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February 22, 2025




News server publishes information about events in the Romani world and is currently the most-visited Romani news server in the Czech Republic. We report online about all events concerning Romani people and, unlike other news servers, we do our best to give as much room as possible to Romani people themselves.

While the news server targets Czech journalists as well, it primarily makes it possible for the younger generation to get to know Romani people from a different perspective than that currently presented by the Czech media. The aim of news server is to increase awareness among both the majority society and Romani people themselves and thereby improve relations between them.

The news server has been in operation since 2003 and is visited on average by about 2 500 people a day (source:

Thanks to the relative length of our existence on the media market, our specialization, and our systematic news monitoring, is used as an information source by majority-society media outlets as well. Our articles are published in both Czech and English.

Links to various articles in Czech and English are also published regularly on the Facebook social networking site, where to date ROMEA, o.s. ( has more than 4 000 fans.

The website of ROMEA TV, the first Romani television station in the Czech Republic, is also part of this news server -


News server continually struggles with a lack of financing. This particular project, which is practically the most visible one undertaken by ROMEA, o. s., has no regular financing and exists only thanks to the enormous efforts and support of all the employees who devote themselves to the news server. The vast majority of them do this above and beyond their usual jobs. They deserve our enormous thanks.

Thanks also go to all of the authors and volunteers who publish on without receiving honoraria. Our enormous thanks goes to Gwendolyn Albert, who translates many of our articles into English without remuneration.

The news server as a whole was subsidized by the Czech Republic, specifically the Czech IT Ministry, in 2005 and 2006. After that, ROMEA, o. s. has managed to get financing only for particular sections of the news server. This support has primarily concerned articles on discrimination, extremism, hate violence, and neo-Nazism, where publishing such content on was part of even more extensive projects. These projects were financially supported by the Erinnerung, Verantwortung und Zukunft Foundation and Open Society Praha.

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