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videoCzech Republic: 200 neo-Nazis, same number of counter-protesters march in Ústí nad Labem

Ústí nad Labem, 1.5.2014 17:51, (ROMEA) About 200 neo-Nazis gathered today in Ústí nad Labem for an assembly and march through the center of town. The event was convened at 14:00 as an electoral rally of the right-wing extremist Workers' Social Justice Party (Dělnická strana sociální spravedlnosti - DSSS).  full story

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Czech Republic: Indonesian Embassy complains about police raid on mosque

Prague, 1.5.2014 17:29, (ROMEA) The Indonesian Embassy has delivered a diplomatic note to the Czech Foreign Ministry regarding last Friday's police intervention at a mosque in the center of Prague. In the note, the embassy references provisions of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations.  full story

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Commentary: Czech special educators fear the inevitable - inclusive education

Prague, 1.5.2014 0:09, (ROMEA) In the Czech Republic the Association of Special Educators (Asociace speciálních pedagogů - ASP) is cringing and their supporters are sounding the alarm as if they were in real distress. On 19 April, the regional edition of the daily Mf DNES published an interview with Václav Mrštík, director of a regional-level educational-psychological counseling center, entitled "Psychologist: The law is more Catholic than the Pope and does not take children into consideration" (Psycholog: Zákon je papežštější než papež. Vůbec nehledí na děti.)  full story

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Russia and Fascism: When the thief cries "Stop thief!"

Prague, 30.4.2014 20:55, (ROMEA) One of the main pretexts for Russia's annexation of Crimea and the protests by ethnic Russians in the east and south of Ukraine is the fact that Ukrainian Fascists and ultra-nationalists contributed to the new government in Kiev seizing power. While this is true to a certain degree, it is also true that Nazism and xenophobia are spreading among ethnic Russians in the east and south of Ukraine as well.  full story

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Czech Republic: Ultra-right marches tomorrow in Ústí, will report online in real time

Prague/Ústí nad Labem, 30.4.2014 17:52, (ROMEA) Extraordinary security measures are being undertaken for an assembly followed by a march which has been convened for 1 May in the center of Ústí nad Labem by the right-wing extremist Workers' Social Justice Party (Dělnická strana sociální spravedlnosti - DSSS). Police estimate that around 500 supporters of the DSSS might come to Ústí for the march.  full story

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Czech Police raid mosque, charge man with disseminating racism

Prague, 29.4.2014 0:03, (ROMEA) On 25 April police officers raided two buildings of the Islamic Foundation (Islámská nadace - IN) in Prague, one near Wenceslas Square and one near the Černý Most metro station, that are used by members of the Muslim community as gathering places. The raid was performed on the suspicion that the foundation was publishing and distributing books that disseminate anti-Semitism, racism, violence against so-called inferior races, and xenophobia.  full story

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videoUkraine: Pro-Russian separatists want to "purge" Slavyansk of "Gypsies"

Slavyansk, Ukraine, 28.4.2014 19:28, (ROMEA) Another attack on local Romani people took place on 22 April in the Ukrainian town of Slavyansk, which is currently being ruled by pro-Russian separatists. German news server Die Welt quotes one of the separatists as saying the pro-Russian forces want to purge the town of "gypsies".  full story

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Czech Republic: Úsvit running a racist, xenophobic EP campaign

Prague, 28.4.2014 18:16, (ROMEA) The Úsvit (Dawn of Direct Democracy) movement of Czech MP Tomio Okamura has officially launched its racist, xenophobic election campaign. The movement is using a poster depicting white sheep kicking a black sheep off of the Czech flag along with slogans against immigrants and Roma.  full story

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France: Neo-Nazis from around Europe celebrate Hitler's birthday

Strasbourg, France, 27.4.2014 23:00, (ROMEA) The discovery that authorities did nothing to prevent a neo-Nazi assembly honoring the memory of Adolf Hitler in France has sparked controversy. The meeting took place last weekend in Alsace.  full story

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Former Czech Green Party candidate owns tabloid publishing anti-Roma articles

Prague, 26.4.2014 20:50, (ROMEA) "If Gypsies beat up a pub owner, I'll write six articles about it and keep on writing them... I'll say it's a Rom no matter what the cost. If whites beat up a white guy, or if a white guy beats up a Rom... then no," the editor-in-chief of the tabloid news server, Pavel Novotný, says of his practices in the recent Czech documentary film "Tabloid Workers" (Dělníci bulváru).  full story

