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February 23, 2025




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videoCzech Republic: Romani charity ball raises money for children's home

Ústí nad Labem, 22.3.2015 1:25, (ROMEA) The second annual Romani Charity Ball took place on Friday, 20 March 2015 in the House of Culture in Ústí nad Labem, raising CZK 50 000 (EUR 1 820) for children living in a children's home there. Mayor Josef Zikmund gave his auspices to the ball and contributed CZK 10 000 from his own fund, while those in attendance collected the remaining CZK 40 000.  full story

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videoEuropean Platform for Roma Inclusion meets in Brussels

Brussels, 19.3.2015 19:01, (ROMEA) The ninth session of the European Platform for Roma Inclusion took place in Brussels earlier this week, attended by Věra Jourová, European Commissioner for Justice, Consumers and Gender Equality, as well as by a delegation from the Czech Republic led by Minister for Human Rights, Equal Opportunities and Legislation Jiří Dientsbier. Through this initiative, the European Commission facilitates a broader dialogue between the Member States, nonprofit organizations and Romani representatives with respect to inclusion and integration policies.  full story

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videoSlovakia: Scandalous verdict acquits police of torturing Romani children

Bratislava, Slovakia, 28.2.2015 23:57, (ROMEA) Yesterday a court in Slovakia acquitted all 10 current and former police officers who faced prosecution for abusing Romani children at a police station. The police filmed their humiliation of the children using their mobile phones and shared the footage.  full story

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videoPope Francis pays surprise visit to immigrants in former camp for Roma

Rome, Italy, 9.2.2015 19:19, (ROMEA) Yesterday Pope Frances unexpectedly visited a camp occupied primarily by immigrants from Latin American and other countries, in addition to Roma. He stopped by the camp while en route to the parish of the Holy Archangel Michael in the the Roman quarter of Pietralata.  full story

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videoCzech Police called to scene of commemoration of Romani Holocaust victims

Terezín, 30.1.2015 2:04, (ROMEA) Organizers of Tuesday's commemoration of the memory of the Romani victims of the Holocaust at the National Cemetery in Terezín called police for assistance after Petr Žák, a member of the board of the "NO to Brussels - National Democracy" party, which closely collaborates with right-wing extremists from the DSSS party, began photographing those in attendance. Žák has been involved in anti-Romani demonstrations in Děčín and Rumburk but claimed he was there to honor the memory of the Romani victims.  full story

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videoJan Hauer: Intolerance is rising, the victims of Nazism must be remembered

Terezín, 29.1.2015 20:05, (ROMEA) Jan Hauer (68) traveled to Terezín on Tuesday to honor the memory of the Romani victims of the Holocaust. "We must constantly remember what the Nazis did, not only to the Jews, but also to the Roma, the Sinti and other nations, especially today, when racial intolerance is increasing," Hauer said at the National Cemetery after attending a prayer service for the dead organized by the Konexe organization as part of its commemoration of Romani victims.  full story

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videoVIDEO: World commemorates 70th anniversary of liberation of Auschwitz

Oświęcim, Poland , 27.1.2015 15:53, (ROMEA) Approximately 300 former prisoners and the representatives of 42 countries, including 12 Presidents, several crowned heads of state and half a dozen Prime Ministers are marking the 70th anniversary of the liberation of the Nazi extermination camp at Auschwitz-Birkenau by the Soviet Army with a gathering at what was once the "Gate of Death". The commemoration is being attended by French President François Hollande, German President Joachim Gauck, Polish President Bronislaw Komorowski and Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, while Russia (at odds with the Western world over the conflict in Ukraine) will be represented by Sergei Ivanov, the head of Putin's presidential office; the Czech delegation is led by Czech Prime Minister Bohuslav Sobotka.  full story

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videoRomani singer sues Beyoncé, claiming she used her music without permission

Budapest/New York, 29.12.2014 2:34, (ROMEA) Agence France-Presse reports that Mónika Juhász Miczura, a Romani singer from Hungary, is suing Beyoncé because she is convinced the American superstar stole a musical motif of hers and used it in her song "Drunk in Love". According to the Romani singer, the music was used without permission.
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videoActivists ask Brussels to stop bullying of Romani children in the Czech schools

Brussels/Prague, 8.12.2014 19:19, (ROMEA) The European Roma Rights Centre (ERRC) has organized a public hearing at the European Parliament tomorrow, Tuesday, 9 December 2014, during which a video campaign by Romani activists Edita Stejskalová, Jolana Šmarhovyčová, Magdalena Karvayová and Miroslav Klempár entitled "Stop calling us gypsies!" will be launched. The campaign draws attention to the Czech Republic's rejection of the European Commission's charges that Romani children continue to be discriminated against in education in the EU Member State.  full story

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videoCzech Republic: Roma in Ostrava demonstrate against racism, neo-Nazis try to provoke them

Ostrava, 8.12.2014 1:47, (ROMEA) At 14:00 on 6 December a demonstration against racism took plcea in Ostrava which was convened by several Romani residents with the assistance of the Konexe organization. Participants gathered on Svatopluk Čech Square in the Přívoz quarter and then followed their announced march route to Prokešovo Square and back.  full story

