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News![]() Documentary film "FC Roma" nominated for the Czech Film Critics' Award6.1.2017 9:50 "FC Roma", a documentary film by Rozálie Kohoutová and Tomáš Bojar showing racial issues through the eyes of a football club comprised predominantly of Romani players competing in a district-level championship, has been nominated for the Czech Film Critics' Award for 2016. In the year 2014, some clubs did not want to play with the FC Roma club, but the situation has changed today and the team is no longer just winning through forfeiture. full story![]() Firms support much-criticized Lidl chain with funny campaigns against racism in the Czech Republic6.1.2017 8:56 Apparently few people in 21st-century Czech Republic anticipated what might happen when a chain store used a photograph of a black model in an advertising leaflet. Discussions have been unleased online in which the racist portion of Czech society's "decent consumer patriots" found it necessary to soothe their nerves, so irritated by looking at a dark-skinned model in a Czech (!) flier, by sending to the Lidl chain many calls for a boycott, insults, and vulgarities. full story![]() NGO representatives from 20 countries attend ODIHR/OSCE round table on monitoring demonstrations and keeping them nonviolent6.1.2017 8:06 Last month the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) held a three-day round table on the topic of monitoring public assemblies and demonstrations during which representatives of nonprofits from 20 countries, including a representative of the ROMEA organization in the Czech Republic, presented their experiences with monitoring demonstrations and working with local authorities and police during public assemblies. Roughly 35 representatives from 20 countries worldwide attended. full story![]() New initiative challenges Czech Government to adopt social housing law by the end of the month6.1.2017 7:26 Yesterday representatives of a new intiative called "Have a Home" (Mít svůj domov) organized a "happening" in front of the Office of the Government in Prague to challenge cabinet members to fulfill their campaign promise to adopt a law on social housing. The initiative wants the Government to do so by the end of January.full story ![]() Czech Republic: Romani musicians give benefit concert for families of girls killed in hit-and-run in England6.1.2017 6:36 Today, 6 January, at the Arena Club in Děčín, Czech Republic, a concert will be given by Romani musicians and the profits will be donated to the families of the two girls who tragically died after a man driving a car ran into them as they were crossing the street in the English town of Oldham. One girl died on the spot and her cousin succumbed to her injuries in hospital. full story![]() Czech Republic: Two-day European conference on Romani education to take place in Prague5.1.2017 11:51 On 17 and 18 January an international exchange conference called "It Is Not Too Late" (Ještě není příliš pozdě) will take place at Prague City Hall (Mariánské náměstí 2). The program will feature primarily examples of good practice in the area of educating members of the Romani minority. full storyAnalysis: What happened to the Czech social housing law?5.1.2017 10:24 Reporter Saša Uhlová, writing in Deník Referendum, has provided us with a very open description of the state of preparations for the law on social housing in the Czech Republic. A so-called national-level "Social Housing Office" (Úřad pro sociální bydlení) has made it into the law just because local authorities are refusing to administer social housing. full story![]() Czech Human Rights Minister says he will shop at Lidl after racists criticize its use of a black model5.1.2017 8:45 Czech Human Rights Minister Jan Chvojka has expressed support through his Facebook profile for the Lidl chain of stores after a wave of hateful, racist reactions arose online in response to Lidl's use of a black male model to advertise their sports clothing collection. "I have decided to buy some new sports clothes at Lidl Czech Republic. Normally I don't follow flier events, but this time the advertisement rather caught my attention. :-) If I practice, maybe I'll run like Usain Bolt someday," the minister posted to his profile. full story![]() Poland: Solidarity march with Muslims planned in Elk after xenophobic unrest continues5.1.2017 8:05 In the Polish town of Elk, anti-foreigner unrest has been continuing after the death on New Year's Eve of a young Polish man during a scuffle with the employees of a kebab restaurant there. Police have already arrested at least 24 local residents and charged most of them with disturbing the peace. full story![]() Stázka Brodníčková: I wouldn't have come this far without my foster mother5.1.2017 7:12 This is the story of a girl in the Czech Republic named Stázka whose biological mother is Romani. In September last year she enrolled in the secondary school for pedagogy in Blansko. full