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March 9, 2025




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Czech town uses EU funds for police assistant to restrain unruly pupils in the schools

Sokolov, 7.2.2014 17:26, (ROMEA) News server reports that in the Czech town of Sokolov a new reinforcement to the municipal police has begun addressing truancy with troubled families and will even be sitting as an observer next week in classrooms where instruction is disrupted by undisciplined pupils. The police assistant mission is being started at the Primary School on Křižíkova Street, where most of the children (approximately 40) from a recently closed, so-called Romani primary school were reassigned a year and half ago.  full story

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German authorities reject award-winning Bosnian Romani man's asylum request

Berlin, Germany, 7.2.2014 0:32, (ROMEA) Nazif Mujić, a Romani man from Bosnia, was the star of last year's Berlinale film festival, winning the Silver Bear for Best Actor for his performance in the docudrama "An Episode in the Life of an Iron Picker". As of the end of last month, he and his family were living in a residential hotel for refugees on the outskirts of Berlin and waiting to learn whether they would have to leave Germany against their will.  full story

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Czech Police looking for man who gave the Nazi salute in the Prague metro

Prague, 7.2.2014 0:00, (ROMEA) Police officers from a local station in the Vysočany quarter of Prague and detectives investigating extremism are working on the case of an aggressor who verbally assaulted his fellow passengers on the metro before giving the Nazi salute at the Kolbenova metro station. On Monday, 27 January at about 11:30 AM, the man reportedly shouted racial epithets at a tourist from France while riding in a metro car between the Vysočanská and Kolbenova stops.  full story

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UK: Right-wing extremists use social networks to propagandize through kidnapping hoax

London, 6.2.2014 22:56, (ROMEA) British newspaper The Independent reports that during the past week, thousands of British users of social networking sites have been sharing a poster calling on people to help a little girl allegedly kidnapped by an "Asian gang". Little "Amy Hamilton", however, doesn't exist - she is the creation of an ultra-right group, Britons against Left-Wing Extremism, who have been using the image for propaganda purposes.  full story

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Czech media ignores trial of 2013's most serious racially-motivated attack

Teplice/Ústí nad Labem, 6.2.2014 21:47, (ROMEA) At the end of January, the Regional Court in Ústí nad Labem reviewed last year's most serious case of racially-motivated violence (according to the indictment). During the celebration of the opening of the spa in Teplice, a local recidivist stabbed a man to death and seriously injured several others with a hunting knife.  full story

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videoStudent life: Roma Students in Central Eastern Europe

Budapešť, 6.2.2014 12:27, (ROMEA) This year Central European University (Budapest, Hungary) is hosting more than 5o Roma students both MA students and Roma Access Programs students. CEU is well known in Central Eastern Europe for its higher education programs for Roma students. Currently there are two ongoing programs: Roma Graduate Preparation Program and Roma English Language Program.  full story

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Museum of Roma Culture director: Today's anti-Roma sentiment recalls interwar society

Brno/Prague, 6.2.2014 0:25, (ROMEA) In the Czech Senate on 27 January, International Holocaust Remembrance Day, speeches were made by Senate chair Milan Štěch, the vice-chair of the Chamber of Deputies MP Jaroslava Jermanová (ANO movement), Auschwitz survivor Luděk Eliáš, and the director of the Museum of Roma Culture, Jana Horváthová. News server brings you Ms Horváthová's speech in full translation below.  full story

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Greek neo-Nazi party to run even if banned

Athens, Greece, 5.2.2014 20:56, (ROMEA) The Greek neo-Nazi party Golden Dawn will find a way to participate in local elections and elections to the European Parliament even if harsh measures are adopted against it. Party spokesperson Ilias Kasidiaris issued the party's official statement on the issue this past Saturday.  full story

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MEPs agree greater protections for LGBTI rights

Strasbourg, France, 5.2.2014 17:37, (ROMEA) The rights of lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transgender and intersex persons in the European Union should be better protected from now on. MEPs have agreed today to approve a plan to combat homophobia and discrimination in the EU on the basis of gender identity and sexual orientation.  full story


FXB Center, Harvard University: Violence and Attacks Against Roma Should Sound Alarms in the International Community

