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March 13, 2025




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Czech Republic: Interview with local Romani candidate Milan Horvát

Prague, 8.10.2014 22:44, (ROMEA) "When I first parked my car as a newly-elected councilor for Prague 3 in 2010, it was a big moment for me," recalls Milan Horvát, a local candidate for the Czech Social Democrats (ČSSD) who is running again on their number 7 ticket. "The guards asked me how I dared to do that - what was I doing there? When I told them I am a councilor and proved it by showing my identification card, they literally could not believe their eyes - a Romani man had become a councilor."  full story

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Czech Republic: Neo-Nazis hack websites of human rights NGOs

Prague, 8.10.2014 22:00, (ROMEA) The website of the Czech Helsinki Committee (ČHV) has been targeted for attack by "nationalist" hackers from the White Media group. The hackers publicly announced on their own website that they attacked the human rights organization as part of their annual "Week against Anti-Racism and Xenophilia", which began on 28 September.  full story

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Czech trial of alleged neo-Nazi hard core postponed indefinitely

Prague, 7.10.2014 23:48, (ROMEA) Yesterday the third-instance trial of the allegedly hardcore members of a group called National Resistance (Národní odpor - NO) began in the Czech Republic. Its alleged members face up to eight years in prison for promoting Nazi propaganda as an organized group.  full story

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Commentary: Czech mayoral candidate would use EU money on the wrong problem

Prague, 7.10.2014 18:54, (ROMEA) Martin Štěpánek, a candidate for mayor in the upcoming local elections in Ostrava, has recently explained the vision behind his campaign slogan, "I reject trafficking in poverty", in an interview for the Czech daily Mladá fronta DNES (published Monday 22 September). At first glance it might seem that this striking slogan is aimed at the abuse of welfare by the owners of residential hotels for the socially vulnerable - the "traffickers in poverty".  full story

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Czech Republic: Interview with Romani teen about his experiences in foster and state care

Prague, 7.10.2014 0:21, (ROMEA) ALBÍN AUGUSTÝN BALÁT is a Romani 17-year-old who has grown up in children's homes and foster care. His vision is clear - despite the initial obstacles he has faced in life, he wants to succeed in society and achieve his aims.  full story

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Czech candidate assaulted, blames all Roma

Ostrava, 6.10.2014 22:05, (ROMEA) News server reports that 23-year-old Lukáš Král of Ostrava underwent a traumatic experience last week when he was attacked by an 18-year-old man just before noon at a tram stop and robbed of his mobile phone. Král, a local candidate on the list of the ANO movement, described the incident on Facebook, sparking an emotional, racist discussion.  full story

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videoRoma Pride 2014 in Prague, Terne Čhave perform

Prague, 4.10.2014 21:41, (ROMEA) Prague has hosted yet another Roma Pride parade. Along with Romani people, rather a lot of people from the majority part of society, migrants living in the Czech Republic and tourists enjoyed the event as well.  full story

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Czech Senator Lebeda caught in lies about Romani people

Prague, 3.10.2014 19:22, (ROMEA) News server has caught Czech Senator Pavel Lebeda in several lies he told during an interview with the tabloid server Parlamentní listy. Lebeda claimed, for example, that Romani families whose children attend high school receive CZK 1 000 a month from the Education Ministry and that the ROMEA organization pays them CZK 21 000 per year.  full story

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Ukraine: Neo-Nazi Right Sector fighters attack pro-Russian MP

Kiev, 3.10.2014 18:39, (ROMEA) Ukrainian Interior Minister Arsen Avakov addressed an emphatic warning to neo-Nazis from the Right Sector organization on 1 October. In response to an attack committed Tuesday by right-wing radicals against a pro-Russian MP, Avakov declared that America and Europe could turn away from supporting Ukraine if similar incidents persist.  full story

Greek police say they have prevented ultra-left bombing

Athens, Greece, 3.10.2014 18:15, (ROMEA) The Associated Press reports that police in Greece say they have foiled a bombing allegedly planned by an ultra-left group for this weekend. Authorities say left-wing extremists wanted to attack the headquarters of the conservative New Democracy party, which is leading the current governing coalition.  full story

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Czech NGO analyses the multiple interpretations of proposed education amendment

Prague, 3.10.2014 17:32, (ROMEA) Section 16 of the much-discussed amendment to the School Act should be taught at law departments as a textbook example of how to create a law that can be interpreted for any purpose. The Czech NGO People in Need (Člověk v tísni) points this out on its website through an article recently published in Zvoní magazine.  full story

