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News![]() New Czech ombud is Anna ŠabatováPrague, 14.2.2014 17:49, (ROMEA) Anna Šabatová, who has just been elected Public Defender of Rights (ombud), will be wanting politicians to increase the ombud's powers. "I would be glad if the ombud would be able to file motions for the abolition of laws with the Constitutional Court. I would also be glad if the ombud could file its own lawsuits in matters of discrimination," Šabatová said. full storyCzech ombud candidate Křeček: Minority rights are getting too much attentionPrague, 13.2.2014 23:06, (ROMEA) News server Romea.cz presents the translation in full of the speech given by Stanislav Křeček, candidate for the post of the Public Defender of Rights, to the Czech lower house today: full story![]() Czech ombud candidate Šabatová: I will improve work with the public administrationPrague, 13.2.2014 22:28, (ROMEA) News server Romea.cz presents the translation in full of the speech given by Anna Šabatová, candidate for the post of the Public Defender of Rights, to the Czech lower house today: full story![]() Czech MPs fail to choose new ombud in first round, second vote tomorrowPrague, 13.2.2014 21:38, (ROMEA) Czech MPs failed to elect a new Public Defender of Rights (ombud) today. Neither the current Deputy Public Defender of Rights, Stanislav Křeček, nor the former Deputy Public Defender of Rights, Anna Šabatová, has received enough votes during today's first round of secret voting. full story![]() Czech Deputy Ombud advises new govt of problemsPrague, 13.2.2014 21:14, (ROMEA) The current Czech Deputy Ombud has congratulated the ministers in the new cabinet on their appointments to office and has warned each of them about several problems which he considers in need of urgent resolution. Most of his remarks were addressed to the Labor and Social Affairs Minister, as traditionally most of the people who contact the Ombud do so about labor and social problems and the office has conducted the most investigations in areas under that ministry's purview. full story![]() Neo-Nazis commemorate Dresden in Czech Republic and Germany this year13.2.2014 19:01, (ROMEA) After marching through Dresden yesterday, German neo-Nazis have canceled a second march planned for today which was supposed to commemorate the destruction of the city at the end of the Second World War on the actual anniversary of the bombing. A police spokesperson confirmed the news reported by a local daily, Dresdner Neueste Nachrichten (DNN). full story![]() Czech NGO files complaint against paper over racist articlePrague, 13.2.2014 17:51, (ROMEA) The Prostějovský Večerník ("Prostějov Evening News") daily paper has once again had a complaint filed against it over a racist article. As with the previous case, the complaint was filed by the NESEHNUTÍ nongovernmental organization, which believes that an article headlined "GYPSY HYENAS rob woman of crutches!" violates the law. full story![]() Czech and German neo-Nazis to commemorate bombing of Dresden in Karlovy Vary this yearKarlovy Vary, 12.2.2014 21:40, (ROMEA) Nationalists from both the Czech Republic and Germany are using the Internet to convene an assembly in the Czech town of Karlovy Vary on the anniversary of the Allied bombing of Dresden in 1945. The event, allegedly a memorial march called "Light for Dresden", will take place this Saturday. full story![]() Czech Republic: Homeless man's tent set on firePrague, 12.2.2014 21:00, (ROMEA) A homeless man living in a tent near the Černý Most shopping center in Prague has become the victim of an arson attack by two perpetrators who remain at large. All of the evidence so far indicates that the perpetrators poured a flammable liquid on the man's tent, made of fabric, at 2 PM Sunday and then struck a match. full story![]() Czech arson trial: Drunken stupidity or racially-motivated attempted murder?