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February 26, 2025



Czech Republic

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Czech court rules Romani NGO must return money to Regional Authority

Liberec, 20.2.2015 0:57, (ROMEA) The Liberec Romani Association (Liberecké romské sdružení - LRS) must return CZK 2.6 million (EUR 95 000) to the Liberec Regional Authority plus 8.05 % interest, according to a recent court verdict. The NGO will also have to pay CZK 133 000 (EUR 4 860) in court fees.  full story

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Czech Republic: "Counter-petition" asks for Romani inclusion in schools

Czech Republic, 19.2.2015 23:40, (ROMEA) Several years ago, the "white" parents of first-graders sent the following message to the director of a primary school in Brno: "We are asking that the first grade cohorts in the school be created such that the non-Romani children will be together in one and the Romani children in the other. We are warning you that if there are more than three Romani children in the class, we will enroll our children in a different school."  full story

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Czech poll finds more optimism, but also more fear of immigrants

Prague, 19.2.2015 21:27, (ROMEA) Last year the optimism of Czechs grew significantly in many areas of public life. According to most people, however, the situation with respect to immigration has deteriorated in the Czech Republic, as has the security situation.  full story

Drahomír Radek Horváth (photo: Saša Uhlová)

Drahomír R. Horváth: Czech Romani Integration Strategy is pure discrimination

19.2.2015 20:37, (ROMEA) From time to time I receive first drafts of Government materials to comment on before they make their way, as bills proposed by the Government, to the lower house. These materials are various concepts, strategies, strategic plans - even strategic "wars".  full story

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Concert against segregation this Saturday in Prague

Prague, 19.2.2015 16:30, (ROMEA) This Saturday, right beneath the statue of St. Václav on Wenceslas Square in Prague, brilliant music by many different bands will be played in response to the recent remarks by the Czech President stating that disabled pupils should be segregated in the schools. The concert will take place on 21 February at 15:00 and is free.  full story

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Do Romani media make sense?

Prague, 19.2.2015 15:13, (ROMEA) Do "Romani media" make sense? Are such media outlets just components of "ethno-business"?  full story

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Fifth anniversary of Czech court dissolving the neo-Nazi Workers Party

Prague, 17.2.2015 21:46, (ROMEA) Five years ago, on 17 February 2010, the Czech Supreme Administrative Court agreed with a Government motion to dissolve the ultra-right Workers' Party (DS). The court ruled in favor of the Government on its second attempt.  full story

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Security lax at Czech trial of alleged ultra-right arsonists and others

Plzeň, 17.2.2015 1:08, (ROMEA) Aš, Hodonín, Praha, Sokolov and Trutnov: These are the names of the different places where the defendants in the first prosecution for racist violence to be investigated by the Organized Crime Detection Unit's Department of Extremism and Terrorism have come from. While this is the largest case of its kind ever to be solved and brought to trial, Czech media reporting on it has been very brief  full story

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Czech Republic: Islamophobic demonstration greeted by counter-protest

Brno, 15.2.2015 0:03, (ROMEA) The Czech News Agency reports that about 600 people came to Moravské Square in Brno today to demonstrate against Islam. Advocates of religious freedom and tolerance convened their own assembly nearby, numbering about 200.  full story

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Czech Constitutional Court backs activist in dispute with MP

Prague, 13.2.2015 22:00, (ROMEA) "The illegal behavior of MP Řápková has generated CZK 8 million of debt for the town of Chomutov so, to be honest, it is rather ridiculous for her to try to combat 'inadpatables' when she has proven so 'inadaptable' herself," said Daniel Hůle. The staffer with the NGO People in Need was commenting on a proposal brought by MP Lenka Kohoutová and MP Řápková to it legal for collections agencies to attach an individual's welfare benefits, which would leave the insolvent with only the legally-defined subsistence minimum as income.  full story

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Czech Republic: Romani town councilor says housing, unemployment worry people the most

Chomutov, 13.2.2015 20:29, (ROMEA) "I am mainly concerned with improving relations between the majority society and Romani people, with helping people who want to work and are unable to, and with improving housing policy," says David Ištok. After the recently repeated elections he is now a member of the Chomutov town council after having been active in several nonprofit organizations and working as a crime prevention assistant to the Chomutov Municipal Police.  full story