Neo-Nazis used against neo-Nazis... Local entrepreneurs and residents pledged to contribute EUR 10 for every meter marched by the supporters of Nazi ideology to the EXIT-Germany nonprofit organization, which helps former neo-Nazis extricate themselves from involvement with the environment of neo-Nazi cells.

videoGermany: Neo-Nazis inadvertently fund those opposed to them

Wunsiedel, Germany, 18.11.2014 21:58, (ROMEA) The Washington Post reports that the town of Wunsiedel in southeastern Germany has become a sort of traditional pilgrimage site for neo-Nazis. Until the year 2011, it was the burial place of Rudolf Hess, Hitler's second deputy after Göring.  full story

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videoRoma Pride 2014 in Prague, Terne Čhave perform

Prague, 4.10.2014 21:41, (ROMEA) Prague has hosted yet another Roma Pride parade. Along with Romani people, rather a lot of people from the majority part of society, migrants living in the Czech Republic and tourists enjoyed the event as well.  full story

A friendly football match between TJ Junior Roma Děčín and FC Embassies Praha took place on 21 September 2014 in the town of Děčín. (PHOTO:  Czech News Agency)

videoCzech Republic: Romani footballers play embassy employees

Děčín, 21.9.2014 21:39, (ROMEA) The friendly football match between the local TJ Junior Roma football club and representatives of eight embassies drew as many as 200 spectators to Děčín today. The match was held in response to the fact that several teams from the Děčín area refused to play the Romani team, comprised predominantly of Romani people in the district-level third class.  full story

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videoSlovakia: Activists demolish part of segregation wall, ignoring local Romani opinion

Košice, 16.9.2014 22:37, (ROMEA) Last week pro-Romani activists demolished part of a wall in the Slovak town of Košice that separates a Romani enclave from the rest of the neighborhood; by 12 September the wall had been repaired. Both the European Union and the Mayor of Košice say the wall has been illegally erected by the local municipality without building permits.  full story

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videoCzech Republic: Anti-Romani demonstration a fiasco, ultra-right duped by their opponents

Děčín, 23.8.2014 21:52, (ROMEA) The Czech town of Děčín has experienced yet another anti-Romani demonstration, this time under the baton of the right-wing extremists from the Workers' Social Justice Party (Dělnická strana sociální spravedlnosti - DSSS). The last hateful demonstration prior to this one in Děčín was organized by the notorious con artist Lukáš Kohout on Wednesday, 13 August.  full story

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videoCzech Republic: Prague Pride attended by 17 000, including Roma

Prague, 17.8.2014 2:34, (ROMEA) The LGBT pride parade that marched through Prague from Wenceslas Square to the Letná Park on Saturday, 16 August was attended by anywhere between 15 000 and 17 000 well-wishers of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transsexual community, a slight decline from last year's numbers. Bohdana Rambousková, speaking on behalf of the organizers, told the Czech News Agency that the lower attendance was evidently influenced by the weather.  full story

Buvero Camp 2014 (PHOTO: Romedia Foundation)

videoHungary: Second annual BUVERO camp for young Romani women underway

Dunavarsány, Hungary, 15.8.2014 23:35, (ROMEA) The second year of BUVERO, the Romedia Foundation's summer camp for young Romani women is underway from 9-23 August in Dunavarsány, Hungary. This year the number of participants has doubled and24 young Romani women are attending what the foundation calls an "intense and rewarding learning experience".  full story

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videoVIDEO: Assembly against racism in front of the residential hotel in Děčín

Děčín, 15.8.2014 18:50, (ROMEA) In Děčín an anti-Romani demonstration took place on 13 August 2014 that was convened by Lukáš Kohout, who has been convicted of fraud several times. About 200 people turned up on the town square for that event, while in front of a residential hotel in Zelená Street about 50 people gathered for an assembly against racism.  full story

Ilustrated PHOTO: Twitter @RomaReact

videoVIDEO: 1.000 young Europeans remember the 70th anniversary of the Roma Genocide

Krakow, 31.7.2014 10:07, (ROMEA) This coming August 2 marks the 70th anniversary of the Roma Genocide. On this date in 1944, 2,897 elderly men and women, as well as children were murdered in the gas chambers of the Nazi concentration camp Auschwitz-Birkenau. TernYpe – International Roma Youth Network and its partners organize an international conference and youth event gathering 1.000 people from 25 countries to both honour the past and to ensure a future where the rights and dignity of Roma communities are respected.  full story

George Soros, Commission President José Manuel Barroso and Ulrich Bunjes, the Council of Europe’s new Special Representative of the Secretary General for Roma Issues (FOTO: Wikimedia Commons)

videoEuropean Roma Institute: An answer to what question?

EU, 25.7.2014 22:37, (ROMEA) In a video produced by the Council of Europe and posted to YouTube this week, Ulrich Bunjes, the Special Representative for Roma Issues, discusses the idea of creating a European Roma Institute (ERI). Outgoing Commission President Barroso and George Soros announced plans for such a development at the EU Roma Summit this past spring in Brussels.  full story

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