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Ukraine: Neo-Nazis from Right Sector form Donbas battalion to handle pro-Russian separatists

Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine, 26.4.2014 1:02, (ROMEA) Dmytro Yarosh, the leader of Ukraine's neo-Nazis, is organizing a "special Donbas battalion" in eastern Ukraine to take care of public order and confront the activities of pro-Russian separatists. Yarosh announced the news in Dnipropetrovsk on 24 April.  full story

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Czech court: 2.5 years for arson attempt on Romani-occupied building

České Budějovice, 25.4.2014 23:38, (ROMEA) The District Court in České Budějovice has announced its verdict in an attempted arson case from last year. The perpetrator was sentenced to 2.5 years in prison without the possibility of parole for intending to commit felony intimidation.  full story

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Domenico "Volcano" Spada: The boxer who fights under the Roma flag

Naples, Italy, 25.4.2014 19:27, (ROMEA) "I will climb into the ring with the Roma flag, no Italian flag and no national anthem," said Domenico "Volcano“ Spada, a Romani boxer from Italy, just before the 5 April match in which he challenged Marco Antonio Rubio for the World Middleweight title. "I will have them play the Romani song 'Cintia' by Santino Spinelli."  full story

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Czech Police mobilizing: 500 neo-Nazis heading to Ústí nad Labem

Prague, 24.4.2014 15:38, (ROMEA) Czech Police units from Liberec Region and Prague will beef up the Ústí Regional Police on 1 May for a march by hundreds of supporters of the Workers' Social Justice Party (Dělnická strana sociální spravedlnosti - DSSS). Football hooligans are evidently planning to attend the event as well.  full story

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Czech Republic: Neo-Nazis to gather 1 May in Ústí, civic initiatives protecting ghettos

Ústí nad Labem, 19.4.2014 21:11, (ROMEA) Civic initiatives have announced that they have reserved the streets leading to the socially excluded localities in the Czech town of Ústí nad Labem for 1 May. The initiatives want to prevent local occupants from being targeted by the neo-Nazis who are planning to march through the center of town that same day.  full story

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videoPro-Russian radicals target Roma for assault in eastern Ukraine

Slavyansk, Ukraine, 19.4.2014 20:25, (ROMEA) News server Novosti Donbasu reports that pro-Russian radicals in eastern Ukraine have assaulted several Romani families in Slavyansk, allegedly for racial reasons. Armed pro-Russian separatists broke into their apartments, where they attacked and robbed them.  full story

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Czech Republic: Five years on, Romani arson victims still live in fear

Praha/Budišov, 19.4.2014 19:12, (ROMEA) News server Č reports that 19 April marks five years from the moment when four right-wing extremists used Molotov cocktails to attack a home occupied by a Romani family in the Czech town of Vítkov. The perpetrators of the attack are behind bars for now.  full story

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International Renaissance Foundation: Stop Ethnic Violance in Slovyansk!

Slovyansk, 19.4.2014 16:46, (ROMEA) In Slovyansk, the Eastern Ukraine, separatists began riots targeted at Roma residing in the city. The armed separatists burst into houses inhabited by Roma, beaten and robbed them regardless of gender or age, UNIAN reports. According to this report, they have beaten even women and children. Separatists said that they operate under the direct order of their "people's mayor Vyacheslav Ponomarev". The armed men loaded the property of Roma families in the truck, eyewitnesses say.  full story

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Do the Czech courts believe "black swine" is not a racist insult?

České Budějovice, 19.4.2014 2:18, (ROMEA) News server reports that a court has sentenced 23 people for perpetrating last year's anti-Romani violence at the Máj housing estate in České Budějovice. Not one person was charged with or convicted of racial motivation.  full story

Commentary: Is Roma unemployment a cause or an effect?

Prague, 19.4.2014 0:24, (ROMEA) I find myself in complete agreement with representatives of the Czech Labor Office when it comes to the dead-end position of the Romani community here. They have said they consider Romani integration into society insufficient, and also that they fear further deterioration of the situation and the growth of right-wing extremism.  full story

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