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Purges at the Czech Freedom Fighters' Union - critics of xenophobic chair excluded, two branches closed

20.10.2016 17:34 The Central Committee of the Czech Freedom Fighters' Union (Český svaz bojovníků za svobodu - ČSBS) closed its Jičín and Kladno district member organizations during a meeting on 18 October. Three individual members have also been excluded from the union.  full story

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Czech Republic: Roma Spirit 2016 announces final candidates

20.10.2016 15:48 Two expert juries, one in Brno and one in Prague, have chosen the candidates for the Roma Spirit award in the Czech Republic this year. Of a total of 216 nominations submitted by the public, 15 finalists have been chosen.  full story

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The Dalai Lama speaks about Havel's legacy, significance of the EU during Prague visit

19.10.2016 11:35 Exiled Tibetan spiritual leader the Dalai Lama says the 21st century must be one of compassion and dialogue conducted with all, including those who engage in combat and kill others. He believes a change in how the world is experienced and perceived will come about with the next generation, who will accent the inner worth of human beings and respect for others more than they will accent the temporary satisfaction of their own desires.  full story

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Czech expert testifies that activists' sign was anti-Jewish incitement

19.10.2016 6:48 In Jihlava yesterday the trial opened in the case of the chair of the ultra-right National Democracy (ND) party, Adam B. Bartoš and his former vice-chair, Ladislav Zemánek. The indictment was read and the accused gave testimony.  full story

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Slovak President: Politicians should not play with fire and go as far as populism

18.10.2016 21:29 Yesterday Slovak President Andrej Kiska gave a speech opening the Forum 2000 conference at which he said politicians should be aware of their responsibilities at this complex time. They should not play with fire or use words to spark emotions among people that might have far-reaching consequences, he said.  full story

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Members of the European Parliament urge European Commission to move EU-subsidized pig farm from Lety site

17.10.2016 15:42 More than 80 legislators, some with the European Parliament and many at national level in 20 different EU Member States, have urged the head of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, to begin addressing the situation of the former concentration camp for Romani people at Lety by Písek, where an industrial pig farm stands today. The legislators say the genocide of Romani people was perpetrated at that site and the EU must commit to making sure it is in a dignified state.  full story

Chanov, April 2012 (PHOTO: Google Maps)

Czech Republic: New project supports high school education among residents of Chanov housing estate

17.10.2016 14:43 News server reports that at the Chanov housing estate in Most a new education project is being launched called "Support for High School Education for Youth at Chanov". The project will run for three years and involves a local primary school, the House of Roma Culture (Dům romské kultury), a vocational training institution in the Velebudice quarter and the nonprofit organization Naděje, targeting pupils attending 7th, 8th and 9th grade.  full story

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UK Boxing Board of Control suspends Tyson Fury, fighter with Irish Traveller roots relinquishes remaining titles to get sober

16.10.2016 9:16 In the wake of canceling his rematch with Wladimir Klitschko for a second time, boxing champion Tyson Fury has announced that he wants to concentrate exclusively on resolving his personal problems, including addiction. Promotion agency Hennessy Sports has released an official statement to that effect.  full story

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Czech Senate elections: Some anti-Romani candidates win, some lose

16.10.2016 8:12 The Czech Christian Democrats (KDU-ČSL) have won this year's Senate elections. Candidates with that party's support have won in nine precincts.  full story

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Czech Republic: More than 30 % of those surveyed believe Romani children should not attend mainstream education

14.10.2016 13:38 More than three-fifths of the respondents to a survey conducted by the Center for Public Opinion Research (CVVM) in the Czech Republic agree that Romani children should be educated in mainstream classes, but approximately 30 % of respondents are opposed to the idea. The public continues to agree with the existence of various types of primary schools and multi-year college preparatory high schools.  full story

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Slovakia: Residential hotel in Bratislava refuses to house Romani workers

14.10.2016 8:41 The Tarif residential hotel in Bratislava, the capital of Slovakia, has refused to accommodate Romani people and has even ejected some of them from the facility. Slovak online daily Denník N decided to investigate after hearing of the ejections and the verbal insults that accompanied them.  full story

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Czech eyewitness: Local racists insulted my Romani friends, assaulted us, and put them in fear for their lives

13.10.2016 21:36 On Saturday, 8 October in the town of Chotutice near Český Brod a brawl broke out between non-Romani and Romani customers at a local restaurant. Czech tabloid media outlets primarily described the entire event as an attack perpetrated by a group of Romani people against local habitués who were said to have first insulted them in a racist way.
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Commentary: Informing on the "Gypsies"

13.10.2016 10:38 On 11 October, František Ryba, chair of the Krušnohor Apartment Construction Cooperative, sent a message to the inhabitants of the town of Most through a spokesperson that they should begin informing the authorities about "Gypsies and inadaptables" if such people are bothering them as their neighbors. Ryba has traditionally always been harsh in his public statements - he does not pull his punches, insults people, and is not afraid to make racist attacks on Romani people.  full story

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Czech Republic: Romani people remain the most victimized by prejudice

12.10.2016 20:58 "The Czech Republic is laying the foundations for a big disaster," Salim Murad, a political scientist at the University of South Bohemia, told journalist Daniela Drtinová in an interview for the online broadcaster. Murad studies the perspective of the media and society on minorities, refugees, and other phenomena on the basis of public opinion polls and other data he has been collecting for years.  full story

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Foster families of Romani children help them find their roots again in the Czech Republic

12.10.2016 17:17 Martina Vančáková, organizer of an annual meeting of foster families caring for Romani children as part of the "Our Romani Child" program, has just sent me a message: "I'll pick you up at the station in a big yellow car." She is a psychologist and Romani Studies scholar as well as a co-worker of the Center for Foster Family Care, which is organizing the experiential education trip.  full story

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Holocaust survivors sharply criticize German justice authorities

12.10.2016 12:51 According to reporting in the New York Times, recently the International Auschwitz Committee (IAC) has criticized the German justice system for lack of activity. The specific subject of their complaint is the case of Oskar Gröning (age 95), a former SS member and accountant at the Auschwitz death camp.  full story

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videoEuropean Roma Spirit Awards: Impreuna, Roma Education Support Trust,, Spišský Hrhov, Sabiha Suleiman

11.10.2016 15:15 Yesterday the first-ever European Roma Spirit Awards were announced in Bratislava. The ceremony included a video greeting from EU Commissioner for Justice, Consumers and Gender Equality, Věra Jourová.  full story

Yveta Kenety (FOTO: Jana Platichová)

Czech Republic: Romani scholarship recipients study economics, history, IT, languages and medicine

11.10.2016 14:29 Hundreds of young Romani people are studying at college throughout the Czech Republic. Frequently they are the first people in their families ever to do so.
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Slovakia: Czech Human Rights Minister speaks at EU conference on Romani youth

11.10.2016 11:13 On 10 October the Czech Minister for Human Rights, Equal Opportunities and Legislation attended the High Level Event on Roma Youth Empowerment in his role as chair of the Czech Government Council on Romani Minority Affairs. The topic of the conference was "Promoting the key role of Roma youth as a driving force in the process of Roma integration" and it was held in Bratislava from 9-11 October as part of the Slovak Presidency of the European Union.  full story

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Analysis: How extremism has changed over time

11.10.2016 10:17 Times change. During the 1930s, the ruling elites were discussing deporting refugees to Madagascar.  full story

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