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Czech lower house removes controversial definition of disability and passes education amendment

Prague, 13.2.2015 19:23, (ROMEA) Today the Czech lower house came to a surprising agreement, voting 170:6 to remove a dubious section of a paragraph in an amendment to the Schools Act on pupils with special educational needs. News server has covered the dispute over the amendment here and here.  full story

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Czech Republic: HateFree Zones combat rising intolerance

Prague, 13.2.2015 0:53, (ROMEA) Places that are open to all irrespective of their ethnicity or other group affiliation can become branded HateFree Zones. The branding is a new activity of the HateFree Culture campaign being run by the Human Rights Section of the Minister for Human Rights, Equal Opportunities and Legislation Jiří Dienstbier (Czech Social Democratic Party - ČSSD).  full story

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Czech Republic: Drop-in club moves and starts children's rights project

Brno, 13.2.2015 0:06, (ROMEA) The Pavlač drop-in club, which has been working in a socially excluded locality of Brno for 13 years, is re-opening after a year's hiatus at its new address, Vranovská 4. The club will provide social services to children and youth from the Brno city center and surrounding neighborhoods.  full story

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Czech survey shows that young people have double standards about Roma

Prague, 11.2.2015 21:34, (ROMEA) A survey conducted by the MEDIAN agency for the HateFree Culture initiative, which is being implemented by the Human Rights Section of the Czech Minister for Human Rights, Equal Opportunities and Legislation, reports that more than half of young people surveyed in the Czech Republic believe that hatred on the Internet is so commonplace that there is no point in responding to it. The initiative is now set to establish in-person contact with people in regions throughout the country.  full story

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Czech Republic: "Dawn of Direct Democracy" movement splinters

Prague, 11.2.2015 0:38, (ROMEA) Several Czech MPs and the executive of the "Dawn of Direct Democracy" (Úsvit) movement have agreed to establish a new political party. They want a new platform to be created for the defense of Czech national interests that will collaborate with the French ultra-right Front National, among others  full story

Czech NGO says legal provision could lead to overuse of the concept of "mild mental disability"

Prague, 10.2.2015 21:44, (ROMEA) Tomorrow, 11 February, the Czech Chamber of Deputies will undertake a third reading of an amendment to the Schools Act. If adopted, the amendment would introduce a system of support measures for pupils with special educational needs, a system that has been given a consistently positive reception by experts across the board.  full story

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Czech nonprofits and parents sign open letter rejecting law's definition of mental disability

Prague, 10.2.2015 20:53, (ROMEA) Representatives of nonprofit organizations and members of the informal Parents for Inclusion (Rodiče za inkluzi) alliance sent an open letter on Friday, 6 February to Czech Prime Minister Bohuslav Sobotka about an amendment to the Schools Act that is currently undergoing approval. The amendment is supposed to improve the education of children with special educational needs, but according to the letter, it also includes a dubious definition of mental disability that increases the risk that children now educated in mainstream schools might be reassigned to the "practical schools" for children with "mild mental disability" in future.  full story

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Czech School Inspectorate says Romani enrollments in mainstream primary schools rising

Prague, 10.2.2015 19:53, (ROMEA) More and more Romani children in the Czech Republic are being educated according to the standard primary school program. Statistics produced recently by the Czech School Inspectorate indicate that in the current school year, compared to the 2013/2014 school year, the reduced curriculum for pupils with "mild mental disability" has reportedly been less frequently used.  full story

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Czech ultra-right arsonists face extraordinary sentencing over attack on residential hotel in Aš

Prague, 10.2.2015 17:54, (ROMEA) Two right-wing extremists who began to testify in court yesterday before the Regional Court in Plzeň about a 2012 arson attack on a residential hotel in Aš could face extraordinary sentencing if convicted. Tomáš Kopecký (24) and Michal Poláček (34), according to police files, were members of the neo-Nazi racist organization Blood & Honour Division Bohemia and its militant daughter organization Combat 18 when they threw Molotov cocktails at a building occupied by families with children, most of them Romani, in February 2012.  full story

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