable to find out anything more by being there in person. full story |