story![]() Czech academic and education official discuss qualified estimates of Romani pupils4.1.2017 10:50 Speaking on the "Crossing the Line" (Přes čáru) program on the Radio Wave station of public broadcaster Czech Radio, Czech Deputy Education Minister Stanislav Štech has discussed the findings of last year's qualified estimates of the numbers of pupils of Romani origin in the Czech primary schools, numbers that are sometimes inaccurately referred to as a "head count". Anthropologist Dana Moree was also in the studio to analyze the problems of such a "head count" and the reasons for it. full story![]() Germany: Green Party head criticizes approach taken by police in Cologne on New Year's Eve4.1.2017 9:27 The chair of the German Green Party, Simone Peter, has criticized the approach taken by police in Cologne during New Year's Eve celebrations there, alleging that the officers were asking people to identify themselves based solely on their appearance and tweeted a term to describe persons from North Africa that could be perceived as insulting. Approximately 1 700 female and male police officers in Cologne oversaw the celebrations of the end of 2016, many more officers than were on duty at the end of 2015, when there were reports of women being assaulted and bothered en masse, predominantly by immigrants from North Africa. full storyCzech Republic: Protest tomorrow about social housing law4.1.2017 8:24 On Thursday, 5 January at 10 AM the "Have a Home" (Mít svůj domov) initiative will hold a "happening" and press conference in front of the Office of the Czech Government to officially launch their campaign for the adoption of a law on social housing. The initiative wants to remind the governing parties of the pledge they made in their program declaration to see through the adoption of such a law during their time in office. full story![]() Renáta Kováčová: Tragic death in UK of two Romani girls from Czech Republic sparks horrible online commentary4.1.2017 7:30 Most of us have probably heard about the tragedy that happened on New Year's Eve in Great Britain when a driver ran into two young girls from the Czech Republic and then left the scene without providing them first aid. One girl died on the spot and the other also succumbed to her injuries later. full story![]() Singer Monika Bagárová on Romani identity: Nothing to be ashamed of4.1.2017 6:44 On 2 January, Story magazine published an interview with 22-year-old Romani singer Monika Bagárová. The interview was conducted during the preparations for her performance during the opening of the Roma Spirit awards ceremony in the Czech Republic last month. full story![]() Germany: Researchers find there were more victims of the Holocaust than previously believed3.1.2017 8:46 The number of victims of the Holocaust from the Jewish communities living on the territory of the German Reich is approximately 15 000 more than has heretofore been reported. According to the German news server Spiegel Online, researchers from Germany's Federal Archive announced the findings on the basis of a detailed study of the fates of individual Jewish people living in Nazi Germany. full story![]() videoRomani student Gabriela Janičová: My dream is to become a teacher3.1.2017 8:15 Gabriela Janičová is a young student from the Josefov quarter of the town of Jaroměř, Czech Republic. She is studying at the Evangelical and Social Academy in Náchod and thanks to her excellent results there she has been granted a scholarship from the program for Romani high school and technical high school students provided by the organization ROMEA, o.p.s. full story![]() Czech bank to donate almost two billion crowns to education through foundation3.1.2017 7:51 The Česká spořitelna bank informed the Czech News Agency yesterday that the value of the passbook accounts held anonymously by it that were no longer legally required to be redeemable is CZK 1.78 billion (EUR 66 million) as of the end of 2016. A total of 2 456 000 deposits were not redeemed before the bank's deadline expired. full story![]() Poland: Attempted robbery results in death, racist unrest3.1.2017 7:14 Polish Police have chargd a 26-year-old Tunisian man with murder after the stabbing death of a 21-year-old Polish man on New Year's Eve sparked racial unrest in the town of Elk in the northeast of the country. Polish daily Gazeta Wyborcza reported yesterday that police arrested 28 people who were involved in the unrest on Sunday. full storyCzech Center against Terrorism and Hybrid Threats will refute disinformation online3.1.2017 6:39 On 1 January the Center against Terrorism and Hybrid Threats (Centrum proti terorismu a hybridním hrozbám) was created at the Czech Interior Ministry and will be involved in, among other things, combating domestic and foreign disinformation and propaganda, especially online. Czech President Miloš Zeman said at the close of his 2016 Christmas message that he was concerned the Center would censor the Internet. full story |