České Budějovice, 12.2.2014 20:38, (ROMEA) On Monday the trial of a case of attempted arson committed last summer in the town of České Budějovice continued, with few representatives of the media in attendance. News server Romea.cz reported on the start of the trial in December last year. full story![]() Romanian President fined for racist remarks about RomaBucharest, Romania, 12.2.2014 17:58, (ROMEA) Romanian President Traian Basescu must pay a fine in the amount of 600 Romanian new leu (approximately EUR 134) for making offensive remarks about Romani people during a state visit to Slovenia in 2010. Basescu said at the time that "very many Roma don't want to work" and that "many of them traditionally make their living through thievery". full story![]() Russian MP makes excuses for racist photo montage of the ObamasRussia, 11.2.2014 18:43, (ROMEA) Irina Rodnina, once a famous figure skater, is now an MP for a pro-Putin party in Russia. Recently she was given the honor of lighting the Olympic flame in Sochi together with former hockey player Vladislav Tretiak. full story![]() Czech Govt to fight antigypsyism and anti-Semitism, beef up ombud and social housingPrague, 11.2.2014 17:47, (ROMEA) Addressing social housing, fighting marginalization and a robust performance against antigypsyism and intolerance are all promised in the Czech Government's draft program declaration. The cabinet also wants to get a handle on the "trafficking in poverty at overpriced residential hotels." full story![]() Hungarian Jews may boycott government Holocaust commemorationBudapest, Hungary, 10.2.2014 19:11, (ROMEA) The Federation of Hungarian Jewish Communities (FHJC) will not be attending this year's official Holocaust commemoration unless the role played by Hungarians in the deportation and murder of Hungarian Jews is more clearly described during the event. The group, which is the main Jewish organization in Hungary, voted on the decision today. full story![]() Romanian defenders of Roma: French President inciting racismFrance, 10.2.2014 18:36, (ROMEA) One of the main organizations defending the rights of Roma people in Romania has charged French President François Hollande with inciting racism. Agence France-Presse (AFP) reports the group is responding to a recent attack against Roma in Paris. full story![]() Czech Republic: Young adults inherit debt from day oneMost, 10.2.2014 17:39, (ROMEA) News server Peníze.cz has published an interview with Alena Zieglerová, who worked for many years as the head of the Labor Office in the Czech town of Most. She knows the Chanov housing estate, which has a large Romani population, and the problems of people "on the margins" of society firsthand. full story![]() Russian MP who racially insulted US President lights the Olympic flameSochi, Russia, 8.2.2014 23:07, (ROMEA) Irina Rodnina, a Russian MP and former Olympic figure skating champion who lit the Olympic flame yesterday together with legendary former hockey goalie Vladislav Tretiak, is also known for having published a racist photograph of US President Barack Obama last September. Rodnina used Twitter to send out a photo montage of Obama and his wife Michelle looking at a banana. full storyItaly: Jewish institutions in Rome receive pigs' heads by mailRome, Italy, 8.2.2014 21:24, (ROMEA) Several days prior to International Holocaust Remembrance day on 27 January, Jewish addresses in Rome were targeted with an insult. The Italian media reported that three Jewish institutions received packages by mail with pigs' heads in them; anti-Jewish graffiti turned up in several places in Rome as well. full story![]() France refuses return to deported Romani girl, she threatens suicideParis/Prishtina, 7.2.2014 20:04, (ROMEA) A French court has refused to grant a residence permit to the parents of Leonarda Dibrani, a Romani girl from Kosovo who was deported from France last year under scandalous circumstances. Wire services reported at the end of January that the teenager has responded to the court's decision by threatening to commit suicide. full story![]() Slovakia: Growing support for Fascists puts the legislature in reachBratislava, Slovakia, 7.2.2014 19:27, (ROMEA) A public opinion surveyby the MVK agency in Slovakia finds that the popularity of the ultra-right People's Party - Our Slovakia (Lidová strana - Naše Slovensko, or LS-NS) has grown to such an extent that the party, led by right-wing extremist Marian Kotleba, could be seated in the legislature if elections were held today. Last fall Kotleba surprised the country by winning direct elections to become the governor of the Banská Bystrica Region. full story |