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September 25, 2024



Czech Republic

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Czech Republic: Police propose charging four neo-Nazis for assaulting demonstrators supporting refugee reception

11.9.2016 18:57 The Prague Police have proposed charging just four people for their role in a February incident on Thunovská Street in Prague during which a group of masked men assaulted demonstrators marching in support of migrants. Police have halted the prosecution of a fifth person accused in the incident.  full story

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Analysis: How the Czech media handled the Vice PM's anti-Roma election stunt

11.9.2016 9:44 Why did the Czech Vice Prime Minister visit Varnsdorf?  full story

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Czech Police confirm local officers did not proceed absolutely correctly in case of gunfire near Romani children's camp

9.9.2016 10:54 Detectives have again opened the case of the warning shots fired into the air near a children's camp in the town of Jiřetín pod Jedlovou (Děčín district) where Romani children were spending time this summer. The initial approach taken by police in the case was not absolutely correct.  full story

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Commentary: The pigs at Lety and Babiš shooting himself in the foot

8.9.2016 14:04 From 2007-2009 I served as Czech Education Minister, and together with [Human Rights Minister] Michael Kocáb we attempted, among other things, to advocate for the removal of the pig farm from the site at Lety u Písku. We were not concerned with just that location, but also with the site at Hodonín u Kunštátu, where a similar camp ran during the war, one that is remembered even less than Lety is.  full story

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Czech Vice PM calls Roma "parasites" during his visit to Roma Holocaust site

8.9.2016 7:45 During the past few days we have witnessed an absolute masterwork of manipulation and the populist abuse of power in the Czech Republic. Czech Vice Prime Minister and Finance Minister Andrej Babiš is a political phenomenon who apparently still has a lot to say to the country.  full story

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Czech Police arrest drunk giving Nazi salute and shouting "Death to Gypsies"

7.9.2016 8:22 A drunken man giving the Nazi salute and shouting racist slogans was arrested last Saturday before noon on Vodičkova Street by the Prague 1 Municipal Police. The case is being investigated by the Police of the Czech Republic.  full story

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Civil society members of Czech Government's Roma advisory body outraged by Vice PM's remarks about Roma Holocaust site

7.9.2016 7:49 The Romani civil society members of the Czech Government Council on Romani Minority Affairs are outraged by the Czech Vice Prime Minister's recent remarks about the former so-called "Gypsy camp" at Lety u Písku. Members of the council have called on Andrej Babiš, who is also Finance Minister, to keep his publicly-declared promise and arrange financing for the purchase of the pig farm now located on the site.  full story

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Czech Vice PM pays his respects at the Lety memorial to Romani Holocaust victims - but no Roma are invited

6.9.2016 12:45 Czech Vice Prime Minister Andrej Babiš, the chair of the ANO movement, paid his respects today at the site of the former WWII-era concentration camp for Romani people at Lety in the Písek district and once again rejected allegations that he denied the Holocaust in remarks he made last week. He visited the site after a photojournalist for Aktuálně.cz stated last week that he overheard the Vice PM telling locals that it was a "lie" to call Lety a concentration camp.  full story

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Roma in the Czech news - from the perspective of a Romani media trainee

6.9.2016 10:48 During the summer those attending the Media Training run by the ROMEA organization had the opportunity to visit the places where news and reporting are created in the Czech Republic. Under the direction of Romani journalists Richard Samko (Czech Television), Patrik Banga ( and Tomáš Bystrý (Czech Radio), they got to test in practice with it means to be a journalist.  full story

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Czech Republic: Owners of pig farm on Roma Holocaust site are open to selling their facility

6.9.2016 9:40 The owners of a pig farm in Lety (Písek district) do not rule out the possibility that they might sell their facility located at the site of a former WWII-era concentration camp for Romani people. The owners are willing to negotiate about exchanging their facility for another one appropriate for the raising of pigs, Jan Čech, vice-chair of the board of AGPI, which owns the farm, has told the Czech News Agency.  full story