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Greece: Roma block traffic to resist eviction

Athens, Greece, 3.10.2014 0:23, (ROMEA) Press TV, Iran's English-language news agency, reported yesterday that Stelios Kalamiotis, the leader of an encampment of Romani people in the Greek capital of Athens, said his community had temporarily blocked an eviction and relocation order issued against them by the government. The community set up road blocks on Tuesday, 30 September for 12 hours, keeping police forces away from their dwellings.  full story

Violeta Naydenova (PHOTO:

Violeta Naydenova: Jourová must be more active on Romani issues than her predecessor

Brussels, 2.10.2014 23:42, (ROMEA) Violeta Naydenova, a Bulgarian Romani analyst for the Open Society Foundations, has commented in the EU Observer that Věra Jourová, the Czech EU Commissioner-designate for Justice, Consumers and Gender Equality, should be much more active when it comes to addressing Romani issues in EU countries. Naydenova says Jourová should do more than her predecessor to combat anti-Romani attitudes and discrimination.  full story

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Czech Republic: Romani party asks for more ballots, raising suspicions of vote-buying

Ostrava, 2.10.2014 22:51, (ROMEA) Romani voters in Ostrava allegedly are not receiving ballots. Candidates with the Romani Democratic Party (RDS) have contacted several municipal departments in the city with demands that they issue new ones.  full story

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Czech Republic: Romani political candidates withdraw before local elections

Most, 2.10.2014 20:50, (ROMEA) The daily Mostecký deník reported today that the "Mosters for Most" (Mostečané Mostu) political group at the Romani-occupied Chanov housing estate in the town of Most, which was running under the rubric of Jana Volfová's "Association of the Czech Sovereignty political party and independent candidates", has collapsed. The daily reports that of its original 45 candidates, only four are left.  full story

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The story of Magdalena Karvayová

Prague, 2.10.2014 19:50, (ROMEA) The case of Magdalena Karvayová is a prime example of how Czech society generates its own problems in coexistence with the Romani minority by allowing prejudices to be crudely projected into its education system. "At school a boy grabbed me in the hallway and pushed my head into a toilet bowl. When I told the teacher what happened, she told me not to complain and made me sit down," Karvayová tells us.  full story

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Czech Justice Commissioner candidate says there is no single solution to social integration

Brussels, 1.10.2014 21:50, (ROMEA) This afternoon the hearing began at the European Parliament of Commissioner-designate Věra Jourová, the Czech Republic's candidate for the position of EU Commisioner for Justice, Consumers and Gender Equality. During roughly three hours of questions and answers, Jourová attempted to convince MEPs from the four relevant committees not just of her professional qualifications to handle the post in the future Juncker Commission, but also of her personal integrity.  full story

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Czech Republic: Roma claim police apply double standard

Kadaň, 1.10.2014 20:01, (ROMEA) Fear of going out onto the street alone, terror after being threatened with having one's throat cut and run over by a car, a feeling of hopelessness that neither the police nor anyone else can guarantee justice and the right to a dignified life. Police indifference to Romani residents and sympathy for the local skinhead brawlers who terrorize Roma living in the Czech town of Kadaň - all of this is leading local Romani residents to feel that a double standard applies to law and order there.  full story

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Czech ombud says her deputy's article was totally out of line

Brno, 1.10.2014 18:15, (ROMEA) Anna Šabatová, the Czech Public Defender of Rights (the ombud) has sharply criticized her deputy, Stanislav Křeček, for authoring an article critiquing the work of the Czech Government Agency for Social Inclusion. "[Mr Křeček's article] contravenes all of the principles of the work of the ombud, which are to maintain competence and confidentiality, to have a thorough knowledge of all the circumstances of a case, to listen to the other side, and what is most important, to propose measures for improving a situation should it be unsatisfactory," she has written in the daily Lidové noviny, which published Křeček's critique.  full story

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Czech Agency for Social Inclusion director responds to Deputy Ombud's critique

Brno/Prague, 1.10.2014 17:25, (ROMEA) Czech Deputy Ombud Stanislav Křeček has written a critique of the activity of the Czech Government Agency for Social Inclusion in the town of Duchcov for the daily Lidové noviny (Agentura, která nepomůže, LN 25. 9.) I would welcome it if next time he would spend more time studying our work, as it is evident from his article that he knows almost nothing about it or the situation in Duchcov.  full story

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