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March 9, 2025




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Five assemblies scheduled internationally to mark the death of a young Romani man in Žatec

24.10.2016 7:41 In response to the death of a young Romani man at a pizzeria in Žatec there will be several commemorative assemblies throughout the Czech Republic and abroad. News server is publishing a list here and will update it as new events are announced.  full story

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videoAnonymous eyewitness describes Romani man falling silent after punch to head

24.10.2016 7:17 According to an anonymous eyewitness who filmed the course of the incident in the pizzeria in Žatec on 18 October, one of the customers involved in assaulting the young Romani man who died there punched him in the head as he was prone, after which the victim stopped moaning. The eyewitness also claims that after the ambulance took the deceased away, the restaurant continued to do business and the customers present kept drinking.  full story

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Denisa Havrľová: We must all protest together, nobody has the right to take somebody else's life!

23.10.2016 22:07 Life is the most valuable thing our parents ever give us, and every parent loves his or her children selflessly and unconditionally. Not being a mother myself, I don't know to what degree I can really understand the feelings and sorrow of the parents of Miroslov Demeter, who has died so young.  full story

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Czech Republic: Memorial assembly this Thursday in Ostrava over Romani man's death in Žatec

23.10.2016 21:26 Romani residents of Ostrava have decided to hold a memorial assembly on Thursday, 27 October 2016 in solidarity with another such event in Žatec. The gatherings are being held because of the death of a young Romani man at a pizzeria in Žatec last Tuesday.  full story

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Czech Republic: Memorial assembly and march this Thursday in Žatec over Romani man's death

23.10.2016 19:49 In the Czech town of Žatec a memorial assembly and march will be held on Thursday, 27 October in connection with the death of a Romani man at a local pizzeria. Jan Čonka and Mikuláš Vymětal announced the gathering, called "Justice for the Romani Victims of Violence" (Spravedlnost pro romské oběti násilí), and have also informed news server of the bank account number to which people can send financial support for the family of the deceased young man.
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Miroslav Kováč on the death of a Romani man in Žatec: Latent institutional racism, lack of respect for human life

23.10.2016 18:29 In recent days I have been swamped by the various reactions that have contributed different perspectives on the death of the 27-year-old Romani father of two that occurred as a result of the incident at the pizzeria in Žatec under circumstances that have yet to be explained. On that fateful Tuesday evening, Miroslav entered the local pizzeria and caused a stir.  full story

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Civil society members of Czech Govt Roma Council demand thorough investigation of Romani man's death as soon as possible

23.10.2016 17:03 Several members of the Czech Government Council on Romani Minority Affairs are demanding that the criminal justice authorities thoroughly investigate the death of a young Romani in Žatec as soon as possible. News server publishes their declaration here in full translation.  full story

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Radim Kupec on the death of Romani man in Žatec: The essence of equality is justice

23.10.2016 15:30 With respect to the events of Tuesday, when a young Romani man, Miroslav Demeter, died, many articles have already written and many questions asked that have not yet found their answers. Here I will try not to repeat what has been said by the others who have not been afraid to openly write their opinions about this issue.  full story

videoCzech Republic: Video of Romani assembly in Žatec on 20 October

22.10.2016 15:37 The video above is an edited recording of the gathering that took place on Thursday, 20 October in the Czech town of Žatec in front of the pizzeria where a Romani man (age 26) died on Tuesday at around 19:00. Approximately 100 Romani people gathered on that occasion.  full story

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Gejza Horváth cancels appearance at Roma Spirit award over death of a Romani man in Žatec

22.10.2016 14:27 Today Gejza Horváth wrote the following open letter and published it to his personal Facebook profile.  full story

Renáta Kováčová

Renáta Kováčová on the death of the Romani man in Žatec: Exonerating autopsy results impossible to believe

22.10.2016 11:37 My head is still spinning from the idea that somebody can walk into a pizzeria alive, never to leave again. I am not afraid to say that I was also quite frightened and puzzled by the initial autopsy results according to which that young man died without any third-party involvement.  full story

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Tomáš Ščuka on the death of a Romani man in Žatec: We do not support antigypsyism and we insist on objectivity!

22.10.2016 10:59 In recent days, most of us been paying increasing attention to the sad incident in Žatec in which a 27-year-old man died after a scuffle in a local restaurant. To be honest, any such incident involving the unfortunate loss of human life makes me emotional and sad, especially when somebody young loses their life.  full story

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Lucie Oračková on the death of a Romani man in Žatec: Czech Police are not protecting us

22.10.2016 9:40 Many people are outraged by the recent death of a young Romani man at a pizzeria in Žatec. Basically this is not about whether the person who died was Romani, Vietnamese or from the North Pole.  full story

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The final hours of life of the young Romani man who died at a Czech pizzeria

22.10.2016 8:14 On Tuesday, 18 October just after 19:00, a conflict happened at a pizzeria in the Czech town of Žatec between customers and a young Romani man who died after a scuffle and intervention by police. News server has now mapped the final hours of life of 27-year-old M.D.  full story

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Czech Republic: Pizzeria management says Romani man who died there attacked customers, who "detained him until police arrived"

21.10.2016 21:23 According to the management of the Cafe Pizzerie Panamera, the young Romani man who died in the restaurant on Tuesday, 18 October, visited the business twice that day. On the first occasion he reportedly ordered a non-alcoholic beverage and wanted to borrow a telephone, allegedly to call his relatives.  full story

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Michal Miko on the death of a Romani man in Žatec: What next?

21.10.2016 19:42 Since yesterday evening I have not been able to sleep because of the situation that happened in Žatec this Tuesday. Was that act the beginning of something deeper in this society?  full story

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videoCzech Police said to have prevented parents of deceased Romani man from seeing his body before the autopsy

21.10.2016 15:11 The video above is an interview with Miroslav Demeter, the father of the young Romani man who died in Žatec earlier this week. Many things remain unclear about what precisely happened when the man entered the Panamera restaurant.  full story

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Stanislava Ondová: I'm beginning to no longer feel safe in our Czech Republic

21.10.2016 14:01 We probably all know by now that a young father of two children has died in Žatec under very strange circumstances. According to the Czech Police, nobody is to blame for his death even though video footage recorded by a customer at the restaurant where the incident took place appears to show something else.  full story

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videoEyewitness says assailants shouting racist abuse and beating Romani man before he died were in full view of Czech Police

21.10.2016 13:16 The video above is an interview with an eyewitness who saw part of the incident on 18 October in the Czech town of Žatec that resulted in the death of a Romani man. Eyewitness Miroslav Mašek says he saw the incident through the glass wall of the pizzeria.  full story

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