Boston/Cambridge, 5.2.2014 12:06, (ROMEA) Harvard University’s FXB Center for Health and Human Rights released a report documenting “Accelerating Patterns of Anti-Roma Violence in Hungary”. The report is intended to alert the United Nations and the international community to the persistent patterns of violent attacks and actions against the Roma (pejoratively called Gypsies).  full story

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Czech Constitutional Court rejects complaint by convicted Holocaust denier

Brno, 5.2.2014 2:09, (ROMEA) The Czech Constitutional Court has rejected a complaint filed with it by the Czech-Canadian author Vladimír Stwora, who has been convicted in the Czech Republic of using the internet to doubt the extent of the Holocaust. While the prisoner amnesty announced by former Czech President Václav Klaus had already cancelled the suspended sentence handed down against Stwora, he insisted on having his complaint against it heard by the court.  full story

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Fedor Gál: Politicians like Okamura make me anxious

Prague, 4.2.2014 16:27, (ROMEA) News server Aktuálně.cz reports that a group called the Platform for European Memory and Conscience (Platforma evropské paměti a svědomí) has published a unique collection of 30 stories introducing heroes who have resisted terror and violence. The collection, entitled So We Will Not Forget (Abychom nezapomněli) will be officially launched tomorrow and includes heroes from 16 European countries, including two Czechs - Josef Bryks, a Royal Air Force fighter who was tortured to death by the communists, and the executed politician Milada Horáková.  full story

Czech Republic: New law would mean thousands at risk of homelessness

Brno, 3.2.2014 17:31, (ROMEA) News server reports that more than 3 000 socially excluded people live in residential hotels throughout the Czech city of Brno. A forthcoming amendment would restrict residency in such facilities to the length of one year but does not address what would happen to those who have to move away after a year's time.  full story

Czech town refutes rumor it is privileging Romani residents

Most, 2.2.2014 21:44, (ROMEA) The town of Most has recently responded to a letter it received from someone identifying themselves as a pensioner claiming that young Romani passengers ride public transportation for free there and that the town also pays Romani people's taxi fares once a month. The town has refuted these rumors; please see the letter and the town's response below  full story

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Czech court sentences two of the four brawlers in Duchcov incident

Duchcov/Teplice, 1.2.2014 22:59, (ROMEA) A court in Teplice issued its ruling on 28 January in the case of those involved in an illegal manhunt for the organizer of anti-Romani demonstrations in the town of Duchcov, a group of four who ended up assaulting two mistakenly identified men. The judge has sentenced two of the defendants to prison, put one on probation, and acquitted the fourth.  full story

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Slovakia: Brutal neo-Nazis who terrorized Nitra are back on the street

Nitra, Slovakia, 1.2.2014 21:25, (ROMEA) Five brutal neo-Nazis suspected of attacking customers at the Mariatchi Bar in Nitra, Slovakia are back on the streets. They were in police custody from last Tuesday evening until Thursday morning.  full story

Roma are EU citizens too, Romanian President says

Bucharest, 1.2.2014 13:49, (ROMEA) Romanian President Traian Basescu on Friday (31 January) strongly defended freedom of movement within the EU, saying Roma have the same rights as other EU citizens and should not be misused for populist campaigns.  full story

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Mudslide engulfs houses in suburb not far from Vatican City

Rome, 1.2.2014 13:22, (ROMEA) A landslide Friday sent mud into the streets of a Rome suburb, engulfing houses inhabited by poor people and immigrants not far from the Vatican, police said.  full story

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Slovakia: Romani victims of police harassment testify

Košice, Slovakia, 1.2.2014 4:51, (ROMEA) A Slovak court has just completed a two-day hearing into the case of police officers who harassed Romani boys in 2009. Four of the children and several of their parents have testified to date.  full story

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Czech MEP candidate wants to ban immigration into the EU

Prague, 1.2.2014 4:08, (ROMEA) Klára Samková, a candidate for the European Parliament on the ticket of the Dawn of Direct Democracy (Úsvit přímé demokracie) party, is continuing the harsh rhetoric of party chair Tomio Okamura. Samková has released a statement in favor of a total ban on immigration into EU countries.  full story

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