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Czech Human Rights Minister in talks to buy pig farm on Roma Holocaust site for two years now

6.9.2016 7:40 Responding to a request from Czech Human Rights Minister Jiří Dienstbier, the Czech Government has decided to no longer keep secret a "Restricted" resolution from 21 March 2016 regarding the future of the remembrance site at Lety u Písku. Olga Jeřábková, spokesperson for the minister, informed news server of the decision on 5 September.  full story

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Czech Interior Ministry says Prague municipality had no way to ban ultra-right activist's event in a public space

5.9.2016 16:13 The Czech Interior Ministry has agreed with a local municipality of Prague regarding its response to a recent event convened in public by the Martin Konvička Initiative (IMK). The ministry found that while there were no legal reasons to ban the event, the announced demonstration should have drawn the attention of the local authority.  full story

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Czech Vice PM to visit former concentration camp for Roma, allegedly wants to find money to move pig farm

5.9.2016 14:54 The Czech News Agency reports that Czech Vice Prime Minister Andrej Babiš (ANO) has told the wire service he will visit the location in the town of Lety u Písku where a concentration camp for Roma was formerly situated. The Vice PM wants to raise money to complete the construction of the memorial there and arrange for the pig farm now on the site of the former camp to be bought.  full story

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Czech PM says his Vice PM is "leeching off of" anti-Romani sentiment and crossed the line into Nazism

3.9.2016 14:32 Yesterday Czech Prime Minister Bohuslav Sobotka (Czech Social Democratic Party - ČSSD) said that his Vice PM and Finance Minister, Andrej Babiš, who heads the ANO movement, has decided to "politically leech off of" the Czech Republic's problems regarding coexistence between non-Romani and Romani people prior to the upcoming elections. Sobotka's statement was a response to remarks made by Babiš about the WWII-era concentration camp at Lety by Písek where Romani people perished and from
which they were sent to Auschwitz.  full story

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Czech Republic: Man who fired weapon near Romani summer camp apologizes

3.9.2016 10:55 "I didn't want the children or Ms Ida Kelarová to be affected. I would like to deeply apologize for my words, I overdid it. The situation was an exacerbated one, problems with noise from those accommodated at that camp have been happening for years," Martin Kout, the man who threatened Romani children from Kelarová's Čhavorenge choir at a camp gathering in the town of Jiřetín pod Jedlovou, has told news server  full story

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Czech Gov't human rights report: Forcibly sterilized women remain uncompensated

3.9.2016 10:05 The recently-published Report on the State of Human Rights in the Czech Republic for 2015 provides an overview of key topics and measures taken last year in the context of the human rights agenda. The Government report points out the main problems in the country and related issues.  full story

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Amnesty International: How are the Czech schools educating Romani children?

3.9.2016 8:20 Amnesty International Czech Republic issued the following press release on 1 September to mark the start of the new school year:  full story

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Karel Holomek: Merkel vs. Putin? Outrageous

2.9.2016 7:30 I frequently marvel at the values that are apparently held by a rather large number of people in the Czech Republic who make clear their hatreds and low instincts by protesting against God only knows whom (or why). I was most recently convinced of what those values are during German Chancellor Merkel's visit here.  full story

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Analysis: When the Czech Police contribute to disseminating hatred toward Romani people

1.9.2016 17:38 Whoever publicly incites hatred of a nation, race, ethnic group, religion, class or other group of person, or incites the restriction of the rights and freedoms of the members of such a group, is supposed to be punished in the Czech Republic by up to two years in prison. That is the wording of the Criminal Code (Section 356), which also authorizes the same punishment in cases of rioting or conspiring to commit the offense of incitement to hatred.  full story

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Czech Republic: Roma commemorate 73rd anniversary of prisoner transport from Hodonín u Kunštátu to Auschwitz

31.8.2016 13:52 The weekend of 20 August saw two important anniversaries in the Czech Republic. One was the anniversary of the 1968 occupation of Czechoslovakia by the Soviet Army.

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